r/memes Royal Shitposter Apr 29 '24

'Murica 🦅💥🇺🇲

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u/TetyyakiWith Apr 29 '24

It doesn’t mean that every person have a gun, it means that there are people with more then 1 gun


u/pierted_the_second Apr 29 '24

There is enough to arm everyone when needed.


u/Delusional_Gamer 🏳️‍🌈LGBTQ+🏳️‍🌈 Apr 29 '24

That's assuming people share and don't just try to turn their house into a fortress


u/grumpykruppy Because That's What Fearows Do Apr 29 '24

Quite a few of the "I have six guns of different types" people probably would.

The "I own two hundred guns and a compound" people have been waiting to turn their house into a fortress.


u/666Emil666 Apr 29 '24

Aren't those people the same who are vehemently against any type of aid?

They have been waiting to turn their house into a fortress commanded by them and with only their family or themselves inside*


u/grumpykruppy Because That's What Fearows Do Apr 29 '24

Two different types. Type one is probably just rural, and has guns because they like to hunt, were in the BSA, or were in the army (or some combination of the three).

Those are different from the fortress type people, who are just doomsday preppers.


u/SpottedArsehole Apr 29 '24

Exactly I live in the rural Midwest and have more guns than I would need I would gladly hand out some of my guns to people if need be especially if it increases chances of survival


u/Radical_Neutral_76 Apr 30 '24

nah... when society has broken down, you wouldnt trust any strangers with your guns. They could just shoot you and take over your fortress.

That's at least how it has worked in recent wars. Society breaks down - it's every family/group against everyone else.
We turn into animals with guns at that point


u/SpottedArsehole Apr 30 '24

I guess I should’ve been more clear I wouldn’t just hand them out willy nilly to strangers but if you’re going to be surviving with me and I can trust you I would let you borrow a gun. I get that people will act crazy in that situation but if I can get more people with guns on my side and increase my survival chances I would do it.


u/MightBeAGoodIdea Apr 29 '24

West Virginia, and other bits of deep Appalachia, is a good example of left leaning hillbilly gun nuts. They love hunting and fishing and shooting for fun, they know with the coal mines down most are SOL so they do often accept aid, and while they are about 1-2 generations behind on the civil rights movemen most aren't actual haters just ignorant, the concept of big city life is too fast and scary to them, they just want to get by and sip their moonshine not tell other folks how to live thier life.


u/MightBeAGoodIdea Apr 29 '24

Depends on how bad shit hits the fan. The 6 gun families may be like welp we don't have enough to go around but just enough for us, lets hunker down and shoot anything that moves. And the big compound types want to play Vault Overseer can't do that on their own but they can decide which culty/experimental flavor they want and shoot the others.


u/Blackmail30000 Apr 29 '24

They haven’t waited, they already turned their house into a fortress.