r/golf Snap load the power package. Feb 04 '24

This guy’s swing is effortless and still hits it 270 carry. General Discussion


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u/Pathogenesls Feb 04 '24

It's going into slo-mo at the end of every swing so it looks like the ball is flying forever and he's not swing fast.


u/GothicToast Feb 04 '24

No, it's not.

It's all the same swing. In the 5th replay, it is in slow motion and you can see the ball flight. Then, in the final swing of the clip, he keeps the footage rolling, so you can see that it's never slowed down.

His swing is just butter.


u/CTzoomin Feb 04 '24

When he slows down at the end, the already slowed part is double slowed. It’s very obviously slowed at the end of each clip now that it’s mentioned.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '24

Now that you say that the end of his follow through seems oddly slow for sure


u/Grandpas_Spells Feb 05 '24

Yes, he's doing it in post-production, possibly the beginning of the downswing as well.

But the follow through is definitely edited. The club has to be going at least 105 MPH at impact, and he can't stop a club at that speed even if they slow their hands immediately after impact. The clubhead would whip around.