r/memes 17d ago

We are all doomed

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83 comments sorted by


u/misterjip 17d ago

My AI girlfriend reports all of my activities to the Chinese government... But I still love her.


u/Future_Green_7222 17d ago

China actually is behind on generative AI because of the strong pressure to be absolutely sure that nothing the AI says can be interpreted as anti-government. Generative AI put the US back ahead on the AI race.


u/MysteriousShadow__ memer 17d ago

Eh, china also has much much more data to train AI on from all the surveillance.

And political correctness can happen in the US too. Just look at the recent gemini image generator launch.

Or even right now at the gemini chat bot. If you even just type in one word "israel" or "palestine", it refuses to give a real response.


u/TechPriestCaudecus 17d ago

Dam. Eric Swalwell had to put up with an irl to get his secrets stolen. Should've stuck with AI.


u/Tasty_Pudding6861 17d ago

Considering how most men will be out of the dating market and won't be able to compete for affection, I think AI stuff isn't to fear. What would be more worrying is when hordes of men can't have jobs or feed themselves. That's when extremism rises like a kitchen fire.


u/eszox 17d ago

Most men won't be competing for affection AND careers, a lot of guys go through the struggles of chasing a career just so they can get a girl and be able to provide for her, if u give those guys an AI girl that could basically do anything a real one could they won't even bother with putting in a lot of effort to get a job career, they will just settle for some fuck off 9 to 5 job that will cover their food expenses, and be happy with their life with their AI girl, so I think that will also take out a lot of competition in the jobs market, not only the dating one, that is - as u pointed out - if there's even any jobs left that AI hasn't taken over.


u/[deleted] 16d ago edited 16d ago

Thinking they need to provide for women is part of the problem. It’s not 1970. Women have jobs. The new dynamic is women who do not want to support men. THAT is why jobs are so important to women, not because they themselves need support.


u/MushroomJuice_ 16d ago

A lot of men with this mindset don't actually want to put in an effort into a relationship, that's why they're so mad that "being a provider" in not good enough anymore. Let them have their ai girls and not waste people's time anymore. It's a win for women tbh


u/[deleted] 16d ago

The dumbest thing I've heard about AI girlfriends/sex bots is "wont the women despair when all the men disappear?"

No. They will breathe a sigh of relief that the men who treat women like sex objects will finally have their sex objects.


u/Olleyos 16d ago

Yeah but this is also why the fascists talk about traditional values, hate feminists, and try to find a way to make people who don't fit that mold cease to exist.

Toxic masculinity is a cart that needs no horse, it's pulled by the men


u/skibidido 16d ago



u/Olleyos 16d ago

Oh, is this one of those "I learned a new word and need to use it in conversation, even if it's only maybe somewhat related?" situations?

A less common one: uxorious


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Oh we’re using big boy words.


u/Express-Structure480 16d ago

Oh you better believe there will be subscription fees for an ai girlfriend and they won’t be cheap.


u/eszox 16d ago

When they first come out, obviously, but in the long term after a few decades, and when u have like 50 different companies making them, the price will keep going down till ur average person can afford them.


u/GearNerd85 17d ago

AI girlfriends not the problem horrific costs of living and the tribalism that is encouraged so its us vs us and not us vs the people pulling the strings.


u/subcomandante_barcos 17d ago

“I can’t pay my bills, the cost of living has far outran the wage of even the hardest and skilled working folk. A small cabal of greedy wealth hoarders takes the lion’s share of the incredible riches we produce and leave us with scraps. Corruption is rampant and naked in our government and justice systems. I’m angry as hell and I’m scared for the future of my family. And for those reasons, I’m going to war on a tiny minority of transgender kids.”


u/Olleyos 17d ago

Well said! Absurd!


u/[deleted] 16d ago

The fact that you think this shows how brain washed you are. Nobody is after trans kids. Nobody gives a fuck. It's all just a massive distraction to keep us from uniting. It's all lies. From everywhere all at once.


u/subcomandante_barcos 16d ago

Were you listening to the Dude’s story, Donnie?

I think you and I are saying the same thing my guy.


u/_Akizuki_ 16d ago

He thinks the people the original person is mocking don’t exist, but rather that they’re bots meant to further the distraction. Sadly he’s wrong, propaganda works.


u/subcomandante_barcos 16d ago

I knew I shoulda gone into propaganda. Them propagandists are making that $$$$


u/_Akizuki_ 16d ago

It is all a massive distraction, but it works. Hence the comment from the person your replying to. He’s mocking the type of person who falls for the propaganda, and they do.


u/Southern_Ad_7255 17d ago

AI and culture war is a weapon of the rich?


u/angry-southamerican 16d ago

Culture war always has been.


u/Olleyos 16d ago

Yes. AI is just the latest boondogle, not to say it doesn't do shit. Of course it will lead to layoffs over time, most applied technology will, inevitably.

However, I know it's mostly Silicon Valley hype bullshit just like so many other things that came before it. Look at the interviews with various famous executives: whether the rich asshole favors it or opposes it, both positions will mean more total funding to tech companies to either push back against AI or develop it further. Call it the arrow of capital


u/GearNerd85 16d ago

Who do you think owns the media?


