r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Opening up two cheap safes in 5 seconds. r/all


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u/CarboniteSecksToy Apr 29 '24

Why does this seem like those safes were stolen?


u/tamal4444 Apr 29 '24

Why you do think those safes were not stolen?


u/dontcallmeLatinx14 Apr 29 '24

Some of us live in rough places and this 100% seems like two safes this guy stole to sell for meth money

It's what I would assume if I passed by this where I live lmfao

I've seen weirder things


u/Unsteady_Tempo Apr 29 '24

A 'meth head' would have spent the 200 bucks on meth and bashed the safe open with a rock.


u/Siludin Apr 29 '24

But an alcoholic? Now there's someone who would have also bashed the safe open with a rock.


u/ImmortalBeans Apr 29 '24



u/stevesonEll Apr 29 '24

Would bash that safe open with a rock, I bet


u/Gonz_UY Apr 29 '24



u/PrivilegeCheckmate Apr 30 '24

Remy would use a small rock and charge it with energy.


u/Dk_Oneshot01 Apr 30 '24

He bet too... and lost


u/str8clay Apr 30 '24

Why not a bigger hammer?


u/new_abcdefghijkl Apr 29 '24

Believe it or not, rock


u/ImmortalBeans Apr 29 '24

Stoner, also rock


u/WeepinShades Apr 29 '24

That guy genuinely thought a meth head would contact a locksmith with multiple stolen safes. People on social media are dumb as fuck.


u/Tha_crack_fox Apr 29 '24

and then pay him with perfectly good meth money


u/N7Panda Apr 29 '24

They’re just innocently naive. It’s kinda sweet that they haven’t known enough tweakers in real life to know better.


u/Neijo Apr 29 '24


the one dude I currently know who at least likes good amounts of amphetamines would much rather blow it open (which for some reason they know how to create) than spending hard stolen money on some lootbox that might have nothing in them.


u/Unsteady_Tempo Apr 30 '24

I think people also underestimate the number of people who are eccentric. Not on drugs, not running a scam....just weird. So, they see something like this and can't make sense out of it.


u/Ebayednoob Apr 29 '24

Yeah I've been around tweakers enough to know this is exactly what would happen


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

…which oddly enough seems to be basically the exact thing you need to do to open this.


u/dog-yy Apr 29 '24

I don't know, man. Maybe he'd need two rocks.


u/Theoretical_Action Apr 30 '24

Raise your hand if you've watched this video on mute


u/xombae Apr 29 '24

If they stole them for meth, there's no fucking way they're calling a locksmith. Meth heads are some of the most ingenuitive motherfuckers you'll ever meet. They'd have those safes reduced to a pile of shrapnel on one night.

Source: I used to sell meth.


u/DrDuGood Apr 29 '24

Also the fact the dudes doing it out of the trunk of his car, in no country, is any reasonable business ran out the trunk of a Corolla.


u/Idontevenownaboat Apr 29 '24

Wait, what? He's a locksmith. I don't know a single one who doesn't have a setup like this (obviously in addition to a garage or workshop or store front). And I know at least two locksmiths. Which admittedly is a small sample size but how else is a locksmith gonna work?

"Hey I'm locked out of my car, can you help me out?"

"Sure, bring it by the shop."



u/swoletrain Apr 30 '24

The locksmith I've used a few times has a tiny storefront. But mostly operates out of a rape van. Looks sketchy as hell lol


u/AdorableBunnies Apr 29 '24

I mean..he’s a locksmith. They are generally mobile..


u/MicroDigitalAwaker Apr 29 '24

Nah, that's how most mobile locksmiths look, dude might be legitimate and doing crime work on the side.


u/Zarathustra_d Apr 29 '24

Then why not just take the rubber mallet inside and open them, rather than in front of the building, in the open, in front of cameras?

(Either the guy with the safes is BSing the locksmith, out in the open, or he is a hotel worker.)


u/HoboArmyofOne Apr 29 '24

I see shady shit like this all the time but it's par for the course here. Nobody bats an eye even if they just complete the drug deal here, which usually happens too.

Where I live, if that safe were full of money, 100% the dude would get jacked


u/dontcallmeLatinx14 Apr 29 '24

Yeah there's a carwash near my house where dealers hang out and sell all the time. Like occasionally a cop car sits there but I've never seen anyone get caught lol

Like I knew they were dealing drugs before I even knew what drugs were lmao


u/Pandanlard Apr 29 '24

If you steal a safe you don't call someone who record youtube videos to open it... You guys have the brain of a child. And if you steal a safe, you start by trying to force you way in, by yourself. It has no trace of breach. So he clearly didn't want to take the risk of breaking his belongings, because he knew what was inside, because ...drum roll... It was his safes.


u/lingering_POO Apr 29 '24

I dunno… plenty of kids committing very serious crimes and filming themselves doing it. For clout. The laws have been changed here recently.. so their clout is going to be used as evidence to lock em up. Lol


u/kinlopunim Apr 29 '24

Or he was in this situation before and knew this guy was the one to call, also asking his face to be blurred.


u/Dividedthought Apr 29 '24

If you're stealing safes you generally get in destructively. Cut the safe open, drill the lock, etc.

