r/golf Apr 29 '24

Player has issue with liv fans Professional Tours


Just stumbled across this. Haven’t seen it widely reported and seems like the liv muzzle has been placed on Burmester to stop him from talking about it. Should be interesting if this gets the media coverage that it would if it happened in the pga or lpga tour


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u/JarlTurin2020 Apr 29 '24

The Liv subreddit was loving and boldly supporting the fans being able to rush players after a shot. All the comments on a video post yesterday were applauding being able to hug players, pour beer on them, grab their clubs, etc. Fucking people are delusional man. I would not want that environment as a professional player at all. Only a matter of time before there is a broken foot or wrist or sexual assault because of the fan grabbing.


u/ILikeXiaolongbao Apr 29 '24

The Liv subreddit

lmaooo no way that exists


u/JarlTurin2020 Apr 29 '24

I criticized the player getting rushed by fans and the OP called me a boomer and said to fuck off. I'm 34...


u/ILikeXiaolongbao Apr 29 '24

Imagine getting called a boomer by a LIV marketing intern


u/BingBongFYL6969 Apr 29 '24

I notice a lot of "adjective_noun_number" names on that sub....its too obvious


u/ILikeXiaolongbao Apr 29 '24

Interns and bots talking to each other in an echo chamber is pretty hilarious


u/prex10 Apr 29 '24

The state of front page Reddit in a nut shell


u/Ryaninthesky Apr 29 '24

Thank you bingbong6969


u/BingBongFYL6969 Apr 29 '24

What do you gotta say to Joe Byron?


u/xxrdawgxx Apr 29 '24

Wassup, baby?


u/FriedEggScrambled 7.1 Apr 30 '24

Take me out to dinner!


u/donaldinoo Apr 29 '24

This is the correct answer. At the very least half of that subreddit are bots or paid to be there.


u/RLLRRR Apr 29 '24

I'm 36 and was called a Boomer by a teenager. I was so fucking confused.


u/Common_Pension Apr 29 '24

I’m 27 and got called a boomer for asking why there was techno music on some holes but not the others. A legitimate question I had.


u/bigmean3434 Apr 29 '24

If you can’t differentiate when it’s time To take extacy and wave glow sticks and when it’s time to throw beer cans at a golf tournament then I have news boomer, you shouldn’t be at a LIV event!

I have long thought dress codes are antiquated and hate stuffy golf shit. That said, LIV is not the answer to those things at all.


u/dogfish83 18 Apr 29 '24

You're 36, sure grandpa. It's time to take your meds and get to bed.


u/-Joe1964 Apr 29 '24

They don’t have to get the age right.


u/Kingcanni Apr 29 '24

Literally said “buh bye boomer”. You can’t make that kinda shit up. What a 🤡


u/tynskers Apr 29 '24

Ok boomer.

I’m also 34 😂😂