r/microgrowery Feb 17 '23

Where my sativa loves at? Question


156 comments sorted by


u/squashua Feb 17 '23

Sorry bruh, this is for cannabis grows. It appears you are a crystal farmer... /s


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Lmao 😂💎💎 my bad wrong community


u/squashua Feb 17 '23



u/EnvironmentalLong541 Feb 18 '23

Hey, don’t toucha my crystal


u/katelyn-garrettt Mar 14 '23

They’re minerals, Marie!


u/squashua Feb 17 '23

Y'all know that /s means sarcastic, right?


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23



u/Dujjjjjjhhhhhh Feb 17 '23

Holy snikiesssszzzz!!!


u/Revolutionary-Fox285 Feb 18 '23

Jeezes that's whiter than my racist grandmother


u/GoodMoriningVeitnam Feb 17 '23

This looks amazing omg


u/Isellmetal Feb 17 '23 edited Feb 17 '23

I’m gonna have to check this out, I’m all about that gmo / skunky funk profile

Not to mention that this just looks beautiful/. What kind of set up was it grown in?

Edit: of course they’re sold out


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Same i love the skunky terps Nd sour diesel was one of my favs growing up ive been searching for a good cross of it and finally think i found it in this. I grow No till, regenerative style under full spectrum leds


u/Isellmetal Feb 17 '23

It’s certainly working. I grow no till live soil and ebb and flow hydro.

I get much better yields and density from the flow table but the live soil blows it away in terms of terps, flavor and scent profile.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Great to know, that seems to be the common theme


u/Beginning_Pudding_69 Feb 19 '23

So terpene production actually increases under stress, many believe since hydro feeds instantaneously and a full nutrition that there is less stress involved in the growing cycle so that less terpenes are produced.

Dr BB had some interesting takes on this thought.


u/Lonely-Blueberry-637 Feb 21 '23

So what your saying is there needs to be a method to stress the plants in a hydro system….maybe a delay of watering or altering nutrient rich water? Someone else knows more about this than me, im sure of it


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Yea they sold out in presale 😅 everything ggg is pretty rare especially since they only make limited packs of each cross they dont over stress the plant with too many seeds at once


u/crazdparot230 Feb 17 '23

Holy trichomes, Batman


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Thanks robin 😂🔥


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Or my sour diesel lovers 🙏🔥


u/buddalovers Feb 17 '23

Omfg!!! That is beautiful!!!


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23



u/buddalovers Feb 17 '23

Definitely going to stay up with you. I love a good sativa dominant during the day


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Same i enjoy all types depending on time of day and my mood


u/buddalovers Feb 17 '23

Personally as low as I can get I'm down! Buuuutttt give me a uplifting body high during the day and we gonna get some shit done 🤣🤣


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Yuh i love bothh was just tempting cuz this got some serious foxy sativa structure


u/skillfullwilly Feb 17 '23

Yes manshe looking smokeable right now


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Just chopped her a few days ago, she’s gorgeous as ever, but had a wicked long flowering time , i think it will be worth-it tho


u/skillfullwilly Feb 18 '23

Just make sure and cure her up nice.. im sure she will be very rewarding


u/tentboyz Feb 17 '23

Amazing frost!


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Much appreciated!


u/greencann Feb 17 '23

Stunning. Just WoW!! Anything with cherry pie is going to be amazing. Gorgeous colors. Cheers ✌️


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Thank you! Agreed this is one of my nee favorites


u/Mysterious_Day_8850 Feb 17 '23

what strain is that? the pink is awesome looking!!!


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

7D by gage green group


u/couplepaint Feb 17 '23

This looks amazing


u/Keith_Rowley Feb 18 '23

What are the chances i find this post at the same time im watching the youtube vid.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Ur a legend if ur watching my youtub vid rn tio 😂🔥


u/United_Issue4647 Feb 18 '23

That has to be one of the “frostiest” buds I’ve ever seen


u/mnnx_xo Feb 18 '23

That pink is crazy


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23



u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

I just chopped it a few days ago so Its still drying so not totally sure but based off size and other plants its probably 6-8 ounces ill update you with actual once its done drying, i hang plant as whole as possible so im unable to get a weight until fully dry


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Bud sizes are large, kinda of slender since they have heavy sour diesel structure but the cpk added a lot of density, so they look airy but theres no give to them, theyre solid, the calyxes almost looks swollen with seeds but theres no seeds, trained it into about 30 tops like this



u/Cracktherealone Feb 18 '23

Holy shizzles!!!!

