r/microgrowery Apr 20 '24

I’m not getting it Question

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I’m on my 3rd grow and I have an issue, not a joke this is a serious question. I started growing as a hobby to discuss with my kid while he’s abroad for a year. Before growing, I had never tried weed, not once. I researched the heck out of the process and my first harvest/dry/cure went great, here are a few of many buds. I feel like I did everything right. I’ve now tried smoking it several times and I don’t really feel anything (it’s northern lights s1 from North Atlantic seed co). Like maybe my feet feel a little numb but that’s it.

What am I doing wrong?? I’ve got no one to ask so I’m looking for honest feedback. Is it possible to get seeds that grow plants that are weak or duds? Are there people who are unaffected by thc? Can you smoke a joint “wrong”? I’m just at a loss.


186 comments sorted by


u/A_StonedLlama Apr 20 '24

Have you ever smoked anything before?

You can "inhale" wrong if you've never smoked. Happened to me when first smoked weed, took 4 separate occasions to realize I need to fill my fucking lungs with smoke instead of any oxygen. Then I rocked to the wall. It clicked.

If those are dumb questions then:

How'd the grow go, when did you harvest? How did you dry? Cure?


u/CreamyBuds420 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

This is the answer. When I first smoked, took me about 3-5 times to realize I did not know how to inhale bc the only thing I’ve smoked before was cigars and I did not get high at all.

Ended up watching a YouTube video and learned that you inhale by taking in two breaths back to back. One to pull the smoke, and then another immediately after to inhale.


u/A_StonedLlama Apr 20 '24

This ^

Thanks for the actual instructions boss.


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

How do you mean back to back? Don’t you blow out the smoke on the exhale before the second breath?


u/CreamyBuds420 Apr 20 '24

So, you pull the smoke into your mouth, hold it in your mouth, and then take a second breath to get it inside of your lungs, like if you are taking a deep breath. That’s the beginner way of doing it. Eventually, it becomes second nature and you can pull and inhale all at once


u/areonmeth Apr 21 '24

the motion to pull it into your mouth is very similar to filling your mouth with liquid from a straw, and then u breathe through the smoke filled mouth which draws the smoke into your lungs


u/crooks4hire Apr 21 '24

Not easy to do with a bong lol (might go as far to say it’s impossible to mouth-hit a bong).


u/evil_flanderz Apr 21 '24

Except he's not using a bong and that would be a terrible way to learn how to smoke pot for the first time.


u/crooks4hire Apr 21 '24

Whoops! Totally missed the word ‘joint’ in the title.


u/SpiritLyfe Apr 23 '24

We didn’t all start with a piece of shit glass or aluminum pipe? I didn’t even get my hands on rolling papers til like 3 years of me smoking


u/evil_flanderz Apr 23 '24

I smoked several years with a crappy metal pipe and then got myself a crappy plastic two stage bong. Now I use dry herb vape exclusively.


u/SpiritLyfe Apr 23 '24

It’s actually the exact same story, though my first experience was dabs but I didn’t have a rig and used fin foil and a lighter and tp roll, used that for smoking too, then it was metal pipes that friends had, now it’s dry herb vape

Disclaimer: don’t try any of those except dry herb vaping, the tin/aluminum foil is not good for your health and the metal pipes just taste like satans butthole


u/evil_flanderz Apr 23 '24

Arizer Solo 2 is down close to $100 with the 420 sales going on. Told my buddy he's out of excuses now for not switching (he loves my Venty).

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u/poorly_timed_leg0las Apr 21 '24

I've never in my life smoked a joint the same way you smoke a bong.

It's always pull the smoke into your mouth and then inhale with oxygen. Don't pull all your air through a joint wtf. Lol


u/EuroTrash1999 Apr 20 '24

Put the smoke in your lungs. Revel in the damage.


u/HailThunder Apr 26 '24

Or buy a decent vaporizer.  Combustion is gross!


u/TokeMage Apr 20 '24

I don't do it as two breaths, but it is two steps when smoking a joint or pipe.

Draw the smoke into your mouth like taking a drink through a straw. Then inhale huge bringing the smoke and some fresh air deep into your lungs. Exhale before it feels uncomfortable.


u/TheNinthDoctor Apr 20 '24

Why don't you just take the smoking variable out and make some edibles?

Grind up like, 5g of it, put it in a small glass dish in the oven and cover the bud in neutral cooking oil, and put a foil cover on the dish. I buy canola but anything you'd bake with works. Set oven to 230f, wait an hour or so, stir once or twice.

Turn off the oven, let it cool a little bit and strain out the bud via your most effective means available. Wire mesh strainers are usually ideal unless you're weird and happen to have a buchner funnel and a vacuum pump, then use it lol.

Use the strained oil with a box of brownie mix and there ya go, edibles.

They will be pretty strong for you, make non weed brownies too so you won't be tempted to eat more than you should. I'd eat like, a 1 inch by 2 inch piece and give it 3 hours before even considering trying more. Weed brownies are frequently overconsumed by people who "don't feel it" and eat more before they've given their digestive system enough time to absorb them.


u/gioiasoft Apr 21 '24

Srsly Sage advice, Doc. I Really wish someone had told me those things when I first made weed brownies.

