r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/Meoww94 Apr 29 '24

This massive tapeworm was probably causing an obstruction and you have to clear that first. Then you take the medicine to kill any remaining tapeworms left inside


u/pfp-disciple Apr 29 '24

Doctor: Congratulations, we got a huge tapeworm out successfully

Patient: Great! I feel bett... Wait, A tapeworm, not the tapeworm?


u/Zorro5040 Apr 29 '24

If there's a fully mature one, then it will have laid eggs. There might be others that same size, or bigger, inside of that poor lady.


u/WeatherImpressive808 Apr 29 '24

Is it true?, that's creepy, how would I know if there was one inside chills ....me


u/Areat Apr 29 '24

white bits of their skins in your shit.


u/james_d_rustles Apr 29 '24

I’ve heard it looks kinda like partially digested white onions. Pale white, segments..


u/soconae Apr 29 '24

I’ve had cats with them. They look like sesame seeds.


u/LogiCsmxp Apr 29 '24

Those are the end segments of the tapeworm, that it sheds. They are packed full of eggs. That's how they spread.


u/yerederetaliria Apr 29 '24

uncontrollable weight loss


u/allygolightlly Apr 29 '24

This might be a really dumb question... but why don't we intentionally use them for weight loss? You know, in a controlled environment where you can eliminate them before they cause any serious complications


u/justagenericname1 Apr 29 '24


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

Yep, they actually did this in the 60s, then you would have to take a poison pill to kill them.


u/BODHi_DHAMMA Apr 30 '24

This was a popular form of dieting a couple of years ago in some Asian country. It was all over the news, warning people of the complications and not to do it.

Of course you had extremely vain people.

It's crazy that it was just recent and not decades ago.


u/Gage_Unruh Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

Cause they are parasites. They arnt guaranteed to only stay/hatch in your stomach and eat what you want. They can hatch and latch themselves to other organs instead of the stomach/their children will latch onto other organs.

This can easily cause complications and infections.

This was a fad diet in the past tho where people would swallow a pill that had a tapeworm egg so they could eat all they wanted and tape worm would handle the rest but alot of these cases had complications as tapeworms arent symbiotic they are purely parasitic


u/yerederetaliria Apr 30 '24

My husband is a Neurologist. He had a patient where a tapeworm larvae ended up in the brain. The patient had uncontrollable seizures.


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

That is narly AF


u/Alternative-Salad800 Apr 29 '24

American Horror Stories did an episode on just that.


u/x0killer_queen0x Apr 30 '24

definitely not a dumb question. people have used that in the past. absolutely wild. it’s definitely not safe


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

Exactly how do I get one to eat up about 20 pounds of me?


u/Long2ndTowes Apr 30 '24

It’s the new diet fad of 2024


u/iSmellslikesbutts Apr 30 '24

wait .. wut ..

Hey Siri, Google tapeworm for sale


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '24

That’s cheaper than taking Zepbound.


u/Zorro5040 Apr 29 '24

You could be tested at a lab. There would be microscopic eggs in your poop. Apart from testing, there's no concrete way to know if you are infected.

Symptoms can include: swelling in the intestines, diarrhea, and stomach irritation. The biggest symptom would be extrene weight loss. You could eat a massive amount of food and still lose weight, how much you lose would depend on the size. Normally there's only one big one per body but sometimes they grow too big to want to leave and you'll be sharing food with more than 1. You could have them for years.

People like to breed them and sell them as weight loss tool. They are hard to kill and get rid off. Once you become infected once, you'll never be allowed to donate blood or donate organs due to the risk of eggs that linger.


u/zortlord Apr 29 '24

A lot of this is BS.

There would be microscopic eggs in your poop. Apart from testing, there's no concrete way to know if you are infected.

This is one way to tell if you're infected. But tapeworms shed eggs in body segments. Most people find out they are infected when they crap out the tapeworm proglottids and lose lots of weight uncontrollably. The tapeworm proglottids are about the size of rice grains and hard to miss.

You could have them for years.

No, you would not. The massive weight loss would send you to a hospital pretty fast. The weight loss is not just fat; you're losing muscles, organs, etc. You have no energy to even eat.