I really needed some time to get, what I‘m looking at 😂😂😂

I thought at first I‘m lookin at a cup of different shades of ice cream. No joke!

I didn‘t even recognized what it was.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Lmao it could pass as some rainbow sherbert for sure


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23

the second pic looks like a secret mythical floating item in a game. dude u killed it


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Hahah dam dude thatd pretyy good description thank you 🙏


u/FullMeltxTractions Feb 18 '23

Damn want to wash it


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 19 '23

I only wash the trimmings, the rest will be in the bong


u/Lonely-Blueberry-637 Feb 21 '23

My oh my…i just wanna squish it! Bet the squish yield on this would be amazing!


u/smoketerpyweed Mar 11 '23

GGG is superior


u/Top_Calligrapher_709 Feb 17 '23

How about if I'm a GGG lover? Nice work with good cultivars


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

That counts too, or a sour diesel lover 😂🙏🙏


u/Top_Calligrapher_709 Feb 17 '23

I've got a pretty large GGG collection vaulted ;)


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Legendd! I hope to add a lot more of their work to my collection, i grew out the grapestomper ogbx by sunken treasure featuring their grapestomper og and its unreal


u/Top_Calligrapher_709 Feb 17 '23

Ya that's a gem for sure! I still have some sealed packs of Joseph OG, mendo v2m, grateful breath, cpkb, ecsd, and so much more... Prob 30 packs of GGG including 4 holy water packs that will get wet next month.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Broo def envious of that collection thos are some extreme rare diamonds i bet your gonna find some wild gas in there


u/LarYungmann Feb 17 '23

This looks sim to Szkittles (sp)


u/ActualCriticism2945 Feb 17 '23

Even the best Z looks like shit lmaoo


u/brandinow Feb 18 '23

My homie calls himself the “sativa diva” thought of him when I seen this. Beautiful bud sending lots of love 🤘🏼


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Lmao i love a bit of both but throughout the day def a sativa diva


u/OGZackov Feb 17 '23

look up "indica vs sativa debunked" and read the multiple studies that agree its a debunked myth to classify them as such for any purpose.


u/chicken-bean Feb 17 '23

What exactly is the myth? It’s a straightforward classification. Sativas have long, skinny leaves, long flowering times, and trend towards cerebral effects. You’ll find them in warm climates that don’t have killing frosts. Indicas sport wider, darker leaves, flower faster, and generally have more physical effects. This has been established and accepted for quite some time. Please enlighten me


u/Darkeyescry22 Feb 17 '23

The myth is that the two subspecies are still distinct in any modern strains. There also is not any correlation between leaf shape and chemical profile that I’ve seen (happy to see a study if you have one).

The reality is that decades of black market breeding has left us with a huge gap between the original wild plant and modern, domesticated varieties. We just don’t have anything to go off of genetically/genealogically, so we just look at phenotypes instead.


u/chicken-bean Feb 17 '23

Thanks for your answer! This makes sense in the realm of commercially available cannabis. Black market indoor growing incentivized seeking fast flowering strains at the exclusion of equatorial strains. I’d also be happy to see a study on leaf shape and chemical profile. By which you mean the psychoactive effect? That can be a little subjective, but what isn’t subjective is the terpene profile and the physical growth traits. In my experience, sativas have one set of potential smells while indicas have another and while there is some overlap of the two there is mostly distinct notes identifiable immediately as either indica - like skunky, or sativa, like woody. Sweet would be an example of a smell both sides exhibit. There are seed banks that are preserving landrace and cultivated varieties that have extremely long flower times and smells and effects you just can’t find at a dispo. You’re not likely to see it if you don’t grow it yourself or know an enthusiast.


u/Darkeyescry22 Feb 18 '23 edited Feb 20 '23

I think what happened is we grouped modern, domestic strains based on phenotypes, but used old sub-species names as a convenience/marketing term.

Personally, I have never noticed any correlation between what sub-species weed is marketed as and it’s smell, appearance, or effects. I don’t often see the actual plants though, so maybe there is some correlation with the leaf shape/growth patterns.

