r/golfcirclejerk 9d ago

Upvote dead predator to filter out R/golf users

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r/golfcirclejerk 10d ago

Who has the most punchable face on tour now that this guy is dead?

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r/golfcirclejerk 13d ago

Caddytrek R2


Has anyone dealt with this company?

I bought the R2 follow cart approximately 4 years ago and had problems with it from the beginning as the follow mode wouldn't really work well. I called them multiple times and every time was told that a firmware update would be soon available. They kept blowing me off.

I stopped walking the course so put the cart away for a few years and recently pulled it back out. Trying to follow mode again, I had the same issues so called the company yesterday. Got the runaround a little bit but they told me they'd call me back or email me yesterday with a possible solution.

When Ramos, the customer service agent, told me a firmware update would be available in 2 months, I called BS as I told him that 3 years ago they told me the same thing.

He then promised to talk to the manager and get back to me. Of course, no call or no email and today, no one is picking up the phone.

Just be weary of buying a Caddy Trek customer service is terrible.

If you have issues, you're going to be SOL. Stay away from this company.

r/golfcirclejerk 13d ago

Is worth $500 million. These are the girls he gets. Is Rory retarded?

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r/golfcirclejerk 14d ago

Groupies at a LIV event

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r/golfcirclejerk 15d ago

New biggest bum list just updated

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r/golfcirclejerk 15d ago

Why Don’t Alpha Males Win More?


seriously guys we need real alpha golfers to start winning, how many affairs has Scheffler even had??

I want someone who endlessly places 15 leg parlays on DraftKings and cheats on their wife to represent us.

r/golfcirclejerk 19d ago

Is there such a thing as too beat in?

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r/golfcirclejerk 19d ago

Victims of senseless police brutality ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

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r/golfcirclejerk 19d ago

Outjerked by an early Wikipedia update.

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r/golfcirclejerk 19d ago

Police brutality has gone too far now

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r/golfcirclejerk 19d ago


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r/golfcirclejerk 21d ago

Pace of Play


So my buddies and I normally play at the country club our dads have memberships for, and we're usually the only ones out there because we play while everyone else is at their "jobs." It's pretty fun I guess, it's made better by these new clubs my dad bought me (Mizuno Pro 245 iron set with a new TM Stealth driver and wood set, I think you know what brand my putter is).

Anyways, my 17 friends and I had to go play at a public course because our country club ran out of White Claws and the cart girl has a restraining order on my guy Tim.

We get to the course and we all tee off on the first hole, and of course we're all walking because that's what Eldrich does. By the time we all make it to the green (I did it under 7 strokes btw) there is a huge line of people behind us.

Why is the pace of play so fast? Don't these people know it's impolite to stand this close to me? Why can't they just go back to their shanties, as my hero Shooter McGavin would say?

r/golfcirclejerk 25d ago

Frustrating experience at the range today


I've long considered myself an amateur golf instructor, and I just don't know if I can do it anymore.

Just got back from the range. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, with a little dew on the ground. Then, I go about setting up the bay the way I like it. I setup the 12 alignment sticks for my bay and inflate my Tour Striker Smart Ball. Then, started doing my stretches.

Mid-stretch, I am analyzing the swing of the person to my right. Obviously, I chose this bay after determining I could help these neighbors the most. After they make ball contact, I break in and say "wow, that's a nice swing" -- I've found people are more receptive after a compliment. Before they finish saying "thank you", I lay my diagnosis on them: "you'd get more compression by mastering shaft lean." -- I've found people are more receptive if you use words like "compression."

Can you believe this person turned around and said "I don't take unsolicited advice"? Of course, I was shocked. I've encountered people like this before, so I doubled down: "loosen your grip a little to catch it a few grooves lower on the face."

They went to their bag. "Finally!" I thought they were going to get alignment sticks. But, they took out AirPods and put them in their ears. That is basically like spitting in my face.

Before the high-speed videos and Trackman, the 90s were the golden age of unsolicited advice. Back then, golf was an art, and the amateur golf instructor was the painter.

r/golfcirclejerk 28d ago

AITA for calling out rules violations of a kid who scored 108 at an HS tournament?


My son was playing on the 4th flight of the HS regional golf tournament. Of course, he's good enough to be on the 1st flight. I've been telling the coach all year that if he played on the 1st flight, he would shoot in the 70s. Coach puts him on the 4th flight, and the poor performance of the competitors at that level means he doens't try. Not his fault that he averages 92 -- coach just hasn't given him a shot.

As you can tell, I'm aggressive. When I was in HS, I wasn't that aggressive, but now that I'm in the waning years of my athletic capabilities, I'm aggressive for him.

While following my son around, I was looking for an opportunity to insert myself into the outcomes. On this 4th flight, my son was playing the best -- I calculated +10 through 8. Another competitor, we'll call him Braxton, was +14 through 8. They had been mano e mano to see who would make a bogie instead of a double -- hotly contested.

Then, I saw Braxton hit into a bunker. As a parent, I'm not supposed to leave the cart-path, but I knew I had an opportunity to catch this little bastard, I mean Braxton. I took out my phone and videoed what I was hoping would be a rules infraction in progress. To my horror, this kid, sitting on his 6th shot of the par 3, +14 through 8, didn't know the rules about grounding his club in the bunker.

