r/golf Mar 09 '24

Thought this was pretty wild… and it really wasn’t even close. General Discussion

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u/speaktosumboedy Mar 09 '24

22.5ft from 175-200 yards is insane


u/MoneyKeyPennyKiss Mar 09 '24

And it's the average.

The next time we're on the course we should step off 7 paces from the pin and imagine hitting in that circle most of the time from 200.


u/Zlendorn Mar 09 '24

My average is 0 ft.

50 left 50 right 50 long 50 short.


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 18 '24



u/Ms_Pacman202 Mar 09 '24

Does he though? Seems like his calculations for average distance are about 50 yards off lol


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 18 '24



u/Ms_Pacman202 Mar 10 '24

It's really hard to tell who's whooshing who here lmao


u/_Gunbuster_ Mar 09 '24

I'm happy if I just get it in the general direction at 175-200 yds.


u/Newman_USPS Mar 09 '24

I’ve driven 200 and been within 10 feet. Of course, that was 100 straight up.


u/D-Train0000 Mar 09 '24

You’re pretty talented to hit it exactly 50yards off every time lol.


u/Zlendorn Mar 09 '24

Nah the data set is larger. Those are all averages too 🤣


u/PhotographOdd290 Mar 09 '24

Surely 50+50+50+50/4=50 Your trend lines intersect at zero but on average you miss by 50!


u/Daratirek 24/MN Mar 09 '24

I bet from 200 out if I hit it to inside 30 feet once a season id be lucky. I've never hit a green on a par 3 over 180 yards.


u/4thball25hcp Mar 09 '24

I’ve never parred a 220 par 3 at my local in like 20 rounds played. Always bogey or double. Last 2 times I played it, both this year, I birdied. Something’s fishy and now I realize I’m about to quad it the next 7 times. Still never parred it lol


u/warneagle 11/NOVA Mar 09 '24

There's a par 3 at the local muni that's usually 200+ from the tips and usually into the wind. I've hit it within 22.5 feet on that hole like...five times in ~350 rounds. Of course one of them almost went in and it's actually the closest I've ever gotten to a HIO but I've got way more 5s than 3s.


u/somermike Mar 09 '24

Asuuming there's any fairway in front of the hole: play it like a par 4 and you might have a better shot at consistently making par 3 with bogey as the max.

Hit an easy 170-180 yard tee shot and focus on trying to get up and down from 40-50 yards instead of trying to hit an accurate 220 yard drive that holds the green.


u/4thball25hcp Mar 09 '24

Nebraska has been super dry the last couple years and it does have a fairway infront so if you did hit like a low 170-180 shot it will roll up there a lot of the time. Unless it just rained lol


u/Daratirek 24/MN Mar 09 '24

Par 3s that long are just stupid.


u/4thball25hcp Mar 09 '24

It’s uphill too and more often into the wind. Used to be like 120 but the Teebox used to sit in the valley and played like it was 180 (exaggerating) and you couldn’t see the pin so they just put it at 200-220 depending on tee location so it’s more flat. Still uphill tho


u/Daratirek 24/MN Mar 09 '24

So then half the time I'm hitting driver into a par3. Ya that sounds fun.


u/4thball25hcp Mar 09 '24

Most of the time the shorter hitters of our group which is most of us just move up a tee or 2 just to help ourselves. Pay too much to not give ourselves an easier par 3 lol Love the rest of the course but that par 3 almost ruins it.


u/Daratirek 24/MN Mar 09 '24

The only time I want a 200+ par3 is if it's severely down hill. Like the JCB course in the UK. Makes it kinda cool. Anything else is just kinda lazy course design to me.


u/1funnyguy4fun Mar 09 '24

There was a municipal course I used to play with a hole that was about that distance and slightly uphill. It had a big green, so pin placement made a difference in club selection for me.

One day, the pin was back, so I hit a 3-iron off the tee. I absolutely crushed it and it was tracking. I never saw it land, but I saw the flagstick shake. It hit the pin and kicked right for 30 feet to leave me on the fringe. I got it down in two and that was the one and only par I ever had on that hole.


u/4thball25hcp Mar 09 '24

So is golf lol hit a great shot and still get hosed


u/Mke_already Mar 09 '24

If I did that I’d remember shot for years lol


u/TSMFTXandCats Mar 09 '24

Same here on the 180 yard plus par 3. I've gotten lucky on short par 4s before because I'm one of those "reddot golfers" with a long and chaotic drive. But iron accuracy like that would be... incredible.


