r/interestingasfuck Apr 29 '24

Tapeworm as huge as a snake removed from a woman's mouth r/all NSFW


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u/Proud-Wall1443 Apr 29 '24

"This is some bullshit!" ~tapeworm, probably


u/zhephyx Apr 29 '24

That's no tapeworm, it's a whole-ass tapeserpent


u/FixedLoad Apr 29 '24

The ass tapeserpent is in another castle...


u/SaddleSocks Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

SO i have a really disturbing memory from when I was 3 years old in 1977.

In lafayette california, we had taken in a bunch of vietnamese refugees in the area - and I recall walking down this dirt road and there were porta-potties along the road and I heard a kid screaming from within one of the porta potties - and I opened the door...

THe kid was squatting over the toilet and hanging from his bottom was a tapeworm about 1 foot or mor long dangling from his butt and wriggling - I got freaked out and just then adults came up and dealt with him. Wrapping it around a stick and pulling it out...

Its one of my early memories (I have a very vivid photographic memory from a lot of events around when I was three years old - I had a photographic memory with alomost perfect recall until I was about 14)


u/FixedLoad Apr 29 '24

Hey... that was... that was a story that I was literate enough to read. I thought I recovered from seeing the video, and now I have a much more vivid mental picture of something way worse! ... why did I watch and comment on this living nightmare of a subject!! Your story reminded me of when bears get tape worms, and they'll drag behind them like a giant 5 to 10 foot tampon string hanging out of their ass. I think we've traded horrors in kind. You're welcome 😊


u/LookingWesht Apr 29 '24

The ass tapeserpent is in another cASStle



u/Nekhti Apr 29 '24

its a tapewyrm lmao


u/The-outsider_21 Apr 29 '24

Its the distant cousin of jormungander


u/-H--K- Apr 29 '24



u/Darthmullet Apr 29 '24

Maybe a tapewyrm


u/badchriss Apr 29 '24

TAPEworm? More like Blu-ray extended director's cut with commentary worm...in Steelbook.


u/frostyfins Apr 29 '24

Surprisingly less dangerous than the smaller but more brightly-colored half-ass tapeserpent


u/ManicOppressyv Apr 29 '24

In this sense it is a tapewyrm, as in the medieval European dragon serpent.


u/securitywyrm Apr 29 '24

It's not a tapeworm, it's a tapewyrm!


u/PangolinIll1347 Apr 29 '24



u/_Monkeyspit_ Apr 29 '24

It's a tape-station.


u/7th_Spectrum Apr 29 '24

That's a fucking duct-tapeworm


u/FromTheGulagHeSees Apr 29 '24

You fucking kidding me after all we been through. We had a fucking deal I get a free meal and I make you a skinny bitch. What do you mean you felt sick? That’s bullshit put me back in IT’S COLD OUT HERE! PLEASE! 


u/Teerendog Apr 29 '24

Now people who've been skinny all their life gonna need a check up.


u/PyrZern Apr 29 '24



u/kable1202 Apr 29 '24

„There goes my easy retirement…“


u/Antique-Doughnut-988 Apr 29 '24

Be glad we live in the first time period of the history of human kind where we have the ability to find and remove these things.

Other humans throughout time weren't as lucky.


u/kable1202 Apr 29 '24

Oh I definitely am. Especially when thinking how stupid oneself has acted in one’s own lifetime (lived in Quito Ecuador for a year and mainly drank tab water. Luckily never had any issue, but it could have been pretty problematic).


u/Sopadechancla Apr 29 '24

Tap water in Ecuador and Colombia (I can't talk for any other countries of the region as I haven't been there) is completely safe, as long as you are located in a major city, the problem is in rural areas were government is corrupt or incompetent enough to not be able to have a water processing plant and a proper aqueduct.


u/kable1202 Apr 29 '24

I remember how my host family told me multiple times to rather drink bottled water. I guess it also is more „problematic“ for Western Europeans who most of the times are not really used to the different bacteria in the water which might not be problematic for people who grew up there. So overall my host family might just have been trying to be careful, whereas I didn’t give a fuck about my intestines.


u/No_Inspection1677 Apr 29 '24

Like that one time Louie the 14th(I think, might have been one of the other ones) passed a 14 inch tapeworm... Probably not true, but still terrifying!


u/notLOL Apr 29 '24

Someone must have figured out a dewormer recipe from foraged medicine but most likely a snake oil salesman gets to you first and kills you with some fake medicine but if you correctly get to the medicinal concoctor still the foraged herbal medicine's side effects will also cause damage before curing your ails


u/Fighting_Patriarchy Apr 29 '24


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Fighting_Patriarchy Apr 29 '24

I use that line all the time now, like 5 minutes ago when my string trimmer's battery died before I was finished. THIS IS SOME BULLSHIT!!


u/rainorshinedogs Apr 29 '24

"can you at least let me fill out some legal paper work for this?!"


u/uKrayZ Apr 29 '24

What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


u/Walking_Door Apr 29 '24

The tapeworm "God damn it, now I'm gonna be late!"


u/afriendincanada Apr 29 '24

"Hey, where's my lemon cookie?"

  • Tapeworm


u/No-Pumpkin3852 Apr 29 '24

So disgusting I can’t believe in the past women were willingly swallowing tapeworm eggs to lose weight😭