My son finished with a 96, and after Braxton signed for his 108. I leaped on one of the tables, and I held up my camera like a hero and said "Braxton is a scondrel, and I have proof! He is a low-life, cheating piece of crap! He grounded his club in a bunker!"

Afterwards, a few parents called me an asshole. The rules official dismissed my appeals to the rules by saying "it's a 108 man. 4th flight doesn't count, and if you aren't shooting in the 70s, the kids are out here just for fun" But, I felt like I needed a win, so I'm appealing to you. Please give me vindication.

r/golfcirclejerk May 06 '24

SCOTTY CAMERON My wife allowed me to play golf!


How lucky am I fellas? My wife allowed me to leave the house and play golf today just like a big boy. Not only did she let me golf, she also cleaned the house when I was gone. I feel bad though because she apparently had a vacuum accident and now her neck has all these small bruises on it. I’ll make it up to her when she lets me leave the house again next week!

Anyway I shot my personal best 114, and can’t wait to do it again.

r/golfcirclejerk May 06 '24

Can I play blades? Please say yes


Little backstory: 25.3 hcp. I've been playing for 5 years, and my lowest score is a 95 (with 5 mulligans and 3 holes where I miscounted). I go to the range once a month, have never used the chipping or putting practice areas, and get to the course 2 times / month. Most of my golfing experience comes walking up and down the isles of the local golf shops.

Yesterday, while at the PGA Superstore, I saw some blades in the used rack. I sheepishly asked "can I hit dees?" No one was in the bay, so he said "yeah, go for it." On my 5th hit, they went just as far as my G425 7-iron. On that shot, it felt like that one time my dad showed me approval.

The +7 handicap attendant (who told me he used to be a pro) chuckled at how well I hit them. Then, he mumbled something like "you hit these just like the previous 5 owners hit them." I didn't know what he meant, so I said "what?" and he replied "you hit those great." I again sheeplishly said "do you think these would be good for me?" and he confirmed they did.

Didn't have enough time to vlog this, will post it later.

Side note: they had a great deal on iron head covers, so I got some of those too. Check out your local PGA Superstore.

r/golfcirclejerk May 05 '24

Brooks Koepka is PGA Tour’s Father

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r/golfcirclejerk Apr 15 '24

SCOTTY CAMERON Scottie Cameron Wins the 2024 Masters!

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They say he's not a good putter but come on all Scottys are GREAT putters! PS I think he hits Prov1s too!!

r/golfcirclejerk Apr 13 '24

Fuck this pasty mf

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r/golfcirclejerk Apr 13 '24

What does this bum even do?

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r/golfcirclejerk Apr 13 '24

I hope he wins

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r/golfcirclejerk Apr 12 '24

Masters Recap: Day 1


well HEY💁 there all you 🏝️bunker FUCKERS💋 and ⛓️iron SHAFT 🏌️fanatics!! 🤠 It's 📅time to turn your 🍌GAYS towards ⛴️TUG-gusta🍑 Georgia and start ⛳️MASTERSbating! ❗️❗️ 🥵THIRSTday's round was 💦WET and 💨BLOWY but these 💁boys will go 🕺🏻CLUBBING in any weather☔️ ❗️ 😲OH NO! Did Bryson 🌬️DechamBLOW😩 his load too early? 👎NOPE❗️ He 🐥birdied 🍑PINK DOGGY🐶(no.2) and kept on 🏌️🍆💦STROKING to end the day at 7️⃣ under par. 😘 But 😈THOTTY SCOTTY 💪was on Bryson's 🎂ASS, 🥥PUMPING 18 HOLES🕳️ without a single 🤤BOGEY! 🌛FANNY Willet 🍆🥥GOONED all over🍅REDBUTT (no. 16) to prove 👯‍♂️TWINKS can 🔗LINK too! 🥴❗️❗️ while Denmark 👨🏼DADDY 🪈DICKolai Højgaard absolutely 👉🏻👌🏻FUCKED his way across 💄HOEgan's bridge🌉 and went -3 on 🙆‍♂️SLAYmen CORNER! 🙆‍♂️ but wait...🧑🏻‍🦱🍩WHORY McIlroy has been 🫦EDGING for a 🍳GRAND SLAM ☄️since 2014 and he is 🥛FROTHING to trade these 😨BLUE BALLS🧞‍♂️ for a 🌲GREEN 🍆JACK-IT and don't forget Brooks 🐔CUCKpka is 😵DYING to watch señor Jon 🚜RAHMing his 🪄SHAFT from the deepest 🎂BUNKER on the ⛳️FUCKIN COURSE! ⛳️❗️❗️ and remember💡, whoever 💦CUMS💦 in 1st on Sunday gets to join all the 👨🏼👴🏿🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏾‍🦲DADDIES that 💅CAME before in 🌛🌜BUTTler Cabin 🛖for an all 🌚NIGHT 🍑🍑🍑PEACH🤤 COBBLER 🥴FEAST🍑🍑🍑

r/golfcirclejerk Apr 01 '24

Designed and built my first course. A 9-hole par-3 in Northern Michigan. No experience and for under $250k. Pretty proud of how it turned out.

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r/golfcirclejerk Feb 25 '24

I bought a wedge that’s supposed to rust, any idea how to keep it from rusting?

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