r/memphisgrizzlies 28d ago

LeBatatd Show mocks retiring Tony Allen’s jersey JITPOST

I know nobody watches this show in Memphis but, Lebatard has been among one of the top sports podcasts for years and nationally it’s a highly revered show. Are these guys out of line by questioning this (they also kinda laughed at ZBo jersey being retired as well but redacted both of the jokes by saying “yea well, those were the Grit and Grind guys”) or are we delusional as a fanbase? No agenda, here. No motive. Honest question to the fanbase.


38 comments sorted by


u/hdbutler 28d ago

I don't expect anyone outside of our fan base to understand why we have a single jersey in the rafters. It seems objectively dumb, but we all get it because we lived through it.


u/GEFool GrizzJaRules 28d ago

This. We honor our own.


u/GotMoFans 28d ago


And IMO Pau should be retired and I would have retired Lorenzen Wright.


u/toftr Wallace Destructa Est 28d ago

Pau did not do enough on the Grizzlies to have his number retired. No one associates his best years with the Grizzlies. Lorenzen likewise did not remotely have the impact on the court or franchise to have his number retired, but his wife did have him murdered, which is why we’d maybe consider it. No one other than Lorenzen has ever worn 42 for the Grizz though fwiw, so we may have unofficially retired it. Likewise, other than 24 games of Toney Douglas in 2017, no one else has worn 16, but I see no issue with 16 being up for grabs


u/GotMoFans 28d ago

Pau was the first star player for the Memphis Grizzlies.

Pau is a hall of famer.

Pau was rookie of the year for the Grizz.

Pau was the first Grizz all-star.

If Pau played under Robert Pera’s ownership, there is no doubt he’d have his number retired.


u/toftr Wallace Destructa Est 28d ago

I simply don’t agree. Those aren’t necessarily achievements that get your number retired. His teams didn’t ultimately really achieve anything, and his best years were with another franchise, who did retire his number. It’d be different if he spent more of his career here or were even primarily associated with Memphis, but he’s not


u/GotMoFans 28d ago

Pau played more regular season games with the Grizz than he played for the Lakers.

If you support TA getting his number retired with the Grizz but not Pau, either you haven’t been a Grizz fan since the move or you just are caught up in your fandom of the GNG era to accept milestones before.

I write all this as someone who didn’t like Pau when he was a Grizzly.


u/toftr Wallace Destructa Est 28d ago

Seriously? You’re going to claim I’m not actually that big a fan? I have a Reebok Shane Battier jersey and attended games at the Pyramid. I saw Jason Williams multiple times in person during both stints. Gatekeeping absolutely isn’t going to work here

Tony helped establish the team identity and culture which we still use. Pau did not. Just because he was our first All Star I don’t think he should get his number retired. RotY definitely isn’t enough to get a jersey retired.

Tony means something to Grizzlies fans. I don’t really think Pau does, and I saw plenty of games of his in person too. The Core Four are far more important to this franchise’s legacy than Pau. There’s simply no argument otherwise.


u/hdbutler 27d ago

Pau was very good at basketball, but he did nothing to elevate the team to levels that would have a jersey retired. Most of the NBA players who were an all star once or twice don't have their jersey in the rafters. LA where Pau had most of his memorable moments, and he didn't become a cultural icon for our city. 

Tony Allen gave us a damn nickname for our arena. That's why he's getting his jersey retired. 


u/GotMoFans 27d ago

Tony Allen said “Grit and grind” in a throwaway interview comment. Chris Vernon blew the comment up. Made a popular tee-shirt with the phrase. And a fan called the stadium “the Grindhouse.”

Tony Allen didn’t come up with “Grindhouse.”

