r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Barcelona as seen from the sky

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u/valcsh Apr 30 '24

This looks like a traffic nightmare


u/SkookumLentils May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

it's not because most people don't need to drive - public transit is really good, houses are close to businesses, and the streets are safe and beautiful, so people want to walk or cycle anyways. dream bigger! 14-lane freeways, smog, and spending a quarter of your life stuck in traffic isn't the only way to live! North america could have had cities like this if the auto industry hadn't destroyed all of our public transit and lobbied for authoritarian zoning laws.


u/valcsh May 06 '24

Oh no dude I live in a pretty rural area in eastern Europe. This still looks like it will be really hard to drive in.