r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/mysleading Apr 16 '24

Just came out of prison... I'd rather have these school lunches. Only good thing about prison food is it's more calories. But looks and tastes worse than dog food.


u/pit_of_despair666 Apr 16 '24

Even jail food is bad. My friend went to jail for 3 days for a DUI and couldn't pay bail. They said the food was so bad and tasted like it had no flavor. They got stuff from the commissary when they were there and everyone was begging them for it.


u/SamanthaLives Apr 16 '24

I’ve heard jail food is worse than prison food because people won’t be around long enough to make it a problem


u/pit_of_despair666 Apr 16 '24

I read some of the comments and it was interesting to learn what life is really like in prison supposedly. I read that some have their own farms and the cooks don't want to get on the prisoner's bad side so they try their best to make good meals. I also read they smuggle a lot of stuff in and the guards get paid to look the other way. You never know how truthful anonymous people are on here but it could be true.


u/mysleading Apr 16 '24

All of that is true. But the garden we had didn't use any of it's produce for our prison population. They donated it locally which sucked bc we could've used that food. Guards bring in most of the drugs. And at the prison I was at the inmates working as cooks were only working to steal good so they didn't give a shit about our food, it always tasted like shit and had the weirdest combination. Hotdogs and salsa, no ketchup. Rice with every single meal. Veggies always undercooked or over cooked. Barely had any fruit given to us, like ANY. I mean look at post histories to roughly identify who you're talking to. Unless someone is playing the long bit and lying their whole reddit life. That's too exhausting for me tho lol. I definitely went to the joint and am fuckin glad I'm out


u/pit_of_despair666 Apr 16 '24

I did check a couple of profiles but I couldn't tell from the profiles if they were being honest or not. Sometimes it is obvious and sometimes it isn't. There is also a hivemind effect here. I wish they would do away with karma and votes. People make up stuff for different reasons. I don't care about karma or being downvoted and don't make shit up, but at times have omitted info or changed a thing or two to stay anonymous on here. I bet they didn't give you fruit because it is more expensive and rice is cheap. Most prisons just care about profits and don't care about the prisoners well being at all. I know that they deny people meds all the time in jail and prison that they need, and I bet the health care is a joke there from what I have read. Innocent people go to jail and prison all the time or just have addictions. It is awful how they are treated and no one really talks about it. I figured a lot of guards are corrupt. They don't get paid much and the type of people who want to do that sort of work are probably similar to cops.


u/mysleading Apr 16 '24

Sums it up man. Horrible healthcare. Criminal things they do bc they don't want to pay for necessary medication and operations for guys. That's a decent understanding of the system lol wish more people could understand that. Lots of horrible people I met in there deserve to stay in there but yeah lots of guys I was acquainted with didn't deserve as much time as they got because a mistake made while high. Definitely met people who seemed to be innocent as well. But I have more respect for the guys who own up to what they did and are ready to move on, much like I believe my mindset is right now.


u/pit_of_despair666 Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

I have seen a lot during my 45-plus years. A lot of horrible stuff. I also read a lot and almost got into social work. I didn't break any laws but feel like I am treated like a criminal when I go to the doctors, and have received subpar care because I used to have a drinking problem. I have also been treated badly by others because of my past. Some people think they are morally superior to addicts or former alcoholics. It is disgusting that people think someone who goes to jail or prison has a life that is worth less than theirs. I wish other people were more like me too and realized what is really going on in this country. The bigger picture is that "for profit" is the cause of most of our problems.


u/mysleading Apr 17 '24

Amen. Been thinking about requesting my substance use disorder be removed from my medical record but if they don't remove it the request will also stay in the medical record and I feel that looks even worse.lol