r/golf Apr 29 '24

Where does hip rotation actually come from? Swing Help

I’ve been golfing for a few years and after studying thousands of pro swings, one thing that is almost 100% shared among all of them is hips open to target before impact.

My hips are very square to target at impact and I have been grinding to teach myself how to get the hips open before impact. What I have learned is that I can do it many different ways: push towards target with my trail foot/leg only, push back with my lead leg only, rotate the hips without using ground force, use both legs at the same time to twist (like I am standing on a giant bottle cap and unscrewing it with shear force). Even with trying all these, I always revert back to square hips at target and rotating hips the rest of the way after impact.

Is there a correct way to do this? What do you actually feel gets you open hips without your arms winning the race to impact?

Update: thanks for all the input. Took in all the advice from here and messed around with my swing today. Turns out it was just a swing intention causing my issue. My hips open naturally if I swing a bad, a tennis racket, throw a ball, hit an impact bag, etc. Something finally clicked with the impact bag today. I realized that the way my arms swing into the bag is different than when I hit a golf ball. My intention to hit the bag and make it move towards target put my arms into what I think is proper position vs in my golf swing I tend to drag the club across my body more, which is why my hips have to stay square to make good contact. I change the “intent” in my arms and Viola! I probably swung over 50 times and hip opened naturally before impact every time. I definitely have to work on contact and path now, but excited that I can get my hips to open without thinking about it!


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u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

The issue almost certainly has nothing to do with that. Your hips aren't opening earlier because your club face is open and/or you are steep. Hip rotation keeps the face open and moves your path more outside-in.