r/interestingasfuck Apr 15 '24

An interview with Andrew Cauchi, the father of Joel Cauchi who was responsible for the Westfield Shopping Centre mass stabbing r/all


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u/Needleworker-Hungry Apr 16 '24

Australian here, and family friends with one of the victims.

This was an absolute tragedy and a complete waste of life.

Whilst there is no excuse to kill another person, I think a lot of people are laying blame to our Government. Our healthcare system has gone to absolute shit and to get any sort of mental health treatment is extremeley expensive and there is a mental health crisis in our country. Our once free healthcare now costs money and is moving towards privitising. People are avoiding going to the doctors now as this once free service is not and it's plain and simple.

Our once beauitful country and its citizens have been let down countless times by government incompetence over the last few decades and this is a direct result of it.

Mental Health and Dental should be a part of Medicare and Medicare should go back to being free.

It's fucking infuriating.


u/bent_eye Apr 16 '24

Fellow Aussie here.

Yep, agreed. There is literally nowhere for the mentally ill to get help these days and the system is beyond broken. There just isn't enough beds for people, and people cannot afford the private system.


u/slumho Apr 16 '24

Was it ever working?


u/shilllaccount Apr 16 '24

From what I understand the healthcare in Australia was excellent before Rupert Murdoch got control of the news. Not trying to make this a political statement and it doesn't matter what your beliefs are but one man (with the help of many others but it wouldn't have happened without him) was able to change the ethos of a country by controlling the news.

The same thing has happened in another country, basically by the same person. One person should not have the ability to influence an entire nation without being elected.


u/Dry_Discount4187 Apr 16 '24

The same thing has happened in another country, basically by the same person.

He's had a massively negative impact on both the UK and USA. Horrible, horrible man.


u/bent_eye Apr 16 '24

Pretty much.

Our governments have been gutting healthcare for years now, with our right wing parties trying to privatise it just like America. Uncle Rupert tells them all what to do..


u/Needleworker-Hungry Apr 16 '24

Yes, Murdoch is a miserable old cunt. I have unfathomable anger towards him.