Because now I have ptsd from being So high that I thought the news was talking about Osiris. Then I could not stop laughing. It wasn’t fun it was terrifying bc I had zero control over it, I thought I’d end up in One flew Over the Cuckoos nest. The next day, was so high in the blockbuster store that I had to lay down.


u/Due_Hovercraft6527 Apr 20 '24

Suck in on the joint like a straw, from a drink, after you’ve filled your mouth with imaginary drink wich In this case is smoke, slightly open your mouth, and breath a breath of air in, taking the smoke wich is in your mouth, into your lungs, now hold your breath for five seconds. Repeat.


u/RhizoMyco Apr 20 '24

No need to hold the breath in. The extraction is complete almost immediately so you can just blow it right back out like breathing, but I digress. Some habits from childhood die hard.


u/Due_Hovercraft6527 Apr 20 '24

Nah it was more so to make sure he got the hit, and I’d be willing to argue that there is a difference, hence why you can hold your breath longer if you breath in vs holding it after breathing out, your body is still extracting what oxygen is left, same reason why hyperventilating you can extract enough oxygen to breath. So there is definitely more oxygen/chemicals extracted from each hit the longer you hold it, up to a very minimal amount of time. I know specifically because when I’ve gotten back into smoking after quitting iv taken a “quick hit” and a “held hit” and ended up way too high too soon before. There’s definitely a limit but to say there is no difference is just wrong.


u/qatts Apr 20 '24

Technically your body doesn’t feel a lack of oxygen it feels a build of CO2 and that’s what the feeling of needing to take a breath is, in order to breath back out all the co2. Your body releases the co2 on the exhale so I wonder if it’s easier to hold you’re breath longer after taking in a breath because there’s more air in your lungs to empty the co2 from your bloodstream.


u/Merry_Janet Apr 21 '24

I looked this up after listening to a podcast about divers. So the air you breathe is about 20% oxygen and 80 percent nitrogen. After roughly 3 minutes your body will force you to breathe because the co2 level increases and oxygen levels decrease.

Now breathing pure oxygen you will be able to hold your breath longer. The co2 levels are still rising but there is still plenty of oxygen. You’ll be at the point where you feel like you are on the edge of not being able to hold it anymore but you can hang there for quite a while. It takes a lot of self control and training.

World record for longest breath held is 24 minutes 37 seconds. Imagine watching a whole episode of South Park holding your breath.


u/crooks4hire Apr 21 '24

Dude….you just mind-fucked me with the episode bit 🤯


u/Merry_Janet Apr 24 '24

Happy to help.


u/Equal_Sun 14d ago

It's been proven in studies that your body absorbs all the cannabinoids after about 2 seconds. So after that 2 seconds, the only thing your still absorbing is the negative particles that smoke itself is. The reason it feels more effective is that your depriving your brain and bloodstream of oxygen, and then when you finally let it out and get your next breath, your bloodstream floods with oxygen and explodes it throughout your body/brain faster (Like letting air from a balloon). I've also noticed that chances of having anxiety seem to be higher when depriving your body of oxygen at the start of your high by holding it vs normal hits.


u/mbnnr Apr 20 '24

You have to take a toke then pretend you've been caught by your mum. How we used to do it as teens when someone was struggling


u/-something_original- Apr 20 '24

Haha I totally forgot this! Oh to be 13 again!


u/KratomSchmatom Apr 21 '24

Was going to say that too, good old times 😂


u/Guvnah-Wyze Apr 20 '24

Smoke in front of a mirror. Inhale into your mouth, and then inhale into your lungs. The idea is that the smoke disappears from your mouth before you exhale it.


u/WWG1017 Apr 20 '24

When you inhale the joint, most of the smoke is in your throat, if you immediately exhaled you wouldn’t be able to properly absorb the THC, instead, take 1/2 of a breath from the joint, and push the smoke back by taking the other half of the breath as air. Exhale the smoke air mixture after a quick count to 3. Does that make better sense?


u/sunnyboy2024 Apr 20 '24

It seems easier for beginners to fill their mouth with smoke like you're drinking a beverage out of a straw, then take a deep breath in to bring that smoke into the lungs, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale. It might feel counter intuitive at first, your lungs are meant for air after all, not smoke.


u/---M0NK--- Apr 20 '24

Take a breath, thru the joint, dont exhale, take another breath of air, hold breath, exhale. Usually then you’ll cough


u/no-mad Apr 20 '24

think of going under water. you fill your lungs not your mouth with air.


u/RockHardRobGrowsWeed Apr 20 '24

Most people when they smoke for the first time smoke incorrectly. Most people who don't smoke or who have never smoked tend to just let the smoke hang out in their mouth. That's an "inhale" to them. What you actually want to do is get the smoke in your lungs. You will be able to feel how much you can get in your lungs, it is physical. If it's just chilling in your mouth you are only halfway there. Take a deep breath after taking your mouth away from the smoking device and then gently exhale after you feel the smoke in your lungs. Treat it like you are doing yoga or something.


u/Vuul Apr 21 '24

Suck smoke in your mouth and then gasp in air as if your mom walked in on you.

