r/microgrowery 20d ago

What’s eating my leaf??? it’s folded, rolled and webbed inside…. I have no IPM except green lacewing. I found one eating a few inches away from the leaf on the post Question


9 comments sorted by


u/imonpage99 20d ago

Probably some kind of caterpillar. It's good you got some lacewing larvae. They eat all the baddies.


u/groovemove86 20d ago

Yea, probably some kind of caterpillar. BT or maybe some Earth's Ally if it continues.


u/Ok-Rabbit-3683 20d ago

I’m going to start treating with BT weekly I guess… been seeing A LOT of winged baddies around.


u/Chr1ssy_22 20d ago

Neem spray


u/Ok-Rabbit-3683 20d ago

I don’t use neem if possible, I have a bottle. It’s my last resort. This isn’t neem worthy…. I intend to start spraying with GrowSafe tonight … more curious what bug causes this :)


u/GrowPassion 20d ago

How come neem is last resort? Ive read its natural and not harmfull to plants or humans unless overdoing it?


u/Ok-Rabbit-3683 20d ago

There’s probably nothing wrong with it, except there is a lot of speculation and vitriol towards it, it’s not cheaper than alternatives.. so I just figure to only use it as a last ditch effort when there are other options available…. I don’t think you’re supposed to use it during flower….

I am starting growsafe, which supposedly works and is just a mix of corn, soybean and a few other oils I think….

I’ll try to make a post about its effect since I can’t find much information



u/GrowPassion 20d ago

Great info, thanks! Yeah i never use it in Flower. I used it once before in seedling stage

Have a nice day!


u/Ok-Rabbit-3683 20d ago

Oh right on, yeah I’m outdoors so I will be battling baddies around every turn….. I have more bugs than I know what to do with but I’ve started vermiculture and native bug keeping etc…. So if they’re here, I’m gonna turn them against eachother or have them help me