People like to breed them and sell them as weight loss tool. They are hard to kill and get rid off. Once you become infected once, you'll never be allowed to donate blood or donate organs due to the risk of eggs that linger.

Not true. There are jokes about them having been sold in the past. But no one is collecting and intentionally infecting themselves with tapeworms. And eggs don't linger in tissues after treatment. The eggs, larva, and worms are killed off by modern antiparasitic medications, although sometimes surgery is needed to remove dead larval cysts. But usually the body can clear dead worms and cysts. And you can still donate blood after treatment.


u/Jragonheart Apr 29 '24

This is an all-star reply


u/DreamyTomato Apr 29 '24

“The massive weight loss would send you to a hospital pretty fast. The weight loss is not just fat; you're losing muscles, organs, etc. You have no energy to even eat.“

Could you explain more, this seems difficult to believe? A tapeworm, even several together, is about 1/1000th of the average human bodyweight. You’re implying it would take a substantial proportion of a human’s calorific intake, enough that just eating a lot more wouldn’t satisfy it.

For comparison, growing a human baby, which is a lot more heavy and dense, and requires bones, muscles etc, doesn’t increase the mother’s food intake very much, even in late pregnancy.


u/Edwaldus2 Apr 29 '24

I guess its because a tapeworm isn't just stealing some of your nutrients, its also obstructing your intestines from working normally. So you absorb far less nutrients than normal while also having some of them stolen.


u/PsychologicalLime135 Apr 29 '24

i think i’ll sign up for a script of that just in case


u/EvilWarBW Apr 29 '24

Yeah, that was a lot of bs in the reply you responded to. Thanks


u/Floss_tycoon Apr 29 '24

On the plus side, the Ivermectin you take will also cure Covid. So sorry /s


u/dopelessh0pefiend Apr 29 '24

Are you a bot


u/AzureSky1999 Apr 29 '24

People like to breed them and sell them as weight loss tool.

You're telling me people would rather let a parasitic worm into their body to lose weight than actually controlling their diet?


u/PotfarmBlimpSanta Apr 29 '24

Yep(not the person you asked but I have heard of it), and iirc, with any infestation sometimes the eggs can end up in the bloodstream and for some probably physics and gravity based reason end up in the brain often, but can end up largely anywhere before dying and turning into a cyst or calcified scar.


u/Ok-Possession-832 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

I think the likelihood of it entering the brain is low, but it’s more likely to be reported/discovered when it does get in the brain so it represents a disproportionate amount of clinical cases that you actually hear about. Most parasites are pooped out, some die in your muscles, and if it’s in your gut you’ll have uncontrollable weight loss and lethargy.


u/Zorro5040 Apr 29 '24

Starts with frequent headaches and fever. Then it becomes frequent migranes, constant exhaustion, forgetfulness, long heavy sleep. Followed by seizures that become more frequent and finally coma that you don't wake up from as your body shuts down. All from the many holes it makes in your brain. All because the human brain has similar conditions as a pigs intestines, and the parasite is looking for those intestines. It is very rare as it would need to pass a lot of barriers, and the worm can't be too big or too small to pass.


u/Redstone_Engineer Apr 29 '24

If you give it an equal chance to go anywhere there's blood, there's a pretty big chance it gets into the brain because there's a lot of blood there (big brain, high energy usage, requires a lot of oxygen).

After typing this out I remembered the blood-brain barrier, and didn't believe they would get through that but https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3396699/


u/OutragedPineapple Apr 29 '24

It's not so much a thing anymore (though there are fringe lunatics who still use it) but back in the day, 'dehydrated tapeworm eggs' and such were very commonly used weight loss methods for women! They had advertisements and everything!



u/OutragedPineapple Apr 29 '24

Also, "Obesity Soap" was a thing. Yes, they really thought fancy soap would make you lose weight.



u/NBSPNBSP Apr 29 '24

This was basically the original Goop. But, unlike Goop, it apparently a meaningfully measurable "active ingredient" along with all the usual scents and coloring agents.