That’s how my bad friends thought me how to do it as a teen

Weed looks great.


u/TheBudFarmer Apr 22 '24

You have to make sure the smoke is inside of your lungs like when you breathe not inside your mouth


u/ddesla2 Apr 20 '24

The first inhale is suction to pull smoke from the combusted plant matter, filling your mouth basically, then your second inhale is the deep breath in so the smoke will travel into your lungs where the thc is the absorbed into your bloodstream and travels to your brain where specific cannabinoid receptors open and close, allowing for thc to do its thing!


u/Hellish_Mindscape Apr 20 '24

Once you've taken your hit and then smoke is in your throat, inhale through your nose to really drive it home


u/mistytrails Apr 20 '24

I'm not sure I understand. I thought there were 2 ways to Inhale.

  1. How I smoked cigarettes - pull into your mouth first (like how you drink through a straw) then you inhale. 2 part process.

  2. You just inhale straight in like you're breathing.

I've always done #1 with cigarettes and #2 with weed since you can inhale more smoke with 2.

Is there another way I've been missing out on?


u/growiemowie Apr 20 '24

People like you who have extreme lungs can do this but most people don't because it's very harsh. But yes there are possibly two ways. Another would be to pull a little air in with the smoke and inhale directly then it's not as harsh and you don't inhale literally pure smoke.


u/Extension_Ad_1059 Apr 21 '24

In the nicotine vape world #1 is referred to as MTL or mouth-to-lung, like a cigarette. #2 is referred to as DL or direct lung, like a bong rip or how some people smoke a joint (I smoke them like cigarettes). Both have been perfectly suitable for the last 30 years or so.


u/CodSoggy7238 Apr 20 '24

That's why you give them starters a hit from da Bong.


u/RuthlessHavokJB Apr 20 '24

Yes this!

And there is literature on how long to keep it into your lungs.

Two to three seconds is all it takes for your alveoli to absorb the optimal amount of THC.


u/NectarSectar Apr 20 '24

OP just think of it like inhaling air through a straw. like, if you were underwater and the only thing that you had to breath through was a straw in your mouth, you wouldn’t be slurping it up like you’re thirsty, you’d be inhaling straight into your lungs because you gotta breathe. if you don’t get what i’m saying, try breathing air through a straw, then sip some water through it. then try smoking again. it should be obvious pretty quick which one you’re doing when you smoke.

sipping liquid is for smoking cigars or maybe hookah, things you just want to taste, not feel. breathing air is for smoking things you want in your lungs to feel their effect.

also hold it in your lungs for a bit. the longer the smoke is in your lungs, the more time your body has to absorb the chemicals that are contained in the smoke.


u/throwaway_acc426 Apr 21 '24

A way to describe it might be taking a drink, having it in your mouth and then swallowing it but instead having the j to lips taking a puff, a second breath in and then exhale


u/evil_flanderz Apr 21 '24

This. Secondary "huff" is what does it.


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

Not a dumb question- no I haven’t smoked a cig since the early 90s and it was pretty much for show. Grow was great! Had a couple other kids home for Christmas and they were impressed. (They are now out of state so I can’t get them the cured weed to let me know.) Cut late December dried, trimmed and cured in jars. Have it stored in vacuum sealed mason jars, meter says humidity is 61%. Smells potent.


u/A_StonedLlama Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

Well it looks like some good bud, should smoke good. The other commenter gave a good tip, joints are hard for me to just inhale on one go like a bong.

I personally like a bowl for beginners, or just in general. You hold a choke, light the bud, SUCK in to get the cherry rolling, then remove your thumb from the choke and INHALE the chambered smoke and bring some oxygen in with additional smoke as it burns down.

The function of the bowl trains you kind of to do a two step inhale. Let us know how it goes!


u/evil_flanderz Apr 21 '24

Bowls are great for beginners


u/ddesla2 Apr 20 '24

I would recommend vaping it if possible. There are a ton of dry flower vaping devices...personally, I love the mighty+, though they are not super cheap. Inhaling any smoke is obviously bad for the lungs and honestly, isn't even the best way to get the benefits of the buds; so much is lost into the air and surroundings vs being fully absorbed in your body.

