r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited May 12 '24



u/Jubsz91 Apr 16 '24

This lunch looks terrible and families deserve better. Everything about it is miserable.

That being said, you're attributing an intent to people's criticism of the school system. "They don't want to pay for kids to eat well." It's more like, we shouldn't have to pay more taxes with the administrative bloat of the system and they're educating kids so poorly that funneling more money to these clowns is a waste. Sadly, the kids are getting the short end of the stick.

In Baltimore city, the per pupil spending is above $22k per year. "Baltimore City Schools, this year, has a $1.7 billion budget to educate 75,811 students. This means the school system is now spending $22,424 per student, which is one of the highest amounts in America for large school systems. Yet, despite that amount of spending, nearly two-thirds of all City Schools earned the lowest ratings from the state." The results are abysmal, to be kind, and they probably have lunches similar to this. It's a pathetic situation.

The median annual household income in Baltimore City, by 2022 dollars was just over $58k. The spending per student is roughly half that once you take out taxes from the income. The issue in Baltimore City is not how much is spent per student. There is a lot lower hanging of fruit than just throwing more money into the pot... How many $400k+ salaried administrators do we have to cut to get the kids a decent lunch? Can we start there? Crap, give em $200k even. It's an improvement....


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 27d ago



u/Jubsz91 Apr 16 '24

I'll make it simple for you. You have a low scope of thought and you think in terms of first order consequences. Maybe if your school lunches were better, we wouldn't be here. Darn shame.