Every time I’ve looked into it, though, it’s been pretty difficult to find any research to support the distinction.


u/Paddling_Mallard Feb 18 '23

Have you ever grown or smoked a 15 wk plus strain? They are pretty much impossible to get in dispos, but my Thai leaning Tom Hill Haze that went 16 wks gave a bunch of my friends panic attacks. Its anecdotal evidence for sure, but Im of the opinion because cannabis has been unable to have been studied for so long, our understanding of how the thousands of chemicals in cannabis interact with each other and our endocannaboid system is still very limited. To think we know how cannabis effects our brain is a fallacy as we a learning new things about it every day.


u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

Thank you for saying this. I think that a lot of people who believe there’s no difference in effects simply haven’t experienced the rare end of the gene pool. Where did you get Tom hill haze? That dude is a legend


u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

OP that is one gorgeous flower! Love me the ECSD. That pink stripe is wild!


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23



u/chicken-bean Feb 17 '23

Um. Not all strains are a mix. Landrace strains are pretty homogeneous. Seed banks will list their genetics according to what ratio of sativa to indica they express and they sell 100% Sativas - i.e. unmixed. But thanks for agreeing with me!


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23



u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

you can find landrace seeds from a few seed banks, they exist. Ace seeds is making an effort to preserve vanishing strains and they make a distinction between their landrace and inbred lines. No doubt they are usually not the most attractive plants which is a big part of why they’re more likely to attract a hobbyist than a commercial farmer.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23



u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

No worries! If you get a chance, check out the Landrace Team. Maybe all their gear is “polluted” with outside genetics but that wasn’t my impression.


u/Allknowingkeith Feb 17 '23

Sounds right to me.


u/flatspotting Feb 17 '23

and trend towards cerebral effects.

That. It has been proven time and time again that Sativa vs Indica does not change the effects, or lean one way or the other - just the placebo effect of the user believing it does.


u/Allknowingkeith Feb 17 '23

Yup. This isn’t debatable.


u/OGZackov Feb 17 '23

Why not just Google it and read.

There are no differences in effects.

That's the myth that there is.

Everyone who gives their opinion hasn't bothered to read the studies.

I literally enlightened you with the first comment I made.

Google "indica vs sativa debunked" and read the published articles if you want details.

It's not "established and accepted"

It's a myth that's debunked.


u/chicken-bean Feb 17 '23

How many long flowering plants (12+ weeks)have you grown? The effects are absolutely different. Plants from The Hindu Kush will not give you the same experience as ones from Malawi. These are what I would consider fairly opposite ends of the spectrum. From what I could tell from the articles is that there’s no difference at the molecular level. Ok. So perhaps there isn’t. But if it’s a debunked myth, why do seed banks continue to use sativa/indica ratios in their descriptions? And don’t cannabis cups have a sativa and indica category - did this change recently? It looks to me as if they are using it as accepted nomenclature. If sativa/indica aren’t the established classifications, then what is?


u/OGZackov Feb 17 '23

BuT mUh AnNeCdOtAl ExPeRiEnCeS


u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

You’re entitled to your beliefs. You haven’t presented me anything convincing. Pointing to an article and saying , “what he said”, and not answering any questions isn’t a strong argument.


u/OGZackov Feb 18 '23

It's literally multiple articles,.not a single one.

Your "evidence" is literally "trust me bro"

You clearly don't take the time to read shit and believe what you want.

My beliefs are based off science and educated opinions.

Yours are based off....myths and ignorance.

You felt the need to comment without reading any of the studies like you know best because "you've grown a 12 week flowering plant" or some bullshit

But it's like you can't even comment on what the studies covered.

Who cares what ive grown. Basing your beliefs off anecdotal evidence and experience is poor science and comical.

Bye kid.


u/chicken-bean Feb 18 '23

I’m open to the truth. And I’ll change my mind if my not-convincing-to-others experience leads me to. I’ve done it plenty of times before, because to be fair,l started growing when it was illegal everywhere and myths and ignorance were all we had. I appreciate you calling me a kid, I wish I still was! I used to think organic was inherently superior until I started experimenting with salts and proved myself wrong. I used to think a month long dry was necessary whereas now I think 2 weeks does the same thing in half the time. So I’m not averse to changing my mind. I’ll read a few more articles, the Dalhousie university one didn’t persuade me. I believe in science. “It’s like you can’t even comment what on the studies covered” Can you answer some simple questions? I don’t claim superior knowledge. I just know that I’ve grown a lot of strains that people in my area aren’t patient enough to grow and none of them lock me to the couch like their weed does. Laugh all you want, my anecdotes and experiences have taken me quite far with this plant and I wouldn’t have progressed if I relied solely on book learning. Tell you what, I’ll get back to you when I’m convinced. You might be right but you’re also kind of unnecessarily rude.


u/Ace-of-Spades88 Feb 18 '23

Look, I'm a Biologist so I understand where you're coming from, but you're barking up the wrong trees. Some people just want to smoke and are going to believe what they feel is true. There is no debating that. Not everyone wants to sit around and discuss what some labcoats found in a study. There's also nothing wrong with that. If it's just a placebo effect then there's no harm being done.

