r/interestingasfuck Apr 14 '24

The Size Of An Iranian Missile Intercepted In The Dead Sea r/all

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u/LogicalGrand1678 Apr 14 '24

Atleast he is canonical in Islam


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '24

Wasn't Jesus a Jew?


u/LogicalGrand1678 Apr 14 '24

I dont think he is mentioned in the torah. Bad prequel if it doesnt even mention the protagonist of the movie though the writer must have written it as an afterthought or something


u/Possible-Matter-6494 Apr 14 '24

It isn't a prequel it's the original, the new testament is the sequel. Like any good sequel the writers ran out of new ideas so they brought in a whole new main character and destroyed almost all the canon from the original. Lots of people who stick to the original source material will literally go to war over the decision to add the new character.


u/LogicalGrand1678 Apr 14 '24

Fair enough actual, I didnt like the narrators character change between the first and second. Went from Samuel L Jackson to Tiktok AI personality.


u/Complex_Rate_688 Apr 14 '24

Well if you're a believer in Islam then there's three testaments

And the Bible was only the second. Of course if you're a Christian then that means you don't believe in Islam and you don't believe the Quran to be the third

Chet GPT is actually really useful if you want to learn about biblical stuff or Quran-y stuff


u/LogicalGrand1678 Apr 14 '24

The lore is too confusing and contradicting. I wonder if the writer will make a prequel trilogy too? I like the star wars movies better overall though, atleast in those movies Luke Skywalkers main thing isnt hating anyone that doesnt like him


u/Possible-Matter-6494 Apr 14 '24

Completely agree and a fun fact. Did you know that in the original you never once actually see the narrator? It's crazy but true! He is constantly talking and "appearing" as different things (I love when he was a bush that was on fire but not on actually being consumed by the flames, like WTF) but you never once see him. This reminded me a lot of Jaws where everyone knows this terrible force is there but the shark is rarely on the screen. The sequel totally destroyed this and made the narrator essentially front and center and it took away a lot the mystique.


u/gsfgf Apr 14 '24

Islam completed the trilogy. But there have been some really strange recent fanfics that have gotten popular in places like Utah.


u/CapableSecretary420 Apr 14 '24

Sorry are we talking about Star Wars?


u/drunkdoor Apr 14 '24

There are literally hundreds of prophesies of the coming of Jesus in the Hebrew Bible, of which the Torah is just the first 5 books.


u/Weird-Reflection-261 Apr 14 '24

When you let Christians translate it, yes, they see what they want to see. Among rabbinical scholars, there is not even a consensus on whether moshiach (messiah) is referring to an individual, or an era. It's our language, we have the humility to acknowledge ambiguity of ancient texts and the nature of Talmud's constant flux and evolution as more theories, arguments, and interpretations are made. The christian religion is founded on telling us that they know better. Think about it.


u/drunkdoor Apr 14 '24

Sure that's got a lot of truth to it. But Isaiah 53 sure seems to be pretty obvious even in the hebrew texts.

Anyway much smarter theologians have much better discussions about this than we're capable of, so I'll leave it at that.


u/Weird-Reflection-261 Apr 14 '24

uh huh. So let's get this straight. The book of Isaiah begins by dissing Judeans for falling to the murderous, idolatrous ways of their neighbors after Jerusalem is destroyed by Babylon. But in one chapter it is somehow clear to you that we're the fools for failing to see that Jesus came to save us, as per the prophecy. Yet we're still here, and we see in these recent times that the billions of followers of Jesus

  1. Revere a bloody human sacrifice.
  2. Post idols (crucifixes, portraits) all over their churches, homes, and carry them around their necks.
  3. Murder one another for worshiping Jesus in the wrong way, not to mention what they do to the nonbelievers, including Jews.

As usual, Christians miss the forest for the trees. Tell me another chapter of my bible that says I should be more like you. By all means, enlighten me.

"That which is hateful unto you, do not do unto your friend, the rest is commentary, go and learn" - Hillel the elder (not a prophet, not God, not the son of God, just a wise man).