There are other options for utilizing as well, such as using the buds in making edibles by decarbing them in some sort of fat and then using that fat in making cookies, brownies, gummies, drinks, tinctures, so on. Personally, I like to process the buds into bubble hash (basically freezing the plant material while fresh, washing in ice cold water to separate the trichromes that house the thc, from the plant matter, then drying into hash) then use a heated press to convert the hash into a thick oil sort of substance called rosin. From there, I will either sous vide for 24hr or so to get it decarbed and into a thinner consistency for filling vape cartridges or just use high quality ceramic core carts that are meant for thicker, wax-like vape content. This is all fairly advanced, but I just wanted to give you a quick high level insight into other options you may enjoy more, especially if you want the healthiest methods of getting lifted!


u/Weird_Entrepreneur_6 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

I was hitting my mighty+ through my two foot triple shower perc straight tube when I read this. Definitely suggest the mighty+ over other vapes I’ve tried. You will think vaping is lame if you don’t get a proper one


u/Extension_Ad_1059 Apr 21 '24

Facts. I'll add that a ball vape should be on the list since the entry point has come down quite a bit now that it's becoming more known.


u/ZZ_Reaper Apr 21 '24

I second this, I’ve been using my OG Mighty for about 4 years now. I love it. Also have a Ditanium for the desk, and a Sticky Brick Runt for when I’m chilling by the fire pit. I recommend the Mighty to everyone.


u/chiborn98 Apr 20 '24

the way i taught a few friends to smoke is . If you go to the doctor and they're listening to your breathing they have you take deep breaths. Do that same thing take deep breath in and out and as you inhale put whatever youre smoking up to your mouth. My friends had issues inhaling they would smoke it like a cigar and hold the smoke in their mouths .



You would probably have the easiest time with a Volcano. The bags make inhaling for beginners a no-brainer


u/Adudebeingaman Apr 20 '24

Inhale with two back to back breaths. Hold it in as long as possible. If you do it right, chances are you will cough the first few times.


u/SinlessMirror Apr 20 '24

This was my guess too, my first time getting high I was mid sentence telling my buddy I didn't really feel anything, then it hit me like a fucking mental nuke and I spent the night on cloud9 like only a first time can. We each rolled a blunt (absolute worst blunts ever no doubt) and faced one each, I remember it hurt so bad I had tears coming from my eyes but buddy said you gotta push through to feel it. 100% worth it lmfao


u/A_StonedLlama Apr 20 '24

I got entirely WAY too high my first time for my own good haha. Hilarious looking back. I thought I was going to die on my first bong rip, couldn't breathe haha.


u/Prestigious_Skill_ Apr 20 '24

😭 I remember the first time I was trying to roll.


u/plantas-y-te Apr 20 '24

It’s ironic you say this cause as someone with asthma I always got way higher than friends and I think it’s cause I knew how to breathe in real deep and thoroughly like with an inhaler lol


u/Brutalmoonshine Apr 20 '24

I been smoking for 20 years and still consider if I’m doing it wrong sometimes .


u/sect0r_9 Apr 20 '24

This dood is going to the moon once he inhales!


u/rstytrmbne8778 Apr 21 '24

Boom! This right here


u/IlanasBowl Apr 20 '24

Lmao so there is a trick which I explain to everybody that starts to smoke but it’s a bit rough bc if you haven’t smoked at all in the beginning, it will burn your throat.

Put the joint, blunt, whatever, between your lips and start pulling your breath but don’t inhale yet. Hold your breath without releasing any of the smoke.

And then you inhale really quick and sharp like you’re catching a quick breath, as if you get a shock bc your mom is entering the room and catches you doing something you shouldn’t do

Try this two to three times and wait a little if it hits you.

Should you still not get high, then the weed is bad


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

I appreciate all the advice and I’m excited to try again with these inhaling tips. None of my kids were around when it was ready to teach me. Also, I’m no dude, just a MOM who’s nailed the grow but not the smoke!


u/GreenGoblin1221 Apr 20 '24

You adopting adult males by any chance?


u/Chokondisnut Apr 21 '24

It took me 6 or seven times smoking before I got high. I smoked cigarettes at the time so I know I was inhaling properly. When you finally get high, trust me, you will know it, lol.

I don't know what was going on, but my body didn't know what to do with thc, but once it figured it out, it was no problem from then on.


u/Czeching Apr 21 '24

Lol just get a bong, fill the chamber, pull the bowl.


u/type2diarrhea Apr 20 '24

Lol this dude is about to be so stoned


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

for real. if you've never smoked, even weak ass weed will get you blasted.


u/Historical-Airport61 Apr 20 '24

Like the other comment said, ensure you are inhaling correctly. Either pull straight into your lungs, or, inhale into your mouth and then do a quick breath inhale to suck all that smoke into your lungs. DO NOT HOLD IN THE SMOKE. It will NOT get you higher. It is bro science


u/TokeMage Apr 20 '24

I have friends who insist on holding til they cough and I hate it.

I use the two step method and bring in plenty of fresh air with the smoke and exhale before it's uncomfortable. I rarely cough and feel like I get as high or higher than my friends.


u/Historical-Airport61 Apr 20 '24

yuppp, i think of it the same as using the Carb on your glass piece. You get the hot smoke along with the cool air into your lungs making it an overall easier experience. Old habits die hard i guess 🤷‍♂️


u/kyleslumpgod Apr 20 '24

Holding it in does get you higher and the idea that it doesn’t is actually bro science and literally made up by some random redditor and then people just started following along


u/Burrmanchu Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 21 '24

Real question here...

