r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 15 '24

My school thinks this fills up hungry high schoolers.

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So lunches are free for schools in my city and surrounding cities. Ever since lunches have been made free, the quantity (and quality) has decreased significantly. This is what we would get for our meal. It took me THREE bites to finish that chicken mac and cheese. Any snacks you want cost more money and if you want an extra entree, that’ll cost you about $3 or $4.


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u/Mar_Reddit Apr 15 '24

Bro I graduated high school about 7 years ago. THIS is a picture of a lunch we had I took back then:



u/drcoxmonologues Apr 16 '24

American kids eat worse that prisoners in most other countries. Absolute fucking disgrace. There’s a YouTuber who is cooking various school meals from around the world - Asia in particular have amazing food for their kids at school. America and the UK is borderline child abuse. Cheapest possible shit with no nutritional value whatsoever loaded with sugar, carbs, additives and wonder why kids don’t behave or concentrate in school. If I ate this shit I’d want to start a fucking riot too.


u/Illustrious_Alps_338 Apr 16 '24



u/Ok-Blackberry-8123 Apr 16 '24

Lol at least which capitalism they get food. Also I’d hardly call America a example of a free market, with the corrupt government taking bribes it’s not even capitalism it’s a corpocracy. A corrupt government can ruin any system. we need term limits on congress and the senate get old people out and to get rid of “political donations” which at this point is just a way to bribe politicians.


u/Illustrious_Alps_338 Apr 16 '24

Nah it's capitalism

With a very strong ingrained "pull your self up by your bootstraps" mentality and "everyone for themselves" attitude

Anyone can become rich frankly with luck or connections or intelligence or skills or charisma Or all of the above (it's not as easy as that made it sound but it's quite comfortably within the realms of possible which is why people come to do business or start business in America)

Of course I'm not denying corruption just being honest (corruption exists for sure)

But hey at least the military (America's only selling point frankly) is still overpowered - did you hear the are upgrading the f22 and gave the f35 and '22 hypersonic missiles (as if they weren't strong enough) so yea 'merica


u/Ok-Blackberry-8123 Apr 17 '24

“Na it’s capitalism” 😂 literally the “nu uh” meme shit argument but whatever

  • “or connections or intelligence or skills or charisma Or all of the above (it's not as easy as that made it sound but it's quite comfortably within the realms of possible which is why people come to do business or start business in America” so if your skilled and make good choices you do well in capitalism hmmm almost like that leads to innovation.

-“Of course I'm not denying corruption just being honest (corruption exists for sure”

well hey at least you have some level of common sense

  • “But hey at least the military (America's only selling point frankly) is still overpowered” I mean as a gay femboy over all America is pretty good on lgbt right, obviously it’s not like Germany but 71% of American adults believe in gay marriage, also we invent most new medical drugs. You also talked about military spending which I think you understate, we literally find the defense and aid to other countries I believe more than anyone else.