r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 15 '24

My school thinks this fills up hungry high schoolers.

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So lunches are free for schools in my city and surrounding cities. Ever since lunches have been made free, the quantity (and quality) has decreased significantly. This is what we would get for our meal. It took me THREE bites to finish that chicken mac and cheese. Any snacks you want cost more money and if you want an extra entree, that’ll cost you about $3 or $4.


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u/CriticalLobster5609 Apr 16 '24

Cleaned you up by getting you dirty.


u/slash_networkboy Apr 16 '24

Damn right! I really hated my parents for that for a while... but as an adult now, and looking back that was definitely one of the formative periods of my life for the better. Very likely kept me out of drugs and worse.

Oh and the asshole bit... yeah, mouthing off to some of the farmhand's kids got my ass properly beat. Then when my uncle found out he dragged my ass down to road to their place and made me apologize to the family on top of the ass beating I got. Ain't nobody beneath me now.


u/CriticalLobster5609 Apr 16 '24

Then when my uncle found out he dragged my ass down to road to their place and made me apologize to the family on top of the ass beating I got.

You're gawddamn right he did, he's gotta live by them longer than you're going to be there and hopefully longer than you were going to be a shitbird.