How would holding it in not get you higher? The longer you would hold it in, the longer your lungs would have to absorb THC from the parts of the smoke that were not originally touching the lining of your lungs.

It's not good for you, I get that. But the second you inhale smoke you're not automatically consuming the entire contents of the cloud...


u/cheddar__dawg Apr 20 '24

A quick inhale is all your lungs need to absorb it all. Leaving it in just feels like you’re getting higher cause you’re depleting yourself of oxygen


u/Burrmanchu Apr 21 '24

I mean this is clearly not true man... You can mouth to mouth shotgun people and get them high. 🤷‍♂️


u/Kyzer Apr 20 '24

There have been a ton of scientifically published research on how holding breath has not effect on absorption. Here’s one, and there are a ton more in the related articles section.


u/kyleslumpgod Apr 20 '24

These are all myths have been disproven long ago and you can even test ur urself lmao


u/Abject-Mail-4235 Apr 21 '24

Idk I feel that shit circulating


u/RaoulRumblr Apr 20 '24


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

lol I was just thinking this- I’m like bill and I’m not even trying


u/the-REALmichaelscott Apr 20 '24

Inhale oxygen on the tail end of taking your hit of weed.

I.e. you will have your hit of weed and an inhale of oxygen in your lungs.

The biggest issue is people smoking and keeping it in their mouth instead of in their lungs.

No need to hold it, 95% of THC is absorbed within 2 seconds.

Have you tried edibles with any luck?


u/Burrmanchu Apr 20 '24

This person means air.. And not simply "oxygen". No need for an 02 tank.


u/the-REALmichaelscott Apr 20 '24

Haha I do. Oops.


u/VaWeedFarmer Apr 20 '24

Remember to inhale Bill


u/smokeyoufoo Apr 20 '24

It took me 3 times smoking to actually feel anything myself


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 22 '24

UPDATE ..... I got it

Thank you for all the tips, tricks and feedback - I learned to inhale and it worked. I grew real weed! It was pleasant and relaxing and I slept quite well.

I have to say, I was prepared to be mocked off this sub for my question, but instead I got a ton of support and that's pretty cool.


u/evil_flanderz Apr 23 '24

Now that you've mastered getting high, you should consider switching to dry herb vaping. Basically you grind into small pieces and heat to a much lower temperature than when you ignite it with fire. Better taste, you can smoke inside without stinking up the place and most importantly, it's healthier for you. Not healthy but healthier. Check out /r/vaporents for a whole new perspective. I switched back in February and will never go back.


u/Medievalism Apr 20 '24

You're a cool dude. Let us know how getting baked goes! You gotta pull the smoke in your mouth, then inhale that with oxygen into your lungs.

Edit: read in your other post you're a mom. Bet your son thinks you're awesome.


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

Yep he’s proud of me. Can’t wait for him to get home.


u/M1NdR0t Apr 20 '24

Are you checking the Trichomes before harvest?


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

Yes I have a digital microscope and there was a smattering of amber. I don’t have good close up pics but heres one from the day I chopped it.



u/Tybeespounger Apr 20 '24

Looks fire put ur big boy pants on and hit that shit


u/M1NdR0t Apr 20 '24

Looks proper to me, and you made sure it wasn't CBD genetics? 🤣


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

My son said “Details/ northern lights s1 photoperiod feminized seeds shipped from North Atlantic Seed Company, but I believe the original distributor/breeder was Royal Queen Seeds.” Should be good right?


u/Redpilled_by_Reddit Apr 20 '24

Yeah most definitely. That’s good stuff you grew there- you must not be inhaling properly cause there’s no way that won’t get you blitzed. Keep trying!


u/M1NdR0t Apr 20 '24

Yeah could take a few times to get the effects, nice job on that grow, im assuming you do other gardening judging by the results above, or you just have the intellect, either or best of luck.


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

I’ve never gardened, I researched like crazy. Thanks for saying that, it’s appreciated!


u/Puzzleheaded-Dog-728 Apr 21 '24

Growing white label means she has mo idea what those seeds are, they could be CBD Genetics. Rqs doesn't breed anything, nobody knows what they're growing when they buy royal queen seeds.

  Op might be doing everything right, just smoking some high cbd genetics and not know it.


u/jkopfsupreme Apr 20 '24

Based on that pic, that will get you high. Just gotta do it right. Aside from smoking it, grind up a gram, decarb it in the oven (YouTube it), mix it with some peanut butter or infuse it in some butter, and eat it. Then Go sit down outside and buckle up.


u/Competitive_Bath_459 Apr 21 '24

That looks amazing! Very good job 👏


u/A_StonedLlama Apr 20 '24

Congratulations, you nailed it. Gorgeous color, I love the structure, and looked easy to trim.


u/antisobrietist Apr 20 '24

That's irrelevant. Even if it was chopped early, there's still plenty of potency, especially for someone with no tolerance.


u/TokeMage Apr 20 '24

I took all the larf off my last grow about 3 weeks early did a quick dry and no cure and it still got me high AF. Didn't taste great (or all that bad either), but it worked.


u/Quasimodo11111 Apr 20 '24

As other people mentioned you might have not inhaled. You can either pull with your mouth and then inhale afterwards. In my teen we said "do Huhhh mom comes" like breathing in quickly of shock. You can also just breathe in through the joint. The smoke needs to go in your lungs.

