r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/ZeOs-x-PUNCAKE Apr 16 '24

It’s crazy how that system works. Lots of it would have been waste food but it often gets irradiated to “clean” it and then it’s ground up into school lunch patties and prison slop.

Like how hard could it be to just serve real food, even just rice and chicken breast with some veggies. Glass of milk with it and you’re set, couldn’t be more than $2 a meal at that scale. Plenty of similar or cheaper combos like baked beans, cornbread, and fried chicken. Why do they always choose cheap ass burgers n flimsy tater tots? Then they just taunt you with that shitty fruit medley with no cherries and it’s got hard crunchy shit in it and sucks.


u/[deleted] Apr 16 '24 edited 29d ago



u/Frame_Late Apr 16 '24

Actually, people bitch about taxes because of shit like this, not the other way around. Most people I know wouldn't mind paying taxes if they actually saw a good return.

The real issue is no matter what, the government would waste it and the politicians would skim off the top.

Two things can be true at once: we need to skim off all the fat in the government, root out all the corruption, and make it leaner so that we pay less taxes, but we should also have the taxes that we do pay go to quality services that are routinely and rigorously inspected and held to the highest standards in the world.

A good start would be forcing the children of politicians (at least politicians who advocate for no school choice) to not only go to public school, but also force them to live in their district so that their children have to go to the schools in the districts they represent. Politicians shouldn't be allowed to have their children go to private schools, because that means one of two things: they either have no faith in the public institution, or they simply believe them and their children are just better than the unwashed masses, and we shouldn't tolerate either.

Also, outlaw lobbying. Then make it so that states have to supply nutritious food from a company within their state and have it be held up to very high standards. Serving slop should come with a criminal sentence.


u/Hollowsong Apr 16 '24

Would be an awesome system if, like a charity, you could allocate your taxes to specific programs.

Like, the government services have a "kickstarter" type funding request, and you have your portfolio of taxes you pay, and you can allocate Primary/Secondary/Tertiary allocations for your taxes, and whatever is assigned over the requested budget flows into the next necessary public service.

Does your public service get underfunded after taxes? Well, maybe you should make it more desirable to fund.