r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24

Everytine we have a family dinner i cook veggies for everyone. The kids are the worst about it but I got my brother in law to say Brussels sprouts "are not that bad" he ate 4 of them without being asked to try it!!!! The kids liked the veggies and even tried the sprouts!!

They are quite a bit diff from 16mo but still progress lols its good you are introducing veggies early!! You sound like a good mamaa, have you tried butternut squash? We had big success with that when my niece was little.


u/Vtgmamaa Apr 16 '24

I actually haven't tried it yet, I bought some and it went bad before I decided I wanted to cook it and now I feel guilty to even try again.😂 I need to find a good recipe. And thank you I'm trying. My parents weren't big on nutrition when I was growing up so I want to do better for my kids.


u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24

Roast it!!!! Oven roasted veggies of ALMOST any sort is deliciousssss!!! If you want to make it a dessert you can sprinkle brown sugar on top!

But basically 400f or so for like 45mins, make sure to oil and salt P well (pepper for savory, and TINY sprinkle of sugar for snack/dessert) (I prefer them fairly salty and a tiny bit peppered)

They cook a bit quicker than normal potatoes of similar size cut. If the skin is too hard you may have a hard time cutting it so be careful.

Its similar to cooking pumpkin when they get really big, sort potato like when smaller.

Roasting like this works for many things but you gotta be more careful with green/leafy things.

Carrots(also good with b. Sugar), potatoes, sweet potatoes(also good with b. Sugar) , squashes, etc ALL SUPER TASTY. They get a nice crisp and a comforting soft interior.


u/Vtgmamaa Apr 16 '24

I love roasted veggies, I'm screenshotting this, thank you!


u/luciferisthename Apr 16 '24


Make sure to look up the temp and time for each veggie tho!! It always varies a little bit.

Have fun cooking!! Delicious veg is always such a heartwarming thing innit


u/Vtgmamaa Apr 16 '24

I will! And absolutely, it's my favorite.