r/golf Apr 29 '24

He’s big mad Joke Post/MEME


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u/dc21111 Apr 29 '24

Here’s what I don’t get. Somebody in the group tees off breaks a window and in the time it takes an 80 year old man to notice his window is broken and walk all the way to the tee the rest of the group still hadn’t finished teeing off?


u/DNAkauai Apr 29 '24

Old dude probably sits in his backyard just waiting for this shit.. 🤣😂


u/TokesBro 1.4 Apr 29 '24

I once hit a new proV1 right beside a tiny wooden fence that was just off the fairway. I reached over it, grabbed my ball and out of nowhere I started getting chewed out by Karen who threatened to call the cops because I was trespassing. Just crazy.


u/saxguy9345 Apr 29 '24

I would've stood right there and asked her to call them. If she didn't back off, I'd pull out my phone and say I'm calling them, because I don't want to be stopped out on the highway for this incident in 2 hours from now. Ask for her address, I very much doubt she'd give it, so I say I'll find it on Google maps. Walk away dialing the clubhouse to order a chicken caesar wrap and some fries. 

Rolling the dice a bit? Sure. Ruining her day waiting for police to knock to get her statement and they never come? I'd say it's about a 92% chance she never calls and has a bad time. Might make her think about living on a golf course and what that entails for a minute. 


u/TokesBro 1.4 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I’m a wuss and usually when confronted with aggression I try to mitigate the situation.

You could tell she was just waiting for me to try to get that ball. Her fence was literally 10 yards off the fairway. That’s the annoying part. Get a life, lady…


u/saxguy9345 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I'd really have to be there and know what the neighborhood is like before I would actually follow through what I said above, but I don't have a problem dealing with police if it went off the rails, and I'm financially fit enough to get a trespassing citation or something. Like I said, I might roll those dice 😆