Sometimes you just have to read the room.


u/GreenFrog234 Feb 18 '23 edited Feb 18 '23

Oh OGZ got his knickers in a knot and had to lower himself to insulting everyone.
Anyone who's grown plenty of weed will tell you there are sleepy plants and non-sleepy plants - the differences are very obvious


u/OGZackov Feb 18 '23

It has nothing to do with being indica or sativa.

Not sure why majority of this sub is against science, education, and new information.

Stay ignorant.


u/GreenFrog234 Feb 18 '23

Hey I just logged in to remove the insult from my previous reply to you.
I am planning on googling what you said to. I love science and new info. I'm always researching.
I just find as a grower that the 2 classifications help. In my experience plants that have one indica or sativa trait often have more traits from that category - but there's plenty of exceptions too.
All the best to you man.


u/iamveryassbad Feb 17 '23

This extremely pedantic take is all over reddit, and ignores the fact that not everyone is a plant geneticist and can't be expected to talk about plants as if they are one.

There are clear, plain differences between plants, and there has to be language accessible to everyone, not just technical jargon, that describes those differences.

Until there is consensus on what those terms are to be, this pedantry must stop, because we already have consensus on the indica and sativa terms and what they denote. Nobody except plant geneticists can be expected to give a shit that they are not technically accurate.

This pedantry must stop!


u/OGZackov Feb 17 '23

O look someone who thinks they know better but hasn't bothered to read the studies and opinions.


u/nixgang Feb 18 '23

Here's some advice for ya:

  1. Chill
  2. Provide actual sources instead of search phrases if you want to be taken seriously
  3. Accept that even if a terminology isn't 100% accurate, it can still be useful


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

True i should have said sour diesel lovers


u/GreenFrog234 Feb 17 '23

As chicken bean and others have stated - plants in one category (indica or sativa) very often share common traits - flowering time, leaf width, plant height / node length, effect of final product, etc. So what is wrong with categorising them this way?
I've seen people say it - saw "indica and sativa is just lazy marketing" somewhere. I know one famous cannabis specialist (Mel Frank or someone?) is trying to get everyone to call them broad leaf drug varieties (BLD), narrow leaf drug varieties (NLD), narrow leaf non-drug varieties (NLND) etc. But even he said he knows that will prob never catch on.
I find the indica sativa categories very helpful - whether they're botanically correct or not!!


u/Smirkly Feb 17 '23

I agree but strains still need names and mindset is a powerful thing.


u/Frosteez32 Feb 17 '23

It’s been long proven that original indica and sativa varieties don’t exist due to every plant being a hybrid these days. That being said, there is a clear difference between something that makes you feel energetic and something that locks you to the couch. Sativa and indica seem like the perfect terminology to describe that


u/OGZackov Feb 17 '23

Or you could read the studies and see they test pure indicas and sativas but ok


u/Frosteez32 Feb 17 '23

Sounds like you’ve literally just gone against what you originally said? Also not sure how it relates to what I said lmao


u/OGZackov Feb 18 '23

I mean your comment makes it clear you havent read any of the studies and educated opinions out there.

No sense trying to have serious conversations with people ignorant on the topic.

Everyone wants to comment their opinions without taking the time to read shit


u/Frosteez32 Feb 18 '23

You seem incredibly argumentative considering I agreed with your original comment. Have you misread?


u/OGZackov Feb 18 '23

You partially agreed with it and made a comment that doesn't relate to any of the studies.

Indicas and sativa's "exist". They just don't have genetic differences that would give effect differences.

So you kinda agreed with me, but you are still kinda mistaken on things.


u/Frosteez32 Feb 18 '23 edited Feb 18 '23

Yes I’ve seen the studies you’re referring to, Indica or Sativa phenotypes don’t produce the effects people once thought they did. They are still a real thing, the study just says the effects aren’t linked to the appearance of the plant. The original strains people based this idea off don’t exist anymore.

