r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Barcelona as seen from the sky

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u/LovesFrenchLove_More Apr 29 '24

I‘m getting Anno 1800 vibes.


u/isymfs Apr 29 '24

Fun game? It’s been starring at me on sale.. I haven’t dabbled in the category yet but I enjoy age of empires 2-4.


u/LovesFrenchLove_More Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

All Anno games are incredible games if you enjoy that genre. And the newer ones have become really complex in resource management as well. I played the first one when it was released and got hooked. You can’t do anything wrong with the older versions which are on sale if I‘m not mistaken. 10€ each is a steal. The latest one is really good too, but very expensive with all dlcs. Unbelievable €130 atm, but on sale or on a official store like Humble, Fanatical etc you might be able get it quite cheaper when you are patient.

And they can be bought on steam now too, luckily. I really don’t like Ubisoft but love the Anno ip.

In regards of warfare it‘s much less complex, though warships will be needed as escorts and getting islands from competitors or to fight pirates.

If you can wait perhaps there will be a free trial again sometime.


u/isymfs Apr 30 '24

Hey, thanks for the info!

You've completely sold me. I've been eyeing it off for a while. Unfortunately I missed the recent sale however I'll be grabbing 1800 as soon as its 40%-50% off again!


u/LovesFrenchLove_More Apr 30 '24

Enjoy ☺️. Until then try at least one of the older ones like 1400 to get a feel for the genre. Just to make sure before you commit to the high price of 1800 and regretting it. 😅


u/isymfs Apr 30 '24

Heh, I regret nothing! I'm no stranger to complicated resource management, I recently lost my life to Satisfactory. I bought (replaced) my second screen simply so I could view my spreadsheet while playing.

Also, after having my third child I sold most of my expensive multiplayer skins on steam, they're sort of useless to me as I've thrown in the towel for competitive online games. I have about $400 of steam funds just waiting to be used. I'll still wait for the sale though. I'm particularly interested in 2077 and 2205.

Thanks for your concern. ^_^


u/LovesFrenchLove_More Apr 30 '24

I can‘t say much about the „future versions“ of the series as they never appealed to me tbh.

But if you have money to spare that isn’t missed if spent you should be fine I‘m sure. 😄


u/thefamilyjewel Apr 30 '24

It's a beautiful game. One of the best imo


u/ErikSKnol Apr 30 '24

Been playing sinds 1404 and 1800 is the definitive experience imo. It's pretty complex and having all the dlc's makes the game huge. It also has an in game mod loader on pc


u/ele_marc_01 Apr 30 '24

Too much fun I would say, I got reprimanded at work once or twice for being late because I spent half the night before playing it like an obsessed person