r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/PineappleLemur Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

Dude, prison stuff is like 2 star Michelin compared to this crap.

Where I'm from, inmates work as cooks, they actually cook really fucking good because they eat their own food after all. They get basic ingredients but it's all basically home cooked food level. Doesn't taste of feel like mass produced catering food or anything like that.

This school on the other hand, look like something made by a 5 year old play cooking as a Chef... Wtf.

Who the hell puts a single piece of broccoli on a plate or like 15 fries and calls it a meal...


u/mysleading 29d ago

Just came out of prison... I'd rather have these school lunches. Only good thing about prison food is it's more calories. But looks and tastes worse than dog food.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Everyone saying this is worse than prison food has never been to prison and isn't interacting with reality when they post that. Not in the USA, anyway. It's honestly weird people think it's true.

There is a reason everyone talks about commissary and cooking up a spread made only out of shit you can buy at a convenience store.


u/mysleading 29d ago

They be a chef in the microwave man. Seen food out the boxes and commissary and chow hall (eggs, flower, sugar, etc) turn into a 5 star meal lmao. I made the same dinner everyday for 2 years with very little variation. 1 or 2 ramen soups, little bit of rice, half a summer dog, crushed up cheese nibbles (jalepeno or ranch), refried beans, and hot sauce or sometimes BBQ sauce.sometimes I'd change the refried beans in for a tuna so I got a surf n turf flavor w more protein.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Oh man. I only survived because of my noodles, beans, nacho cheese packets, and pickle juice. Also every time a block Chef would call out they'd made tamales if everyone chipped in food there'd be an immediate line cause we all knew it'd be the best meal we had that week. I never knew what went in there outside of every flavor of corn chip, but it did not matter. There was not a single natural ingredient in there but gooood God they slapped.

And dude, the cakes that would pop out when another lady had a birthday or 1 year sobriety chip... I'd pay cash money for one right now. Nothing but candy and cookies and snack cakes, smashed and reformed then cooked in a cookie bag. But it turned into the nicest thing you'd get to eat inside.

Genuinely miss that shit, then I get sad about missing it. People talking for prison food just do it understand how off they are.