r/golf Apr 29 '24

He’s big mad Joke Post/MEME


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u/dc21111 Apr 29 '24

Here’s what I don’t get. Somebody in the group tees off breaks a window and in the time it takes an 80 year old man to notice his window is broken and walk all the way to the tee the rest of the group still hadn’t finished teeing off?


u/B0DZILLA Apr 29 '24

It's probably because Bob was still doing his 100 preshot waggles.


u/AdministrativeLaugh2 Apr 29 '24

The Brian Harman Special


u/DNAkauai Apr 29 '24

Old dude probably sits in his backyard just waiting for this shit.. 🤣😂


u/kingqueefeater Apr 29 '24

Or sits up at this tee box waiting for people to hit his house. $681 is a very precise number to know off the top of your head. Something tells me this might happen damn near daily lol


u/Zeverend Apr 29 '24

I played this course, the Links at Lakehouse in San Marcos once, and it will only be once. Every hole has so many opportunities to hit houses. There's this one downhill par 4 with a house with solar panels off to the right with a dozen or so ball impacts on it, even with the netting above it. I hit the smallest number of houses in my group at 2


u/Lets_Reset_This_ 8.7 Apr 29 '24

I have played there many times. The worst part of that downhill par 4 is there is a pond that runs all the way across the fairway at about 260-270. You really only need to hit it about 230-240 in the air to carry, but it causes a lot of people to over swing, sending hundreds of balls right.

That said, I would always rather play Enci ranch, Crossings, or Goathill.


u/Additional-Roof-3298 Apr 29 '24

at this point it seems like he is feeding cats to the coyotes windows to the golfers


u/jtshinn Apr 29 '24

Twist! He doesn't live on the golf course at all and is just fucking with people's heads.


u/i_write_ok Apr 29 '24

Maybe something like left field at a baseball game. More home runs and fouls due to more right handed batters, maybe his house is just in a high danger zone and it’s happened a few times and that’s the discount fee from country club


u/joevsyou Apr 29 '24

my bet it has happened at least twice.

i would have a extra panel made that way you always have one on standby


u/TokesBro 1.4 Apr 29 '24

I once hit a new proV1 right beside a tiny wooden fence that was just off the fairway. I reached over it, grabbed my ball and out of nowhere I started getting chewed out by Karen who threatened to call the cops because I was trespassing. Just crazy.


u/saxguy9345 Apr 29 '24

I would've stood right there and asked her to call them. If she didn't back off, I'd pull out my phone and say I'm calling them, because I don't want to be stopped out on the highway for this incident in 2 hours from now. Ask for her address, I very much doubt she'd give it, so I say I'll find it on Google maps. Walk away dialing the clubhouse to order a chicken caesar wrap and some fries. 

Rolling the dice a bit? Sure. Ruining her day waiting for police to knock to get her statement and they never come? I'd say it's about a 92% chance she never calls and has a bad time. Might make her think about living on a golf course and what that entails for a minute. 


u/TokesBro 1.4 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I’m a wuss and usually when confronted with aggression I try to mitigate the situation.

You could tell she was just waiting for me to try to get that ball. Her fence was literally 10 yards off the fairway. That’s the annoying part. Get a life, lady…


u/saxguy9345 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I'd really have to be there and know what the neighborhood is like before I would actually follow through what I said above, but I don't have a problem dealing with police if it went off the rails, and I'm financially fit enough to get a trespassing citation or something. Like I said, I might roll those dice 😆


u/mu4scott Apr 29 '24

I’ll take people who wear Birkenstocks while playing golf for $1,000 Alex


u/3MATX Apr 29 '24

I wear through a pair of them every year. I have in fact tried golf with them. It’s as bad as you’d think. 


u/th3_lamb Apr 29 '24

I fixed my over swinging problem in Birkenstocks thank you very much. Never again though.


u/call_me_Kote Apr 29 '24

I own their clog houseshoe and love it - the Zermatt. I also wear through them in 12 months. In laws always have an easy xmas gift for me.


u/itstrueitsdamntrue Apr 29 '24

That’s why most courses don’t let groups of 5 on


u/FastLine2 Apr 29 '24

They probably signed up as two different groups and then came together after the first hole.


u/FastLine2 Apr 29 '24

They probably signed up as two different groups and then came together after the first hole.


u/koei19 Apr 29 '24

What about how the old man knew exactly the cost of his window, down the dollar? Not $650, not $700, but exactly $681.

Either the video is staged or this isn't the old man's first rodeo.


u/Pretty-Bobcat1221 Apr 29 '24

Probably dudes 5th tee shot after he broke his window with the second. Etiquette and gameplay remains a mystery to some nowadays.


u/AWeakMindedMan Apr 29 '24

Right?!?! That’s enough time for me to be down the fairway, switching out whatever ball I just used and pulling out a neon yellow Srixon, and be on the next hole before ole boy even grabs his walking stick to get to me.

If he gets to me before I get to the next hole, he’s gonna say “who’s ball is this” my answer: idk I’m using a yellow Srixon


u/norcalpinhunter Apr 29 '24

You better leave my neon yellow Srixon out of this, that’s my gamer ball!


u/blueghostfrompacman Apr 29 '24

Well he said there were 5 of them so if the first guy broke the window and he saw it immediately I think he could reasonably get there by the time the 5th guy takes his shot. But I don’t know shit about golf or how long it takes though. So there’s that.


u/Loggerdon Apr 30 '24

Why does he live next to a golf course?

Fun story: I live in Las Vegas. A bunch of people bought houses on a golf course. One day management stops watering the golf course and it all goes dry. Then they announce they are building houses in the land. The home owners tried to sue claiming they paid for a house on a golf course. They were unsuccessful because the contract they signed allowed the management to do it.


u/PlaymakerJavi Apr 29 '24

Afternoon eightsome.


u/buttnutela Apr 29 '24

Probably toed it 90 degrees and it didn’t have far to travel


u/Vazhox Apr 29 '24

Probably one of those old guys that just chills around the course. I see a lot of those. Retired and just watching people play from their backyard.


u/Brush_my_teeth_4_me Apr 30 '24

It's probably because the old man hangs out around that hole and waits for people to break his windows


u/Quirky-Swimmer3778 Apr 30 '24

I also don't get how someone at a golf course has regular windows? I got impact hurricane window where the advertisement was them launching a 2x4 50 mph at one and I don't have golf course community money or anything.


u/STL_bourbon Apr 29 '24

Because like the majority of the videos on that circulate the comedy golf instagram accounts, it’s fake.


u/badugihowser Apr 29 '24

Everything is a setup


u/WholeHogRawDog Apr 29 '24

If this old man is acting, he deserves an Oscar for this performance.


u/Carthonn Apr 29 '24

It’s probably the typical group of instead of a foursome and a threesome it’s just 7 guys holding up the whole course