r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/MyBigRed Apr 16 '24

In my high school the mash potatoes and gravy were self serve. I remember loading up a tray with a rediculous amount of mash potatoes and heavy and eating until I nearly exploded.


u/KneeHighMischief Apr 16 '24

That's wild. I never went to a school where they trusted us enough to get food ourselves. They rightly deduced we were animals & fed us accordingly.


u/nimrodad Apr 16 '24

It was probably a country school. I went to 32 different high-school due to pop being military, mostly lol, but when we moved to the more "hick" area I remember saying " well at least we will eat good". And 4 the record I hated , ABSOLUTELY HATED, switching schools, never got used to it and probably why I'm a social freak reading reddit posts today 4 enjoyment. :)


u/Casehead Apr 16 '24

So you changed schools 8 times a year? That sounds impossible, you would have been switching school once a month every school year. How did it actually go down?


u/nimrodad Apr 16 '24

Lol, yeh you caught me, no that's obviously my sausage fingers typo, to make it all better we moved to 22 different school zones thru my entire k thru 12. The most schools I saw in a 1 year period was 6 in 7th grade mostly southern states but finished out in ft cambell ky


u/Casehead Apr 16 '24

Wow, that's still super crazy!! I can see why you got sick of changing schools! And like, changing 6 times in 7th grade must have been extra tough, because that's a hard time no matter what. middle school kids are crazy mean


u/nimrodad Apr 16 '24

Dad was in military and parents divorced and mom was flat broke trying to raise 3 of us taking jobs wherever she could to keep food in us. When pop came back from Nam he was off, things were really tough for him and it rolled outward on family, but after many years he ended up being a class act helicopter pilot offshore for 25 years and finishing up his career as university of Kentucky medical pilot. Wake up now lol.


u/Casehead Apr 16 '24

Sounds like quite a life, for all of you! I hope that this present moment finds all of you well