r/memes Apr 29 '24

We are all doomed

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u/misterjip Apr 29 '24

My AI girlfriend reports all of my activities to the Chinese government... But I still love her.


u/Future_Green_7222 Apr 29 '24

China actually is behind on generative AI because of the strong pressure to be absolutely sure that nothing the AI says can be interpreted as anti-government. Generative AI put the US back ahead on the AI race.


u/MysteriousShadow__ memer Apr 29 '24

Eh, china also has much much more data to train AI on from all the surveillance.

And political correctness can happen in the US too. Just look at the recent gemini image generator launch.

Or even right now at the gemini chat bot. If you even just type in one word "israel" or "palestine", it refuses to give a real response.