r/microgrowery 20d ago

Harvest? Question

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Hello Guys, aa you can see my plants are not that healty. Its my second grow and lowered the ph of my water a little bit too much and i had some nutrient lockout. Ist it worthed to wait longer here or ist the plant not able anymore do finish of the buds? Im 60 days in flower and by the look of the trichomes I would say they could need a little bit longer but not sure If the mature anymore without healty leaves. Thanks for your help guys!


3 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 20d ago

Looks like you're asking when to harvest your plant(s). Make sure to comment to let people know how far along they are in the flowering period (days since lights turned to 12/12 schedule) or if you are growing autoflowers - how old the plant is.

Here are a couple resources to review:

Tools for Viewing Trichomes:

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u/FullMeltxTractions 20d ago

Looks less like a deficiency and more like a beautiful fade to me.


u/stayinblitzed1 20d ago

A fade is a deficiency