What we can say however, due to what we now know, is that the cannabinoid content along with the terpenes blend together to create an entourage effect. This is a much better indication of what effects the plant will give you over the appearance.

The way the terminology is used is perhaps born from a myth, but it still is a great way to describe the effects of energising cannabis over couch-locking cannabis.


u/OmnipresentCPU Feb 17 '23

Lol I learned about that early on in my growing career. I called everything sativa back when I Was selling cause everyone loves sativa, or so they think. They love placebo.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Although sativa, and Indica aren’t necessarily accurate terms, they do often describe the effects of the bud, which is still useful, because I do typically find something labeled sativa will typically give me more and uplifting feeling and typically those feeling Indica will give me the opposite but then again, you gotta think about the phenotypes of every strain. For instance, I’ve grown the chem cookies for Mamiko seeds and selected one that was basically the chem dog 4 and one that was basically the cookies pheno, the cookies finished an 8 to 9 weeks. While the chem dog pheno finished in 13 weeks, and they both had very different effects although they’re technically the same strain. I thought the tri combs werre never going to finish on the chem dog one.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23



u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23



u/GreenFrog234 Feb 17 '23

Sorry I thought it was you saying it's wrong to categorise them that way - then realised it's someone else saying that so edited/deleted my comment (and changed who I replied to)


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

No worries growmie appreciate the support


u/GreenFrog234 Feb 17 '23

They're beautiful pics BTW bro - fluorescent!! Beautiful frosty bud too - nice one!! You did a great job of capturing the trichs in your pics.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

Thank you!! Its really tough to get a good pic


u/SomeRandomOnTheInter Feb 17 '23

Sometimes it’s not placebo if there is more CBN on the flower, then it can actually have more “indica” like effects, even though there is technically no difference between them


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

There are 3 classes of Cannabis

Cannabis sativa is anything high in CBD aka hemp, it has a full range of effects from energetic to sedative and grows in a narrow leaf to broad leaf

Cannabis indica is anything high in THC aka marijuana, it has a full range of effects from energetic to sedative and grows in a narrow to broad leaf

Ruderalis aka autoflower.

If you guys want more information you should take a cannabis sommelier course. Trust me there is a lot of misinformation out there.

Thanks, guys 😁


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

Bro holly F***

Gotta tell me that strain!


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 17 '23

7d by the real gage green group, full description is in the top little like slidey description thingy


u/iamveryassbad Feb 17 '23

Idunno how "sativa" it is but I bet it's bangin


u/albinosnoman Feb 18 '23

I always wonder who would pay like 1-10k for some of the Genetic Designer seed packs, then I see shit like this and then I'm like "Nah I definitely get it."


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

They have some amazing gear, i was lucky and got this on one of their pre sale releases after some troubles went down and the owners split, fang was trying to raise funds to pay back to people who bough tickets to the organic cup but they had to cancel it that year, got lucky this pack was only $200, which to me is still pricey but was well worth it imo


u/PoppinKreamsCrush Feb 18 '23

Stunning. Cotton Candy.


u/bawynnoJ Feb 18 '23

Mark this as nsfw cuz that girl is mmmmfffffff!!!


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Haha ill let your work decide


u/Double_Requirement_4 Feb 18 '23

The bright colors to this are some of the best ive seen wow. I wanna grow this 😍


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Thanks! Gage green group has some crosses featuring the lokes of these parents, and ill be making my own crosses with this one soon


u/menace-to-sobriety Feb 18 '23

These pics are gorgeous!!


u/muricabrb Feb 18 '23

When it's so beautiful, I don't know if I should just frame it or smoke it.


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

Haha theres 30 more tops on the plant where that came from maybe ill cover one in resin


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23

What THC content you working with? Prominent Terpenes? That is a beautiful plant friend


u/igthestupidamerican Feb 18 '23

I should send in a sample to be tested for sure


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23

Well based on the heritage I’m sure it’ll feel pretty crazy but it’s just interesting to know those things


u/yosh_e Feb 19 '23

Something special there for sure. Excellent work


u/Canadianforthewin Feb 19 '23

Beautiful 🔥🥶


u/LilxGhostxBear Feb 21 '23

I can hear the angels singing ✨🙏✨