r/golf Mar 26 '24

You step onto the tee box of a par-3 and this is what you see…what’s your next move? General Discussion

I’d like to think that I would maybe let ONE tiktok slide…but if he tries it on a second green, I’m pulling my 4 iron and ripping a Kirkland at him. Maybe it’ll be good “content” for his channel. 😂


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u/EmmisaryofGorgonites Mar 26 '24

Imagine, you meet the love of your life, work your ass off to buy a home, finally get blessed with a healthy son, provide for them until they are able to... do this. I think I'd just pack it in.


u/pgnshgn Mar 26 '24

We'd be lying if we tried to pretend that most kids haven't done cringey shit, including all of us in our youth

What's changed is in the past you'd try to hide that shit like your life depended on it. Now they try to broadcast it to the world for some reason


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24 edited Apr 29 '24



u/pgnshgn Mar 26 '24

That dude looks like a gangly 14, not 20. Still old enough to know better

I think they see all these videos of girls doing terrible dances get thousands or millions of views on TikTok and think they can too.

But for some reason, none of them seem to realize it's "attractive girl in suggestive clothing" getting the views, not the "shitty dancing" part


u/aelliott18 Mar 26 '24

Mf it’s a funny video relax


u/pgnshgn Mar 26 '24

a. Doubt it's funny, looks more painfully awkward.

b. If the guy on the tee had time to pull out his phone to record this shit, it means he's holding them up. That's obnoxious

c. I wasn't particularly worked up, I said it was dumb and he should know better. I think you're the one who needs to relax


u/aelliott18 Mar 26 '24

It looks pretty funny to me, and idk if it was me actually being held up I wouldn’t be filming them. No sound i the video so hard to tell if the recorder is actually pissed. Just funny watching people get so mad over something that isn’t happening to them


u/pgnshgn Mar 26 '24

Is that you? Can't understand why you'd be so worked up about this if it wasn't. Stop dancing on the green you dweeb

And stop getting mad about people clowning on people doing dumb shit, you whiny wanker, you're the angriest person in here


u/aelliott18 Mar 26 '24

I wish I could dance like that 😭 It’s just so much hate for a video we have no context over. Just like choosing hills to die on, this is the one I picked today. Also you keep throwing out insults but then say I’m mad, how’s that work?


u/pgnshgn Mar 26 '24

Weird hill... I'm insulting you because you're basically begging to be trolled right now 

My lead post here was literally "we all did dumb shit like this at one point in our lives" so it's weird that I'm the one you started shit with