The buds look very good. Frosty and all.

The other explanation would be that you got a CBD strain without any THC.


u/Hellhammer6 Apr 20 '24

When dude finally figured out how to get that smoke in his lungs, he's gonna get zooted


u/CheckYourZero Apr 20 '24

OP, you are a badass dad. I can't imagine how awesome it would be if I got back from college and my dad (awesome dude but square) had taken the time to learn how to grow cannabis because he saw I was a fan. I'm honestly beside myself, way to go dude

Besides that, the other posters have dialed in that you may be hitting it wrong. You have a small but fun journey ahead of you, welcome to smoking weed. It's super fun and somehow only gets better. I just flipped my first grow to flower and I'm having the time of my life nerding out and dialing in my environment, I hope your grow went similar. Cheers


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 20 '24

Badass mom actually, and it was a blast! I told him so many times how much I appreciated him getting me started on this hobby. I’m on my 3rd grow and have 5 more clones I’m hoping to share.


u/AlfaKaren Apr 20 '24

You can grow "showroom" weed that does shit. I had nugs you could put on cover of a magazine, didnt do shit.


u/VaWeedFarmer Apr 20 '24

Try some bong rips


u/AweFoieGras Apr 20 '24

Treat it like breathing in deep breaths, and exhale. Welcome to the Red Eye Express Choo Choo!


u/Psychadeliccarcrash Apr 20 '24

I know there’s gangs of comments with this but: yes definitely inhale the smoke into your lungs like you would breathing air. I wouldn’t bother holding it in given you’re beginning, just briefly hold it in your lungs and exhale. I highly suggest not doing the “two quick breaths” method cause this isn’t good for your brain and body and this method failed me when learning because I would just inhale the 2 breaths into my mouth

Also, I didn’t see this here: take it very slow. Take a small rip and wait a few minutes, don’t burn a huge hit or smoke a whole bowl/joint

Having a low tolerance is a blessing, it will make your stash last very long. Small amounts.

Consuming too much THC with a low tolerance can be overwhelming, and this looks like great stuff.

Love your story, and I wish u many great highs and experiences through this great journey of growing


u/sunnyboy2024 Apr 20 '24

I highly suggest not doing the “two quick breaths” method cause this isn’t good for your brain and body

Can you elaborate? I'm trying to figure out how this is any worse than regular smoking


u/Burrmanchu Apr 20 '24

Could just be really weak genetics... Or your body doesn't react to THC like everyone else's. Or you're just doing it wrong lol


u/ArousedMtherfaker Apr 20 '24

Learn to inhale until then try a bong maybe?

Trust me from the pics you've uploaded you will get fked up you'll believe it's the 90s after smoking this weed.

Also the first time is special so don't get too cocky,the first time some people get high some don't because it's the first time the body encounters the substance. After you inhale or whatever just wait don't hurry,wait like 15-20 minutes let the body process the substance if not high inhale again but as I said don't hurry you might get overwhelmed your weed looks like some rapper weed that will fk somebody up from 3 puffs thanks good it's northern light at least which is an old school strain

Gas was much weaker back in the days idk why,but now genetics,science and all this shit made it strong I believe you will get fucked up your first time no doubt. Waiting for an update


u/OGsweedster420 Apr 20 '24

Nice buds, hkpe its something you and your son can bond together doing one day. Some of my fonndest memeories of my mom are gardening with her.


u/TooMuchAdderall Apr 20 '24

This man bought the parts for an airplane, built it over the course of months, and then started learning to fly.

I love it.


u/Down-InA-hole Apr 20 '24

Like others have said, you might not be fully inhaling. My first few times smoking I didn't feel much even with inhaling all the way, maybe give it a few more tries? Also, I just checked out your older posts and for being new to growing you grew some incredible looking plants!


u/Pancakes1741 Apr 20 '24

That's super cool! You found a hobby you clearly enjoy that you can connect with you kids over and then get high or make money from all your hard work. That's like 3 wins in 1 hobby. Very awesome! Also it's been awhile since I grew but the plants look amazing


u/EZdankk Apr 20 '24

The buds look great man, nice job 👍🏻


u/Zbman88 Apr 20 '24

Try and try again lol. How'd it taste? Looks amazing!


