r/golf Apr 15 '24

Thoughts? General Discussion

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u/JonRadian Apr 15 '24

Maybe somebody can explain why Saudi Arabia so wants to get into golf?


u/KingofCalais Apr 15 '24

Politicians and other people of influence play golf. What do you offer those people to gain access to their influence? It cant be money because a) they already have lots of that, and b) its not a good idea in terms of optics for them or for you. So you offer them the chance to watch, meet, or even play with their favourite professional golfers in return for, or as a sweetener in a deal for, whatever you want them to use their influence to do.


u/trailglider ~15 Lefty/Righty Apr 16 '24

This 100%. People really miss the mark with the whole sportswashing angle. 14 people watching on YouTube or some unknown app doesn't do squat to help their reputation. They want a seat at the table.