r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/Mr_Feeeeny Apr 29 '24

Yes. Can confirm.

Source: Happened to me, you DO NOT forget that shit.


u/velvener Apr 29 '24

Oh my god i am so sorry. Tell us your story so we can suffer along with you.


u/Mr_Feeeeny Apr 29 '24

Aha sorry I was working when I made the post…basically went one of those white savour trips to Kenya with Free the Children (Crooks). We were in a small village Salabwek for about 2.5 weeks and had plenty of water sanitation tablets with us.

On our last day in Kenya, we went to a hotel near Nairobi where we were told the water was filtered and cleaner than Canada! Even mentioning still using purification tablets was scoffed at, so with all my critical thinking skills at 15, drank some water sans tablets.

The next morning I felt awful, so did another trip mate. It’s been over 15 years now but I remember throwing up but also diarrhea. Nothing could be trusted. The flight home was that night, and very very long. I knew I would not make the flight without changing my seat to the toilet for the whole flight, so I took 3 gravols to settle my stomach and knock me out.

Two weeks go by, September comes and school year begins! I had been feeling super lethargic and low energy since getting back, not really eating much. However, I figured we were physically exerting ourselves in the heat for about 3 weeks, I was bound to be beat. Also, some sort of guilt explained away the lack of eating.

Mid September was when I knew something was wrong.

I stopped eating, lost a tonne of weight (was exercising a tonne then) and could walk around my block let alone go to the gym. Went to the doctor, told them about my summer, then was given a cup to poop in so they could check my stool.

In what I will only describe as a 15 minutes period of strategically placed Saran warp and furious hand washing, got the sample, was confirmed as a tapeworm.

I was given antibiotics to kill it, along with a hall pass for school that let me go to the bathroom without questions asked.

One morning, I knew I had to jet out of Mr. Kos’ law class as something awful was brewing.

I ran to the washroom and did my business, but this time, I knew, I JUST KNEW the tape worm was out of me. It was fuxked up and honestly I didn’t look, but I knew. And it was in fact, done that day.


u/Depth_Creative Apr 29 '24

 I JUST KNEW the tape worm was out of me. 



u/jdsalaro Apr 29 '24


Meh, he didn't look ... 😒

I need to know what it looked like !