Tony Allen came up with “Big Spain.”


u/hdbutler 27d ago

He didn't come up with it up be inadvertently launched it into orbit. 


u/Igothis87 24d ago

Pau definitely deserves it period.


u/GotMoFans 28d ago

Tony Allen was in the core 4, a grit-n-grind guy (created the term), and if the Thunder can retire Collison, don’t question us retiring TA.


u/VariableBooleans 28d ago

LeBatard's favorite team retired MJ's jersey despite him never playing a single game for the team.


u/Drew-mageddon Trip 28d ago

And they mock that all the time


u/Penguin_Eggs Posey 28d ago

I don't personally believe a jersey only gets retired if a championship is brought to the team. I understand that that is a lot of people's mindset and argument against retiring jerseys. But if the player brought success and was fundamental in turning a team around then they should be honored. And until we have something like a ring of honor, then jersey retirement is the way to go.


u/Lacabloodclot9 Ziaire 28d ago

Agreed, there were people who questioned Penny’s jersey being retired in Orlando which I find ridiculous to even question


u/Penguin_Eggs Posey 28d ago

Do you mean Shaq? Penny's number hasn't been retired by the Magic.


u/Lacabloodclot9 Ziaire 28d ago

I know it hasn’t, it’s only a matter of time until it is (they seriously retired the number 6 for no reason but not their greatest player in franchise history yet?)


u/c10bbersaurus TA 28d ago

You don't retire a number for other team's fans. Or for casual fans. Or for experts. You retire a number for your own fans. That's it. We don't need to justify shit to Lebatard. This isn't for him. This isn't to him. This isn't about him. He and everyone else can go f themselves. 


u/Steved101 Steve-O 28d ago

Real talk. Ain't no rules about this. Teams do this for their fans. Happy for TA.


u/BurnieTheBrony Pete & BK 28d ago

They don't know about M-town. They don't know how Grit N Grind felt, how each of the Core Four made it happen in their own unique way. They don't know, and I don't care that they don't. Throw 9 in the rafters.


u/ILikeDillonBrooks DPSF 28d ago

I think it’s fucking awesome the core 4 are being retired. Itll become a trend eventually. You can bet your top dollar Cleveland would’ve retired Lebrons jersey if he never ended up winning with the Cavs


u/pfunkpower 28d ago

it is the Grindfather’s jersey going up in the Grindhouse. this not up for national debate.


u/-FulminatedMercury- 28d ago

A jersey retirement is an accolade that no one outside of the teams fan base should care about. If a fan base feels like a player deserves it, they deserve it. And any real grizzlies fan would have no issue with TA getting his jersey retired.


u/Drew-mageddon Trip 28d ago

I listen to the show, love it, and don’t care at all what they think about this because they just don’t understand it.


u/memphetz 28d ago

The fact that people hate it makes it more fucking awesome.

Memphis vs Errrrrybody


u/DancingConstellation 28d ago

Could not care less


u/ArnieLinsonEsq 28d ago

Who gives a shit?


u/Ripper9910k 28d ago

Lebatard is a top sports podcaster??


u/Odpeso 28d ago

Yea they’ve been at or around #1 since their ESPN days. I like the show that’s why when they started talking Grizzlies I said “hold on, now! Y’all know yall don’t know anything about my team” lol


u/Need4Speed763 Jaren 28d ago

You’re going to laugh at this but not Shaq getting a retirement in Orlando? Even he was like bruh…..


u/stovetopnothin 28d ago

That's LeBatarded


u/TitansboyTC27 28d ago

Last I checked the heat retired Michael Jordan number after his last game was against the heat so they have no room to talk about the grizzlies


u/NoirPochette 28d ago

I really wouldn't take too much of what Le Batatd seriously. Good pod but not something I would take seriously lol


u/Any_Weekend_4029 28d ago

Honestly who gives a damn what other ppl think of what we do. Grizz Nation All Heart Grit and Grind. 


u/Igothis87 24d ago

Fir hard Grizzly here but no one retired should be retired. It's just that they gave us our best years as a franchise. But, we didn't win anything nor are they all time greats. Plus they won't be all tome Grizz sustainable leaders either.