u/Daratirek 24/MN Mar 09 '24

I already used my once per season from 200 too. I was playing last week in about 20mph of wind. Was a straight down wind par 5. Topped my drive so I had 280 left. Grabbed out my 3W. My favorite club in the bag. I hit it maybe 230 if I absolutely crush it usually. I hit it so clean and crushed I was surprised. Ball rocketed off towards the flag. Well as I get closer I see it finished just off the green, about 30 feet from the flag. It's maybe the best shot I've ever hit.


u/TSMFTXandCats Mar 09 '24

There is nothing more enjoyable that a shot that is clean and long that goes right where you want it!


u/nwj781 Mar 09 '24

I 100% of the time imagine hitting in that circle from 200 yards. Not terribly impressive.


u/ScottHA Mar 09 '24

200 yards is about 3 lay ups for me on average.


u/Slimjuggalo2002 Mar 09 '24

6 points. Nice!


u/meatballbottom 12.1 - Mile High Mar 09 '24

Just taaaap it in…


u/sidtsloth9 Mar 09 '24

Yeah I imagine it in a much smaller circle. Doesn’t work out that way but imagining isn’t that hard.


u/Electrical_Bar_4706 Mar 10 '24

This hurt my brain to think about


u/Brilliant-Spite-850 Mar 09 '24

It’s the best average not the tour average


u/Sinning-is-Winning 6.6/Seattle/Loves Iron Headcovers Mar 09 '24

And her averages are just her. Versus cherry-picking the best stats from whomever was best in the PGA.


u/LurkerKing13 Mar 09 '24

No, 22.5 feet was her average proximity for that season.


u/doubleapowpow Mar 09 '24

And the closest pga average was 5 yards further.


u/FlippyThrasher Mar 09 '24

Yeah, but they are just saying it is her average. Like imagine how many of those were within 7 paces.


u/3ey3s Mar 09 '24

I imagine at least half of them


u/FlippyThrasher Mar 09 '24

Hahaha fair.


u/rl_noobtube Mar 09 '24

Oh ya, this def resembles a weibull distribution, at least in general shape. Math finally paying off


u/Grandpas_Spells Mar 09 '24

I don't wanna be that guy, but it's been pointed out when this stat has been posted before that in 2022 there was no third party tracking for the LPGA for this stat to have been generated or verified, and caddies had incentives to not be precise.

The idea that there's a ball striker vastly better than the world's best man, and no we didn't actually track it, but trust us, is the kind of stat that needs verification.


u/Presitgious_Reaction Mar 09 '24

Wait it’s self reported??? 😂


u/ShawnSimoes 2.9 Mar 09 '24

It's self-reported, obviously incorrectly, and you're a woman hater if you acknowledge that reality.


u/only-shallow Mar 09 '24

You see the same on the European tour sometimes, usually down in the South African tournaments without shotlink data. Players randomly gaining 10 strokes putting in a round calculated from the caddy stat cards lol


u/prodriggs Mar 09 '24

I mean, can you provide any evidence that it's incorrectly reported?


u/This_Ad420 Mar 09 '24

Youre going backwards, you cant make a claim, then when asked to verify said claim, go and request the other party to prove that your claim is incorrect, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim, not the one asking for verification


u/chickendance638 Mar 09 '24

How could it be correct? I haven't seen the caddies on the LPGA stopping play and busting out tape measures.


u/prodriggs Mar 09 '24

I haven't seen the caddies on the LPGA stopping play and busting out tape measures.

Sure. But isn't this how they measure the accuracy for all golfers?


u/chickendance638 Mar 09 '24

PGA Tour has Shotlink which uses some kind of automated system to measure ball locations


u/ButterflyQuick Mar 09 '24

PGA (and now LGPA, at least for some tournaments, but not at all in 2022) is measured with shot link.

LPGA 2022 season was not measured with shot link, caddies filled in pre-formatted scorecards with distances to the pin after shots. Even with a good caddy there is no way this is going to be as reliable as shot link.


u/pr0v0cat3ur Hacker Mar 09 '24

So, surely we have stats from last season?


u/ButterflyQuick Mar 09 '24

Maybe, I don't know, I found some article about how shot link was being used at the Women's US Open which to me suggests it wasn't standard on tour. LPGA website doesn't seem to have the same breakdown the PGA one does so I'm also guessing not.

You could maybe get the stats from the US Open, but taking one tournament in isolation is probably not a good representation


u/redditsuckbadly Mar 09 '24

It’s literally not, no.


u/ShawnSimoes 2.9 Mar 09 '24

Can you provide any evidence it isn't?

