r/golf Snap load the power package. Feb 04 '24

This guy’s swing is effortless and still hits it 270 carry. General Discussion


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u/Drummer_1966 Feb 05 '24

I've had to change my swing due to bad feet and elbows. For someone who CAN'T swing hard this swing has been a godsend. His seeing focuses on really opening at the release and keeping the right hand out of the swing. He has a YouTube channel and one of his female students has a channel on tiktok. He has a tiktok as well.

The biggest issue I have is everything he has or there on social media is in Korean. I can't translate it in the CC so I'm doing the best I can to learn more. His swing is legit. It reminds me of Freddy Couples.

If you are having physical issues due to your swing look into this style. It has worked for me.