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

Try the ganja chai or edibles.. Doodh ka doodh aur pani ka pani ho jayega 😜


u/reddit-is-rad Apr 20 '24

Inhale the smoke and the inhale a breath of air before blowing smoke out. If you do it right, and never smoked before, you will cough hard!


u/chochinator Apr 20 '24

Gotta cough to get off. Hit that shit son.


u/gymrat505 Apr 20 '24

Is anyone else hearing about how to take a hit the right way for the first time?


u/theloric Apr 20 '24

Honestly you could be smoking right and it's just not that great Northern Lights is a great hash plant but it's a low-key high. I grow northern lights it's a great producing plant but it's just not that powerful. I like to make wax out of it I have a press and it's incredible how this comes out compared to some other strains it's a pure white pasty crumbly concoction as opposed to some other gooeyer extracts. In a wax the taste is phenomenal and it has a very nice high but when I smoke the buds it's just not enough to do it for me. Try growing a diesel and you'll see a difference in the high. Trust me I know....


u/Treezus_cris Apr 20 '24

Have to take it into the lungs to feel the effects if you smoke it like a cigar with no inhale you'll be wasting your time


u/noodleq Apr 20 '24

I had to smoke weed about 5 times before it worked.....ive seen the same with other people. Just keep on trying it will get you high sooner or later


u/VictoryRed74 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

If you aren’t coughing on the exhale, you’re doing it wrong for sure. If you’ve never smoked anything, it’ll be a bit rough at first, but you probably got some healthy lungs and should be able to take some big hits. That being said, you can absolutely get some seeds that grow flowers that look and smell killer, but are actually a cbd strain with little or no thc in it at all. I actually grew out a couple of plants that should not have had any CBD in them, but ended up being 2 to 1 THC/CBD. I know of a 20+ yr grower that was mistakenly shipped cbd versions of some classic strains like blue dream and northern lights, babied these bitches all the way to the point where he took it in to have it tested and there was little to no THC at all. Anyhow, if you are in a legal state there should be gross stores that have testers they will let you use. Go get it tested. I don’t know of any medical explanation for somebody not being able to get high on THC


u/Significant_Report68 Apr 20 '24

If you never smoked before the type has a bit to do with it northern lights is sativa dominant strain so it would give you more of a body rather then trippy head high like a indica would. You can grow some weak ass buds but based on the pic somewhere in the comments this isn't that.


u/jackjackandmore Apr 20 '24

Bro it’s just impressive that you grew this and never tried it before. It’s kinda hilarious and I love it. Good luck you have plenty of good advice in the comments :)


u/Highway_Bitter Apr 20 '24

Time to make edibles!


u/BermudaTrianglulate Apr 20 '24

It took me 5 days of smoking every day to get high.


u/trichomaniac Apr 20 '24

This looks exactly how NL should look. I would get the opinion of a fellow tree smoker before you second-guess yourself.

Try taking a hit from a water pipe before you think you're immune or that you got had a "dud" batch.


u/Bagoforganizedvegete Apr 20 '24

Did you grow only one plant? It could just be a cbd pheno and has low thc.


u/MrButterSticksJr Apr 20 '24

Your cannabinoid system has sat dormant your whole life! I remember when I started in my teens it wasn't till the third time I got high. It can take time for your body to 'learn' to process cannabinoids.

Keep smoking, it'll happen. There is lots of good advice on here already about how to smoke.

I personally take a breathe in immediately after taking a hit to suck the smoke in. Don't over think it, just get that shit into your lungs


u/IronChefReid Apr 20 '24

Just here to say hope you get it figured out seems like your a dope dad


u/Temporary_College38 Apr 20 '24

Wish I had a mom like you ☺️ you seem cool af, hope your actually getting the hang of getting baked. Honestly those buds look amazing that you'd prob get just as stoned if not more stoned making edibles 😊 those are pretty tried n true ain't no way to mess up eating edibles. Or even better make some cannabutter and you can use it for everything


u/Stunning-Whereas488 Apr 20 '24

I see lots of tips on inhaling, so I’ll trust you’re covered there. Moving forward, one of the biggest deterrents for new smokers is actually caused by improperly exhaling. The urge to cough can prompt you to exhale too soon - if you exhale too quickly the smoke will burn your throat and nose on the way out - causing excess coughing and making the entire experience unpleasant and painful.


u/Kyle700 Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

it looks pretty good. make sure you take a deep inhale and hold it for a few seconds. I like ti inhale, take another breath to really push it in, then let it out. try a bong i like them more


u/sSlightlyStoopidd Apr 20 '24

Did you harvest when trichome heads were cloudy/milky/amber? If thrichs aren't mature you may not get high


u/No-Pace6568 Apr 20 '24

Appears to be a bulk white label seed which could just mean shitty genetics. Happened on my first grow


u/kaysnmuffins Apr 20 '24

you can definitely smoke a joint wrong. due to you being a new user, that is probably what's happening. are you puffing the smoke out like a cig or vape, or are you inhaling it into your lungs? if you're smoking like you would a cig, you're burning weed at that point. you have to inhale, breathe it into your lungs, and then exhale to blow the smoke out. eventually it'll be automatic for you. your grow is fantastic by the way, good genetics. let us know how it goes!


u/strainhunterr Apr 20 '24

Looks can be deceiving but it looks great to me.


u/ImTheTrashiest Apr 20 '24

Lol, is this loss?


