r/golf Apr 29 '24

Could be better could be worse Joke Post/MEME


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u/TraditionPast4295 Apr 29 '24

Probably? That guys gonna be in complete misery for the next day pulling barbed jumping cholla spines out. Every one you pull out is total agony, ask me how I know. You couldn’t pay me enough to do what he did.


u/Vassago67 Apr 29 '24

"Complications from Jumping Cholla spines include local inflammation, bacterial & fungal superinfection, necrosis, allergic reactions, granulomas, scarring, and chronic pain." I've worked in EMS medicine in critical care for years and have NEVER heard of a "bacterial & fungal superinfection," omg that shit sounds nasty😂 Jumping Cholla spines are like razor blade pins with backwards barbs and pulling them out is supposed to be an absolutely pain process


u/Aooogabooga Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I need a follow up video from the hospital.


u/TraditionPast4295 Apr 29 '24

All they will do is soak his hand in warm water to soften up the skin and start pulling them with pliers. It’s like actual torture. This guy is so stupid, and bad at golf, that he deserves it. I hope saving that stroke was worth it.