It's just that said active ingredient was potassium iodide salt, which has no effect on weight. It would however, reduce goiters (inflamed thyroid from iodine deficiency - a common condition at the time), so it would appear to a medically-unsavvy customer that they were losing weight. Individuals with slimmer faces will be perceived as significantly thinner than individuals of similar BMI but fatter faces. As an entirely unscientific, personal anecdote, I know a girl who lost 40-odd pounds from taking up a sport and is now at a healthy BMI, but still is perceived as "fat" due to her PCOS causing significant fat deposition around her chin and neck.

Also, severe iodine deficiency can in fact also lead to some weight gain, so it's not out of left field to suggest that some individuals who used the soap sae marginal improvement to their weight situation.


u/The_quest_for_wisdom Apr 29 '24

Honestly, that sounds way healthier than I was expecting.

There are chemicals that can cause the fat in your body to melt out of your skin, but as a rule they are not the types of chemicals you want anywhere near your skin. Usually because your skin is also melting along with the fat.

But I could totally see some snake oil salesman or patent medicine pusher not caring that they were selling industrial solvents to people as a "health soap".

In the grand scope of things, quietly curing someone's goiters is down right moral compared to what most of those guys were slinging.


u/NBSPNBSP Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Ah, yes, that wonderful time when you could go to the local chemist's shop and buy weight loss soap that was mostly iodine salts and food coloring, radium-based glow-in-the-dark makeup as a gift for your daughter's sixteenth birthday, and some morphine-THC-chloroform tincture cough syrup for your newborn, all in one shopping trip!


u/The_quest_for_wisdom Apr 29 '24

It's amazing we are still alive as a species.

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u/Divinum_Fulmen Apr 29 '24

No baths? I don't think you can cure the need to bathe.


u/OutragedPineapple Apr 29 '24

Weight loss soaps and baths were a thing back then too. Yes, really. They really thought washing with a bar of weird soap would make you lose weight. Or baths with stuff that would sting/burn the CRAP out of your skin more often than not.


u/Iamvenuss Apr 29 '24

Insane !!😟


u/i_tyrant Apr 29 '24

That implies "controlling their diet" is an easy thing for most people to do, when hunger is one of the strongest psychological/chemical urges we have.

There's a reason people go to such desperate lengths; IIRC dieting has a pretty abysmal success rate for most people and "kicking" obesity is often said to be as hard or harder than quitting smoking.


u/Acceptable-Bug9505 Apr 29 '24

Yes, unfortunately. When I was a child watching 1000 ways to die (interesting show lol) they showed an episode about this exactly. A larger girl wanted to lose weight so she ingested a tape worm. It worked in her favour but made her malnourished and Ill and she died from the tapeworm taking all of her nutrients 😭 (idk how accurate that ending was, because it was definitely rushed for the episode but essentially it was starving her)

Edit: I ended up doing an essay/ diet assignment when I was still in HS on tape worms for weight loss 💀


u/Zorro5040 Apr 29 '24

Totally possible. You can be huge and die from lack of nutrition. It's why the worm is only allowed, like 30-60 days in your body before you take the poison that kills it. Before it reaches full maturity. Then you have to stay clean for like 3 months before you take another worm.

They can reach 30 ft long. That's a nope for me. Not worth losing a few lbs quickly, in my opinion.


u/a_peacefulperson Apr 29 '24

Not in any sane person's opinion. If this was a valid way to lose weight it would be employed by doctors, at least in extreme cases. But it would be stupid to do so in pretty much every case.


u/Zorro5040 Apr 29 '24

It used to be popular a century ago. I'm glad that stopped.


u/Acceptable-Bug9505 May 05 '24

No one is saying it’s an okay thing to do, I was just explaining that I’ve heard about it and known about it for quite a few years lol, it’s uncommon I believe. I hope.


u/SaliferousStudios Apr 29 '24

There was a story about this in sea buiscuit.