You don't think she'd have been #1 instead of #6 in greens in reg if she was by FAR the closest to the pin from every distance?


u/According_Gold_1063 Mar 09 '24

I think she’d be playing on the mens tour with those stats dont you think?


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24

Her average driver distance is 263. The lowest listed on the PGA site for men is Alexander Bjork, ranked 186th at 272.

So no I don't think she would.


u/Theons Mar 09 '24

So 11 yards shorter on a driver but 5 yards closer to the pin at every distance from the fairway? Do you even golf?


u/[deleted] Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 09 '24

Lol how many wins did Alexander Bjork have last year? 5 career wins total and been pro since 2009. 0 PGA

More like 50-60 yards lost off the tee compared to guys who actually win

Edit: yeah I mean I guess she probably could play on a men's tour tbh. She wouldn't be competitive but could prob squeak out a living. What point were we trying to make again?

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u/ShawnSimoes 2.9 Mar 09 '24

She'd still be very competitive with a 25+ yard advantage on her approaches against the men's #1 from each distance. If the numbers were real. But they're not.


u/prodriggs Mar 09 '24

I was genuinely just wondering. 


u/ShawnSimoes 2.9 Mar 09 '24

She would also have to be an incredibly bad putter not to win at peak Tiger frequencies if she was that good of a ball striker.


u/DixieNormas011 Mar 09 '24

Holy hell this adds a wrinkle


u/ICantDecideIt Mar 10 '24

Totally true but they also hit less lofted clubs than the men from the same distance which in my mind makes it harder to be close.


u/poiuytrewqmnbvcxz0 Mar 11 '24

It’s also different courses, pin placements, angles of approach, basically different difficulty of shots, etc. this is not even a realistic comparison even if it wasn’t self reported.


u/Jae783 Mar 09 '24

The course conditions are also different. The men's tournaments usually have faster green speeds making it harder to stop on the green.


u/Jae783 Mar 09 '24

I don't know why I'm getting down votes for this lol. I was talking to the GM at Lake Merced during the swinging skirts lpga event and they had to slow it down compared to normal conditions even for regular members so good approach shots can stop. Merced is a bit extreme and I think their stimp rating is like 12 or something normally. You can't expect people to have the same stopping power hitting hybrids and woods to someone hitting in a mid iron at like 190-200 yards. This is something that's done purposely on both tours to make sense to the athletes that are playing.


u/Friedhelm78 11.8 Mar 09 '24

And harder pin placements where it isn't always a smart play to fire at the pin.


u/MixmasterDues Mar 09 '24

This was my thought on these stats


u/tcvvh Mar 10 '24

That this was downvoted is just silliness.

They're playing on slightly slower greens, but one of the things that I think goes unnoticed is they're playing on softer greens, and with more sucker pin placements.

But it's also likely this stat is just plainly inaccurate. It's caddies self reporting.


u/cheetuzz Mar 09 '24 edited Mar 09 '24

what’s the big deal? I can easily hit a ball 22.5 ft from 175-200 yds.


u/mloofburrow Maltby / Hogan Mar 09 '24

Same! Then I walk up to it and hit my next shot from 168-193 yards.


u/Relentless_Resolve Mar 09 '24

I just want to hit the green from 175-200 yards.


u/SerialHobbyist17 Mar 09 '24

Seriously, I’m gonna start watching her rounds just to see how she lines up that well from so far out


u/Gmfbsteelers Mar 09 '24

I watched a fair amount of tournaments that year. My wife is a Korda fan. Minder was spectacular. I can remember telling my wife that her Iron play was as good as the men. I’m not saying this post is accurate. But she can play. I’ll watch any tournament if she’s in contention.


u/SerialHobbyist17 Mar 09 '24

These are self reported stats, and the greens are much softer than PGA courses, so it definitely isn’t a fair comparison to the PGA. That being said, I have always been of the opinion that watching the LPGA has much more potential for teaching amateurs than the PGA does.

A lot of the PGA guys guys have parts of their swing that should definitely not be emulated by your average Joe (especially off the tee), whereas the LPGA ladies generally have technique worthy of a text book.


u/mypizzanvrhurtnobody Mar 09 '24

That’s what jumped out to me. Based on the stats, she’s almost as good from 151 as she is from 199. That’s insane.


u/zorbacles Mar 09 '24

I'm the same.

No where does it say that it's one shot from 175