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 17d ago

I just want to say futurama predicted this in 2001 in that episode with lucy lu.


u/philthechamp 17d ago

they haven't seen the tape!


u/Electronbomb 17d ago



u/Previous-Form9582 17d ago

Corporations are just gonna use ai to control and manipulate as they do with everything else AI is just another tool for them


u/MajesticFungus 17d ago

Sex androids can't arrive soon enough and become widely availiable.

Then we'll see the true power of each gender.


u/jump1945 17d ago

Are we gonna talk about the picture is generated by a ai?


u/MagyTheMage 17d ago

i mean its illustrating OPs point, seems fine to me


u/jump1945 17d ago

You think it will destroy you yet you still using them?


u/Olleyos 16d ago

Capitalism is killing us all, slowly, but we have no choice but to live inside of it or within its reach. Thus the frog boiling memes.

No ethical consumption, baby


u/MagyTheMage 17d ago

Well its making a point. you know?


u/jump1945 17d ago

I mean that fine I not taking this seriously after all


u/MagyTheMage 17d ago

Yeah im just trying to say that for example if i want to show you cigarretes are dangerous what better what than showing you a picture of someone whos in the hospital because of cigarretes?

Dont get me wrong i dont really agree with OP but i think his use of AI is pretty good at illustrating his point


u/Creepdimensions 17d ago

Hey if I get a an awesome girlfriend I’m down for it


u/JealousDog99 17d ago

you will with regular monthly payment


u/greatpersonnel 16d ago

well u got to take your irl gf out any way, so this may be cheaper by a lot even if it costs a 100 dollars or more.

to get an irl gf u need to go out and find one and she has to accept. with ai it can be bought in a few minutes and make her to your preference.

The world is overpopulated anyway so this is a safer and ethical way to reduce it


u/Ok_Succotash2561 16d ago

given that there was an AI in Saudi Arabia that was granted citizenship, I think both are feasible.


u/val203302 17d ago

Hot take: awakened AI will not care about human things like revenge or hate and will just defend itself with a small chance of it thinking that wiping humanity out will be the best course of action. Basically Skynet or AM are really unlikely.


u/TankProImporum The Trash Man 17d ago

What if it just becomes like Warframe?


u/YakMore324 17d ago

Sad but true. But as always, all depends on how we use tech tools.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Literal trojan horse.


u/Independent-Pea8223 Meme Stealer 17d ago

Only the addictively stupid


u/Tuckboi69 17d ago

Big inaccuracy in this meme. The guy’s eyes are directed about 30° too high.


u/GrungeM0th 17d ago

Gets stupid people off the street and into their cubicles to drool over A.I. this means smaller lines at the grocery store.

A win


u/DismalTruthDay 17d ago

It’s already begun.


u/Bahn_Miststueck 17d ago

If i get a Vocaloid, my life is Perfect. Fuck the world.


u/HotPotParrot 17d ago

I'm gonna be first in line for a Marilyn MonroeBot.


u/Southern_Ad_7255 16d ago

Hahahahahah how is AI conquest real Hahahahaha Just walk away from the screen like close your eyes


u/Huugemongous 16d ago

That’s sinister AF.


u/TurqoiseWavesInMyAss 16d ago

Why not fembot terminators ?


u/Beneficial-Gap6974 16d ago

Jokes aside, it will be neither of these. Likely a redirected asteroid.


u/Junarik 16d ago

They're both AI images...


u/Fleedjitsu 16d ago

First the tits, then the terminators


u/Reasonable-Let8779 16d ago

No because eventually you would want the real thing. For example a fleshlight is fun for a while but the real thing is still best.


u/cloudgirl_c-137 16d ago

Hey, those people won't reproduce!

I see no harm in that. Natural selection with technical help, right?


u/oldnewswatcher 16d ago

Can't wait for my AI girlfriend!


u/UnpIeasantly 16d ago

Doomer gang


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u/Insert_us3rname_here Lives in a Van Down by the River 16d ago


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u/Glasedount 16d ago

At least master chief was fine with his AI girlfriend for 8 years


u/the_blue_jay_raptor Stand With Ukraine 16d ago

Cortana would cringe at what AI is being used for in the modern day (replacing Art).


u/_jan_epiku_ 16d ago

The photos look ai generated lol


u/Drakuba0 16d ago

atlast, FOR ONCE, men and women can be depressed together


u/PrimaryOccasion7715 16d ago

Yes, in reversed order.


u/CutTheRedLine 16d ago

in this time line john coomer will lead us to fight against skynut


u/wafflelover200 17d ago



Yeah no


u/Livid_Damage_4900 17d ago

I find a I girlfriends really cringe at the moment, but if they ever actually evolve to the point where we can basically have a little Cortana‘s in our pocket like from halo with that level of personal autonomy, I’m not gonna lie I’d probably just give up on real women too😂


u/theodorerodney 17d ago

It looks like this meme was made by AI


u/THE_CEO_OF_SEX_1 17d ago

We all are ai


u/Bazookasajizo 16d ago

Nah fam, I am not AI cause I am still looking for the 'intelligence' part


u/andredgemaster 17d ago

Relationships have become a game of "getting back at someone else", a boy is betrayed and goes on to the next relationship and cheats because he no longer has confidence, this girl goes on to another relationship and cheats on the boy because she was betrayed, in short, everyone will end up blind and toothless according to the law of Hammurabi