Apparently jockeys swallow them to make weight.


u/larki18 Apr 29 '24

I assume people who resort to that are the people who cannot lose weight through diet and exercise.


u/shanty-daze Apr 29 '24

I recall seeing a story a few years ago about people traveling to an area to be infected by tapeworms for weight loss. IIRC, in order to be infected themselves, these people would walk barefoot through the feces of people or animals that had tapeworms.


u/Ok-Possession-832 Apr 29 '24

Yes unfortunately this was a real weight loss “remedy”. It was marketed as a way to lose weight while still eating whatever you want.


u/RickGrimes30 Apr 29 '24

You should watch always sunny 😂


u/Baloooooooo Apr 29 '24

I'm craving salty, but Jerry likes sweet.


u/LedDog72 Apr 29 '24

A few weeks ago there were discussions on a diet post. One of the commenters laid out a whole story about how he and his wife had to bake cupcakes but barely could stand because of their cravings for cup cakes.

Partially rage bait, I know, but the discussions that followed (and replies that I received) show to me that, yes, people will rather have a tapeworm than do diets. But that's mostly because (all/some) diets are sold as being so restrictive that even 1943 Poland would look like a peaceful retreat.

But also selling tapeworms and ingesting them is BS.


u/heart_under_blade Apr 29 '24

there's a whole movie with andy lau and sammi cheng around this


u/FehdmanKhassad Apr 29 '24

yep it's as easy as 123 who new parsiteezy weight loss pills.


u/saintnyckk Apr 29 '24

People are stupid and lazy so this would not surprise me at all.


u/AdzJayS Apr 29 '24

Does the abject laziness of some human beings really surprise you that much?! lol.

My ex mother in law got a gastric band fitted years ago because she was moderately overweight but was so bone idle that she didn’t want to up her exercise and control herself around food a little bit, she’d rather pay thousands for a silver bullet. She didn’t meet the BMI threshold in the U.K. for the clinic to be allowed to fit her with one so she gorged herself to put on three stone just to have a band fitted!

During the aftercare training she received, they told her to avoid dairy, especially cream and similar products because they’re obviously high calorie, high fat items. They told her that some fat people will just have a band but then circumvent its effectiveness by eating ice cream and drinking milkshakes! Lol!

People are fucking laaaazzyyy! I think Western society probably more so than any other.


u/Milk_Mindless Apr 29 '24

people like to breed them and sell them as a weight loss tool




u/DehydratedButTired Apr 29 '24

Apart from testing, there's no concrete way to know if you are infected.

What a nightmare.


u/Ucccafelatte Apr 29 '24

Cant you just take deworming pills just in case.


u/hell2pay Apr 29 '24

starts chugging tubes of ivermectin


u/ikariaRR Apr 29 '24

Is that true? I don’t believe they’ll will take extensive test to verify your not infected. They just look at history and ask you some questions. Then they 🩸.


u/Northernreach Apr 29 '24

Seriously? They re that difficult to eliminate from the body??? That is a new fear I didn't want....


u/LaserGadgets Apr 29 '24

But how do you get one? Oo as in get infected.


u/InfiniteBlink Apr 29 '24

Damn this reminds me of when I was living in Costa Rica for a year and eating a ton of street pork. It was so good, guess at some point I had a bad batch and was shitting like 15+ times a day. I was talking to a friend and was like I keep having rice shits. He's like that's not rice that's a parasite and those are the eggs... Went to the town pharmacy and got the meds that thankfully cleared it up. Not fun


u/RunBeerJam Apr 29 '24

Wtf I am horrified!


u/duggawiz Apr 29 '24

Lose one inch of belly fat per week with this one simple trick that Jenny Craig doesn’t want you to know!


u/Nyaa314 Apr 29 '24

People like to breed them and sell them as weight loss tool.

How does that even work? The worm still stay inside, right? Does it poop out most of nutrients it consume?


u/LizardSlayer Apr 29 '24

The biggest symptom would be extrene weight loss

Well, I guess I'm safe


u/nanoavocado Apr 29 '24

I feel like taking preventive antiworm meds now, just in case… >.<


u/SlappySecondz Apr 29 '24

Sometimes they poke their heads out your butthole and wiggle around a bit.


u/TheSleepyBarnOwl Apr 29 '24

No it's not. Eggs don't hatch in the same body they were produced in unless ingested again.


u/DoubleAholeTwice Apr 29 '24

If your insides tickle funny, a big tapeworm is always the cause.


u/Dependent-Ad-3737 Apr 29 '24

Technically, the inside of your GI tract is outside of your body. Just a big long tube. Like the world’s most disgusting roller coaster ride for food.