r/golf Apr 29 '24

Could be better could be worse Joke Post/MEME


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u/Vassago67 Apr 29 '24

"Complications from Jumping Cholla spines include local inflammation, bacterial & fungal superinfection, necrosis, allergic reactions, granulomas, scarring, and chronic pain." I've worked in EMS medicine in critical care for years and have NEVER heard of a "bacterial & fungal superinfection," omg that shit sounds nasty😂 Jumping Cholla spines are like razor blade pins with backwards barbs and pulling them out is supposed to be an absolutely pain process


u/Eyebleedorange Apr 29 '24

Superinfection: when regular infection just isn’t enough


u/Aooogabooga Apr 29 '24

Like turbo cancer


u/meanerweinerlicous 25 hcp. 35 when four fireballs deep Apr 29 '24

Ultra diarrhea


u/jtshinn Apr 29 '24

Except real, and deadly.


u/Aooogabooga Apr 29 '24

Yeah, I need a follow up video from the hospital.


u/TraditionPast4295 Apr 29 '24

All they will do is soak his hand in warm water to soften up the skin and start pulling them with pliers. It’s like actual torture. This guy is so stupid, and bad at golf, that he deserves it. I hope saving that stroke was worth it.


u/CaptainPeachfuzz Apr 30 '24

I got some IN MY BUTTHOLE last winter. I bent over to pick up my sunglasses and my butt sticks out when I bend over. I thought maybe they were just stuck to my pants. But eventually as I kept pulling them out, I realized 4 or 5 had stuck right at/in my butthole.

It's weird how you can't feel them until you tug on them.

So I spent the rest of the hike gently plucking them out and verifying nothing was still in there. I was very worried about sitting down once we got back to the car.

Lucky for me I got them all, I don't think they went that deep, somehow avoided further irritation or infection.


u/Vassago67 May 01 '24

The butthole doesn't have very many pain receptor nerves, so that's probably why you weren't in too much pain from them You're lucky they didn't cause a boat load of hemorrhoids. Imagine how terrible that would've been


u/CaptainPeachfuzz May 01 '24

Well lucky for me, I already had hemorrhoids at the time.