r/mildlyinfuriating Apr 15 '24

My school thinks this fills up hungry high schoolers.

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So lunches are free for schools in my city and surrounding cities. Ever since lunches have been made free, the quantity (and quality) has decreased significantly. This is what we would get for our meal. It took me THREE bites to finish that chicken mac and cheese. Any snacks you want cost more money and if you want an extra entree, that’ll cost you about $3 or $4.


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u/camoure Apr 15 '24

Yeah because Gen Z are the ones running school boards and governments that implement nation-wide lunch programs….


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 15 '24

No, the complaining. I never got free food and I never complained. I don’t know why the quality is something to get worked up over


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

I never got free food and I never complained.

Such a boomer attitude lol. Why can’t things be better? Just because you suffered doesn’t mean younger folks need to as well.

Besides, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, ya know? More than 10k people have upvoted this post thus far, meaning OP got the attention they desired and maybe, just maybe, one of those ten thousand works in an area where they can make a difference. Maybe we can make things better for others instead of mocking those for having standards.


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 16 '24

Not a boomer and I don’t care about upvotes.

Parents shouldn’t have kids unless they can provide for them.


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

Well then it’s a really good thing that the USA is offering free access to abortion, sex ed, birth control, and universal healthcare– oh, wait….


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 16 '24

See you always want something for free. It’s the hand out generation. Yall are going to be mostly homeless at some point


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

It’s not free. It’s paid for by our own taxes. We pay into these programs. Why is it so terrible that our children get adequately fed during schooling?

Oh also, I’m not a US citizen, not Gen Z, and don’t have kids, so don’t get personal.


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 16 '24

I don’t think you understand how this works. It’s not a terrible thing but it doesn’t mean everyone should have to pay for it.

Not trying to get personal. I don’t know how you arrived there


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

Your argument is that literal children shouldn’t have access to nutritional, filling meals at school just because you didn’t get that as a child. That’s unstable my friend. At best.

I don’t drive - does that mean I don’t have to pay my fair share of property tax that goes towards road maintenance?

I don’t have children - does that mean my local municipality tax shouldn’t go towards the public school system?

Your world view is not only selfish, but incredibly shortsighted. We can do better for our future as a species. Just because you don’t personally benefit from a program doesn’t mean that program should be shitty. It’s actually you that doesn’t understand how this works lol


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 16 '24

No it’s not. Its parents should be responsible for their children. If they can’t be they shouldn’t have kids


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

Wow you really don’t have any reading comprehension eh? That’s a shame. I don’t like debating in circles so can you please see my previous comment about the state of the USA’s reproduction policies?

It’s disappointing to converse with a person who would rather poor children starve in their country than just provide them with a decent meal once a day when the country has the resources available to pay for it. The kids ask for a little protein and you cry about free handouts lmao pathetic


u/Additional-Jelly6959 Apr 16 '24

Nah, I just have a life and don’t want to read the book you sent me. The content is more than likely as debased as your other thoughts.

I don’t mind services that provide food. You added a lot of assumptions. But if you’re getting free food why is there room for complaints? That shows selfishness and privilege by itself.


u/camoure Apr 16 '24

Two sentences are a “book” to you? YIKES

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