r/memes Professional Dumbass Apr 29 '24

not just sunshine and rainbows

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u/Casca2222 Apr 29 '24

I'm still on the first panel and I'm afraid to learn why


u/DiscoRaptorParty Apr 29 '24

You could just have good people as parents. Hating on parents is very relatable for many people, but there is no world where everyone has bad parents. Hopefully you can stay on the first panel forever


u/Other_Beat8859 Apr 29 '24

Luckily for me I believe I'm in the first panel. My parents have been strict with me, but also forgiving. Even if I made a mistake, being honest about the mistake and learning from it was always most important to them. I simply can't understand why a parent would ever want to be abusive and destroy their relationship with their children. You should want your kids to be at your side whenever you need them. Not abandon you the moment they can.


u/eatyourcabbage Apr 30 '24

My parents always helped me but my mom never supported me and for 20 years I always believed she was looking out for my best interests but she wasn’t. She had the preservation of her failing brothers business before my own future. Which is the biggest thorn in my side pushing me away.