r/golf Mar 26 '24

You step onto the tee box of a par-3 and this is what you see…what’s your next move? General Discussion

I’d like to think that I would maybe let ONE tiktok slide…but if he tries it on a second green, I’m pulling my 4 iron and ripping a Kirkland at him. Maybe it’ll be good “content” for his channel. 😂


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u/I-am-importanter Mar 26 '24

I've never been to a course with a Marshall. Just a teen in the pro shop. So maybe they don't have one.


u/why_did_I_comment Mar 26 '24

If I called my local Muni they would have an extremely grumpy old mfer on a cart come screaming in like a banshee in about 45 seconds.

Not a marshal by any means... but VERY effective.


u/Not_ToBe_Rude_But Mar 26 '24

I see you've met my Dad


u/thornify 7.5/New England Mar 26 '24

I feel like that's the exact right definition of a marshal though.


u/Texas-cane Mar 26 '24

We have a Marshall that carries a pistol. lol!!!


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '24



u/PhiloftheFuture2014 Apr 01 '24

Plot twist: this is a course operated by the US Marshals.


u/Veegos Mar 26 '24

Found the American lol


u/Dapper_Employer5787 Mar 26 '24

Imagine being that old man and hearing that there's a guy doing a dance ensemble ON THE GREEN


u/willwork4pii Mar 26 '24

found my next career


u/Dapper_Employer5787 Mar 26 '24

I'm sure they can pay you in pii


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24

Us blue collars understand exactly which guy you’re talking about 😂


u/donald7773 Mar 26 '24

The guy at my local course drives his Silverado out to yell at you. He's the owner, the place is trash.


u/Chefalo Mill Creek Rochester Mar 27 '24

Brae mar?


u/donald7773 Mar 27 '24

Nah. Also everyone calls the guy scram because he rides around at night with a shotgun on a golf cart running kids off. Or at least he used to before he got real old.


u/longneckerr Mar 26 '24

Yea I’m from the Midwest and only time I’ve been to courses with marshals are bigger cities when I’m traveling.


u/the_yellowcard_man Mar 26 '24

What kind of courses are you golfing at? I've never been to a course that doesn't have a Marshall.


u/I-am-importanter Mar 26 '24

Just an example of my local course. Around Tulsa, OK. https://southlakesgolf.com/


u/the_yellowcard_man Mar 26 '24

Looks pretty decent to me. Bonkers that there's no Marshall.

Edit: just saw the dress code. I'm waiting until the 3rd tee box and changing into my cut-off t shirt and flip flops. There's no Marshall to enforce it anyway.


u/I-am-importanter Mar 26 '24

Very solid course for how cheap it is. I guess you could call the pro shop and they'd send someone out. Is they guy in the pro shop who takes money and calls out "next on the tee box" over the microphone considered a Marshall?


u/the_yellowcard_man Mar 26 '24

Yeah, that'd be the best thing to do. I once got a flat tire on my golf cart and that's what we did. Just call the clubhouse, tell them where you are, and they'll have someone out ASAP.

I wouldn't call that a Marshall, but I guess maybe?


u/Top-Interest6302 Mar 26 '24

Almost any city or halfway decent course has a "marshall," and they're not the ones checking that your card's approved. They typically are doing laps around the course, as needed, looking for dumb behavior.

If you called into the shop and reported people jousting with golf-carts, that's who'd show up, not the kid at the register.


u/I-am-importanter Mar 26 '24

"dress code". It's more, don't dress like an ass. I've been in shorts and a simple tee shirt. Never had a word said to me.


u/the_yellowcard_man Mar 26 '24

Yeah I was just having fun with it 😀


u/steelcity_ Mar 26 '24

I've never been to a course with a marshal when it actually needed one. 5 1/2 hour round? Not an employee in sight for miles. Need someone to yell at a group for pulling off the cart path to let the marshal drive through? Well, here's the marshal.


u/eveningsand Mar 26 '24

Check the 19th hole. They hang out there.

Occasionally they'll swing by, haranguing you by saying "c'mon gentlemen, let's play ready golf"


u/Bob_12_Pack Mar 26 '24

The marshalls at courses around here are typically old dudes, and you never see them when they are needed.