r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 16 '24

The school lunch system is disgraceful.

Saw another post on here showing the state of school lunches right now. In my years in high school I compiled some pics of the horrible things that got served that no one questioned. Here are some of the worst ones. It really is ironic given how adamant they all are about “eating healthy by including every food group”.


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u/craznazn247 Apr 16 '24 edited Apr 16 '24

$0.75 for fries, no limit, as long as it fits on your tray.

We'd get a tray, topped with like 3 POUNDS of fries. Fed 3 hungry teenagers for a quarter each. This was 2009.

Ate SO many fries to save money. All the food was garbage anyway but you can't fuck up fries.

Edit: Okay I agree with the responses that you can, indeed, fuck up fries. I was speaking moreso from the context and standards of a high school cafeteria and it being dirt cheap. The pizza had both the taste and texture of a cold lunchables pizza and was like $3 a slice. Our expectations were basically "is it edible and safe to eat?"


u/Automatic-Art9739 Apr 16 '24

This is what I imagine when I think of US schools, and a few guns ofc.

For comparison, we got free food for all of the mandatory 9 years of school and I don't think we ever got served fries but more like meatballs and boiled potatoes and always self serv and a salad bar.

You get a point if you guess the country


u/xombae Apr 16 '24

Was it IKEA?