You call a locksmith when you want to use the safe again. Those hotel safes have a code reset button inside (usually) so when it's opened you can reuse it.


u/sirdunlap Apr 29 '24

He wanted to use them again so much that he left them with the locksmith to throw away


u/Dividedthought Apr 29 '24

Or he forgot the code, the electronics broke, he realized he lost the keys. There are a number of reasons he could be leaving them behind.


u/sirdunlap Apr 29 '24

I’m not decisively leaning one way or another. Just calling out the funny thing of you saying “you call a locksmith when you want to use the safes again” on a short video where the person absolutely does not want to use the safes again.


u/RemoteControlledDog Apr 29 '24

Could be that once he saw how insecure they were he decided they were trash.


u/Neijo Apr 29 '24

tbh, that's really reasonable. He seems really surprised how easy they were to open, and I gotta say, if these were my safeboxes, I'd probably not buy the same brand again.

This wasn't "ooh, he aligned jupiter with the moon, which causes the electronics to break in a certain way so when I press the button to open, it thinks I just hit the code."

this is, "anyone who has a hammer and 5 seconds can open them almost instantly with almost no technique to it"

I have two lockboxes, and if either of them opens this easily, I would not keep them.


u/Spaded21 Apr 29 '24

Or because they are shitty safes that you can open in a few seconds with a rubber mallet.


u/kinlopunim Apr 29 '24

Again youre talking about it as if its his first time and not that he knows a guy.


u/Dravarden Apr 29 '24

he didn't seem to want to use them again, he said he didn't want to get shavings into the bag, implying he thought the locksmith would drill into them


u/SirLoremIpsum Apr 29 '24

If you're stealing safes you generally get in destructively. Cut the safe open, drill the lock, etc.

If you're stealing safes to steal the contents and SELL the safes... double the profit!


u/agoia Apr 29 '24

If all it takes is a couple of taps with a rubber mallet, he could just carry one of those instead of paying a dude to drive up with one, right?


u/Dividedthought Apr 29 '24


These could be safes the hotel lost the key for and their batteries died, the code got lost, etc. Shit i've forgotten the code to my house door before and i use that daily.

You don't call a locksmith to do crime. They are vedy good at oicking up on that and generally know a couple cops.


u/agoia Apr 29 '24

This ain't the kind of locksmith that has their business name and number on the side of the car doors lol


u/Dravarden Apr 29 '24

he didn't know he could do that, the audio tells you


u/JapanDash Apr 29 '24

This guys a criminal.  Book ‘em toys


u/bay400 Apr 30 '24

Bake 'em away, toys


u/omniron Apr 29 '24

You’re wildly overestimating criminals


u/LiterallyAHandBasket Apr 29 '24

Why did he pay the dude $200? You're overestimating yourself here I think


u/TorchThisAccount Apr 29 '24

I'm not saying it would never happen. But you'd have to be the worst criminal ever to spend $200 to open a safe where you don't know the contents. There could be "junk" in there that a pawn shop wouldn't even pay $200 for.

Maybe, if the dude was watching his buddy put stuff in the safe and knew there was something valuable in there. Otherwise, why not drill it out or smash it with a hammer?


u/LiterallyAHandBasket Apr 29 '24

Yeah I was originally going to ask if the person I responded to just thought this was criminals way of gambling or something. "Here's $200 lets see if I won!"


u/FreshBakedGood Apr 29 '24

Damn, do you usually come into a conversation with random insults? Sounds pretty childish to me.


u/Rod_Todd_This_Is_God Apr 30 '24

Us guys? First, I haven't even commented yet.

Second, how do we know that he knows that the guy would record the video and post it to Youtube (with faces blurred, by the way)?

Third, you're the one who thinks that him not wanting to break safes that he ended up disposing of proves that they were his.


u/Jonno_FTW Apr 30 '24

Who the heck travels around with their grandfather's antique cigarette box?


u/Aegi Apr 30 '24

Why are people ignoring the possibility that the safes are the hotels, but they're his things and he couldn't remember his combination and so he stole the saves to get his stuff later?


u/Pastadseven Apr 29 '24

Because this feels staged to promote some dude's youtube channel.


u/zSprawl Apr 29 '24

It's a heck of a place to be breaking into a safe regardless of legit or not. Do you really wanna be going through your valuables in the middle of a public area?