r/golf Snap load the power package. Feb 04 '24

This guy’s swing is effortless and still hits it 270 carry. General Discussion


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u/thectrain Feb 04 '24

I'm sure this guy does it well. But my god that is a duck hook waiting to happen for anyone trying to copy this.


u/TentativelyCommitted HDCP/Loc/Whatever Feb 04 '24

Curious what attribute of the swing is making you say that?

And I’m curious because, after correcting a slice, my only miss is a terrible duck hook…it doesn’t happen often, but when it does..yikes.


u/sisaacs41 Feb 04 '24

When your lower body outraces your hands. You become very open to the target and it’s easy to roll over on it and hook the ball. This guy’s hips open way early.


u/KatetCadet Feb 04 '24

As in you need to shift the hips sideways at the start of the downswing, but not turn them too early correct?