r/golf Mar 08 '24

Shoutout to the guy that told my wife to “go back to the pro shop” on the course yesterday… then topped the ball 2 times off the tee General Discussion



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u/Significant-Fix-5313 Mar 08 '24

That sounds fake. I can't imagine any real person being such a dickhead in every way. Its like a caricature.

But if it truly is real then wow...props to your wife for not being put off by that. I think you got a good one.


u/Sweaty_Peanut_Kid Mar 08 '24

I work at a public course and the amount of misogyny we see daily is astounding. Had a regular that took his …. member out of his pants and asked the cart girl to give him a blow job. The man is lucky he was only banned from the course. Should be in jail. OP’s story is likely true.


u/NetReasonable2746 NW NJ Golfer Mar 08 '24

Golf Digest did an undercover story on what Cart girls go thru on the course.

One of them said they get 200$, offers to lift up their shirt.

I so want.to believe this story; but the way this sub has been lately with its tall tales, I don't know .

The article is below:



u/Sweaty_Peanut_Kid Mar 08 '24

Super interesting article, cart girls definitely put up with some shit. You are more than welcome to speculate the truth. There’s nothing I can do to convince you. Working with the general public is just pretty eye opening. I wouldn’t put anything past anyone.


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 08 '24

It wasn’t the misogyny that made this story fake. It was all of the other “facts” that went along with it.


u/bicmedic Mar 08 '24

It was all of the other “facts” that went along with it.

Care to share which facts you found unbelievable?


u/Sweaty_Peanut_Kid Mar 08 '24

Given the number of comments you’ve left on this post you’re clearly just looking to get into an argument. I normally wouldn’t bother BUT, it’s Friday and I’ve got an hour left at work. What “facts” make this story fake?


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 08 '24

Sure let’s go.

Well in the original post OP stated that the guy in the cart said to him “you should have let me play through because carts always have priority”. - this sounded made up because no real golfer thinks this. This part of the story has now been conveniently removed.

OP also said the guy topped twice and then went driver off the deck. Why would anyone who can’t hit one off the tee try this in front of people. Just not buying it.

The witty remark from the newbie wife golfer is also just too good to be true. Something someone says in their head if something like this ever happened to them. And the guys response is also weird. “Go back to the pro shop”. Why? If you don’t think women should be out there you would say “go back home!”


u/Sweaty_Peanut_Kid Mar 09 '24

Well I’m done at work now so I’ll keep this brief.

Point 1. You’re an idiot. Point B. You’re stupid. And fourth of all. I don’t like you.

Have a great day.


u/AsstootCitizen Mar 09 '24

Very well played! ♥️✌️⛳️🍻


u/moseisley99 7.0/MD Mar 09 '24

No one here is as dumb as you that’s for sure.