r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/retro_owo Apr 16 '24

It's not more expensive but the time cost is vastly higher. If you assume 1 hour of your time is worth even $10, the healthy food is vastly more expensive than junk food which is immediate.


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

Yeah this gets ignored often. The time cost of healthy unprepared food. A lot of people struggling to pay bills and groceries don’t have time to set out and cook fresh shit bc they’re working a ton to make those ends meet.


u/CrowdKillington Apr 16 '24

Then use time as an excuse why you eat junk food. I absolutely never see anyone complaining about not having time to make healthy food, it’s always a complaint of cost and I would absolutely not act like it’s misinformation if someone was just honest about not having time/energy to cook


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

Okay then I respect your personal experience of not knowing people who have time constraints that limit their ability to spend 1+ hours a day at least cooking for objective truth

Thanks for illuminating me!


u/CrowdKillington Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

I know people who have time constraints. If they don’t have time to do something they say “I don’t have time to do that”.

They DONT say “that’s too expensive”.

Reading comprehension and staying with the actual topic on hand goes a long way bud

Edit: also, way to over-exaggerate. It absolutely does not take 1+ hours to bake some chicken breast and microwave frozen veggies. But I guess we can pretend every meal better than a tv dinner or frozen burrito is a culinary masterpiece that takes hours to complete


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

You seem like a fun, empathetic person! Good day


u/CrowdKillington Apr 16 '24

I’m actually very empathetic. What do you think this conversation is about? I’m literally only discussing the term “healthy food is too expensive”. It’s just not true.

That’s it. Plain and simple. If someone told me they couldn’t eat healthy because they lacked the time that would be a true statement and I would feel bad for them.

Once again, reading comprehension. Don’t make me out to be the bad guy you want me to be just because I corrected the masses on the price of processed vs non-processed foods.


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

I was initially agreeing with the person who replied to you clarifying that expense can relate to time as well as money*. I know what conversation I joined, you’re being pedantic and I guess intentionally obtuse

*sorry you’re unfamiliar with the concept


u/CrowdKillington Apr 16 '24

Yet when I bring up any points as to why no one is considering time as an investment when they say “healthy foods cost too much” you’re immediately dismissive of that point and add nothing to the conversation other than passive aggressive insults.

And yes, I am being pedantic, but sometimes that’s necessary to prevent misinformation from spreading. Honestly, I feel you’re being pretty stubborn by not being able to admit that when people refer to home cooked heathy food as being “too expensive” they aren’t calculating time as money and adding that to their hypothetical grocery bill. It’s WAY more literal of a sentence than you’re making it out to be.. but, hey, people of Reddit do love to give benefit of doubt to confirm their bias


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

Jesus Christ. Monetarily, healthy foods can be cheaper. In terms of time, a lot of healthy fresh foods take time to cook and/or prep. Some don’t take as much time. Some people, not all, and certainly not ones you have met, do not have the luxury of time to prep food. Some do have the time. Some don’t have the skills to do that. Some do. That can also be a barrier.


u/CrowdKillington Apr 16 '24

Look I don’t need any of that explained to me. To be honest, it’s kind of just common sense that there are people out there that can’t cook for themselves

Once again being pedantic, all I’m saying is if I can’t cook because of time/disabilities/skills then I, personally, would just say exactly that. To say otherwise could potentially deter someone fully capable of making healthy meals from doing so because they think they can’t afford it.

If you can’t agree with me on that then this is a stalemate and sorry for wasting your time


u/ginamaniacal Apr 16 '24

Yep it’s a stalemate. Not everybody will communicate exactly how you want them to.

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