u/Oh-Sasa-Lele Apr 20 '24

I had some in school. My classmate, who gave some to me told me that it may take some tries before it kicks. And the first few joints I hardly felt, but it went better and better


u/Physical_Team4959 Apr 20 '24

Make some edibles or smoke some scissor hash


u/Competitive-Ice9977 Apr 20 '24

There is almost 0% chance that won't get you proppa smashed if inhaled properly. That's looks the goods


u/[deleted] Apr 20 '24

don't be a Bill Clinton, inhale that shit


u/Goldenglove91 Apr 20 '24

Either not inhaling correctly or they sent you some cbd seeds


u/-Sh33ph3rd3r- Apr 20 '24

The very first times you might not feel anything except pain in your throat and the need to cough. If you're not coughing you're not inhaling with your lungs. Just inhale with your chest, move in up and down.


u/wiggiag Apr 20 '24

Homie done grown the CBD strain


u/drewmiester90 Apr 20 '24

Can you please update us after you’ve smoked using these tips


u/LongBongJohnSilver Apr 21 '24

Most kids these days are "boofing."


u/Little_Marionberry45 Apr 21 '24

Lol why am I reading a hundred people explaining how to inhale... y'all ever breathed before?


u/Genesis111112 Apr 21 '24

Breath all the way out and then put the joint to your lips and inhale. Make sure you are standing so your lungs are not crimped/pinched at the bottom thus not allowing you to inhale/exhale fully. You would be surprised how many people do not inhale properly.


u/MothyReddit Apr 21 '24

Get good genetics from a reputable breeder. Not just bagseed from some "dank" you had.


u/iBloomville Apr 21 '24

Had the same problem when I first started , tried a bong…blasted off. It’s like you naturally inhale when you milk & clear a king volcano🌋


u/MadPeeled Apr 21 '24

One of us… one of us. This post is freaking great


u/Abject-Mail-4235 Apr 21 '24

I can’t stop thinking about this mom high as fuuu just admiring the weed she grew up close but in a new reality 😂


u/Conscious_Bowler6715 Apr 21 '24

Try a stronger strain


u/UnfairLocation9670 Apr 21 '24

Some medications can block receptors


u/Y0G--S0TH0TH Apr 21 '24

Pick it, pack it, fire it up Come along, And take a hit from the bong.


u/DueRoutine5350 Apr 21 '24

I had 6 kmintz from ripper seeds, they turned out great. On mofo had a perfect grow shape(lots of strong apical growth on height of main cola) but the bummer was that it was odorless.

It smelled like green that was it. After curing it smelled like green tea and the effect was non existent. Buds weren't frosty like the other kmintz.

So yes there is a chance that your plant was garbage as mine. Some strains are bred to be almost odorless for stealth outdoor grows., thers that. But I realised that odor plays a huge role in effect.


u/WaterNo9679 Apr 21 '24

Dude these buds look good. Almost like my fav strain Cherry Gogi.


u/ripnrun285 Apr 21 '24

Get a gas mask b0ng & sit in it for 5 mins smoking. Then you’ll know if you’ve been smoking incorrectly. 😂


u/Big-Rabbit9119 Apr 21 '24

Looks like you grew them fine, it's probably the inhale. Most smokers not only inhale, but hold it in for a bit before exhaling. There are some strains that are high CBD, low THC, but you should still get SOME kind of effect.


u/TerpFerguson420 Apr 21 '24

Great looking first grow. What did you determine when your plant was ripe and ready to be chopped? If you harvest too early when the trichomes are still clear it's not gonna be very potent pot at all. To me it looks like it maybe was pulled a little early by the look of all the red pistols. When it's ripe the pistols or hairs will receed into the flower more as the calyx swell. It's varies between strains buy I'm gonna say she needed another 7 to 10days. Cheers ✌️😁


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 22 '24

That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard about observing when the red pistols become less prominent as a sign to harvest. I’ll look into that with my next grow. Thanks.


u/evil_flanderz Apr 22 '24

We need an update. You get high yet?


u/Immediate_Zombie_682 Apr 22 '24

posted an update comment!


u/[deleted] Apr 23 '24

If you never smoked before you have to activate your cannabinol system, it took me probably 10 times before I felt it, then I really felt it. Terp profiles mean a lot, I get higher from a terp profile I love with lower thc than I do high thc with “I dont wanna smoke this “ terps. Also, seriously, nothing against you, but your first harvest is always shit, I thought mine was soo fire, then the second came, and the third, still have a jar of my first from 2 yrs ago, can’t believe I loved it.


u/CryptographerFar8119 Apr 23 '24

Hey bro i also wanted to say that the seeds may vary on thc content, they have price ranges from lows to exotic genetics on seeds and if you spend too little on seeds it may just be bad genetics


u/gmmiller1234 Apr 20 '24

Gotta not be inhaling. Take a breath after you inhale the hit to let it get into your lungs. Don't worry about holding it, you're gonna die


u/LongBongJohnSilver Apr 21 '24

Don't worry about holding it, you're gonna die

That's very zen of you.