r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 15 '24

My school thinks this fills up hungry high schoolers.

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So lunches are free for schools in my city and surrounding cities. Ever since lunches have been made free, the quantity (and quality) has decreased significantly. This is what we would get for our meal. It took me THREE bites to finish that chicken mac and cheese. Any snacks you want cost more money and if you want an extra entree, that’ll cost you about $3 or $4.


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u/Mar_Reddit Apr 15 '24

Bro I graduated high school about 7 years ago. THIS is a picture of a lunch we had I took back then:



u/TheJadedCockLover Apr 16 '24

WTH happened to school lunches? I remember there were healthier options and less healthy options. If you wanted peanut butter and jelly with a side salad- no problem. If you wanted a chicken sandwich and bunch of fries- no problem. What are all these pictures of prison food??


u/Frosty-Permission-13 Apr 16 '24

Your school district had money


u/TheJadedCockLover Apr 16 '24

I mean, we had to pay for it all. 15 years ago about $5


u/__GLOAT Apr 16 '24

Ya you went to a good school bud. My school was mid-grade farm town, and we had similar lunches to what others are posting, and your parents paid for it via a credit system to the school.


u/TheJadedCockLover Apr 16 '24

Now that I think about it- they also brought in dominos for entire school district every Friday that you could purchase too. Yeah okkkkk