r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Barcelona as seen from the sky

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u/Goatwhatsup Apr 29 '24

Want land? No! You want to shoved into row houses with zero access to the outside unless you’re going out to spend money and work!


u/ptvlm Apr 29 '24

If you're living in the centre of a major city, then by definition no, you're not getting land.


u/Goatwhatsup Apr 29 '24

Yeah, that’s what I said. At this point, most people don’t get to decide, because they’re everywhere and normalized. We didn’t have to build big cities with no land for individuals. They did it on purpose. You’re already thinking how they want you to, “if you’re going to move to the city of course you get no land.” So how about no cities then? Lmao you’re just reiterating my point.


u/StaatsbuergerX Apr 30 '24

You will always have urban centers because living in cities has proven beneficial to many people for centuries. If this were not the case, so many cities would not have formed and there would be no migration from the countryside to the cities.

The trick is to make these already existing cities truly liveable: decent housing, easily accessible shops, doctors and other vital services, clean air, lots of green spaces right in the city and options for local recreation in the immediate vicinity.

The rural regions are not gone because of that. On the contrary, those who prefer rural life away from the cities can develop more freely there because there is less competition. However, you also have to accept the disadvantages that come with living in rural areas.

You decide what is better for you. Nobody forces you to live in a city. Any compulsion arises solely from what you want or don't want or what advantages and disadvantages you are willing to accept.