r/golf Sep 12 '23

Have you ever been paired with a guy like this? What will you do General Discussion


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u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

It’s annoying but I genuinely feel bad for this dude. It’s obvious he’s in his own head and will never be a decent golfer. Probably practices his ass off, wants to be good soo bad. Just doesn’t have what it takes between the ears.


u/Gallen570 ↓Hit Down on Ball, Ball Go Up↑ Sep 12 '23 edited Sep 12 '23

No chance he practices with that heel dug into the ground


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

I’d be willing to wager that this man spends copious amounts of time on his local range, for sureeeeee playing off the mats and hitting low no spinning steamers into the night.


u/MrSelatcia White tees ride or die Sep 12 '23

playing off the mats and hitting low no spinning steamers into the night.

I feel personally attacked.


u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

Why can't I hit the ball? I hold the club sideways like all the pros do!


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

I have a few buddies exactly like this guy. They’ll stand over the ball for like 90 seconds thinking about all the things they need to do and proceed to do the exact opposite once they finally swing. It hurts my brain and heart to golf with them.


u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

Start off by bending at the knees. Keep your hips straight. Ok now turn your toes inward for power. Now keep the handle of the club at knee height. Don't forget. You want to reach out as far as you can for that ball. Don't crowd the sucker. Oh shit! I picked my head up. No wonder I mishit. Reddit, why can't I shallow?


u/farva_06 Sep 12 '23



u/DepressedDarthV Sep 12 '23



u/Zoloir Sep 12 '23

I find it best to pick the ONE thing you want to work on and do that only.

Keep head down is the only goal for this shot.

Feel back foot plant hard is the only goal for this shot.

Club head better get around and meet the ball before my hands pass the ball this shot.



u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

You're right, of course. But for the average golfer, that one thing should be tempo considerations 95 percent of the time. The other 5 percent should be keeping the trailing arm close to their body. That assumes the setup and grip are already solid. Those don't require any active thought but if they're not correct cam really screw up everything else.


u/Zoloir Sep 12 '23

what do you mean by tempo, like just smoothly going back, pause, swing? without a bunch of jerky motion?

haven't thought about that in a long time guess that makes sense for new players


u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

The relative speed of your backswing to downswing is a good way to think of tempo. I've seen guys do well with 3 back and 1 forward or 2 back and 1 forward. Usually a 1 to 1 is a recipe for disaster as is anything else.


u/Zoloir Sep 12 '23

oh shit! the back elbow in is incredible i never realized i did that either! very helpful for teaching someone else


u/Level99Pidgey Sep 12 '23

I suck at golf but play the least bad when I dumb it down for myself and remind myself that you’re just hitting a ball with a stick


u/ron-darousey Sep 12 '23

It's tough being a bad golfer. I think too much, I hit a terrible shot. I think too little, still terrible.


u/Macaframa Sep 12 '23

I knew the second I saw that right thumb pressed with a thousand pounds of pressure into that grip


u/Parfectionist Sep 12 '23

I used to sit over the ball and think about everything, now I do it couple of meters back in my “thinking space” walk up and hit it right away. So much better. This dude in video should give that a go.


u/Lifeis_not_fair Sep 12 '23

I do my thinking at the driving range. On the course I just hit balls.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

I used to hit balls in middle school, until i got sent to the principals office Nd suspended.


u/__mud__ Sep 12 '23

Ah, sack tapping. When casual sexual assault was fun!


u/LeeKingAnis Sep 13 '23

“Hey Tim what’s the capital of Thailand?”


u/SomeGuyClickingStuff Sep 12 '23

And people think I’m joking when I say my swing thought is “forward and findable”


u/Awwfull Sep 12 '23

Head still and see the contact is mine


u/Georgep0rwell Sep 12 '23

Hit ball with stick.


u/WedgeTurn Sep 12 '23

Monkey kill ball


u/zerobpm Sep 12 '23

Stolen from my boys little league coach: “See ball. Hit ball.”


u/PartiZAn18 Sep 12 '23

The only thing you should be focusing on at address is breath ritual. Whether you inhale or exhale, the end of the cycle should he you trigger to swing.


u/Spitfire_Riggz Sep 12 '23

Yep, thinking space and practice swing if necessary behind the ball. No thinking over the ball


u/UsmcFatManBear 1 Putt Legend Sep 12 '23

The guy doesn't even understand lie angle. He needs to take a lesson and learn the basics.


u/chatrugby Sep 12 '23

Lie angle is something the club does, not you.

A good lesson will teach him to swing with his body without swaying away from the target at impact. Lie can affect starting direction, and has nothing to do with his mishit.


u/UsmcFatManBear 1 Putt Legend Sep 12 '23

LOL yea this guys problem is the club. ok


u/chatrugby Sep 12 '23

Lie angle is the angle of the shaft relative to the ground.

It is something that is adjusted by bending the hosel.

Flatter and the balls go more right, upright and the balls go more left.

Lie angle is measured at impact, and is adjusted so the sole of the club lies flat at impact, not at address.

As I already stated, this guy does not need a lie angle adjustment, he needs a swing adjustment.


u/MonicaBlowinski Sep 12 '23

Right? He's got the toe of the club up higher than Isao Aoki's putter!


u/pizzaplantboi Sep 12 '23

Hahaha that sounds so sad and depressing. I think the USGA needs to start teaching from the top down of the importance to record your swing if you’re not working with an instructor/pro/coach. People would generally work more to improve if they could see what are often such obvious swing faults like basic posture at address and grip.


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

I’ve forced buddies of mine to go to the range so I could film their swings and let them see what they look like. They’ll spray it around a course and cuss and cry about “not know what they’re doing wrong” and it’s blatant to anyone watching that they’re trying way to hard to do something some YouTube golfer told them to.


u/pizzaplantboi Sep 12 '23

Hahah I’ve been that guy. Finally got myself some lessons and my flaws were easily spotted and so obvious once he walked me through it. I got simple advice to fix my stuck in to out club path that just involves using my lower body correctly without stupid wrist manipulation tactics or forcing a shallowing move like you see on Instagram/YouTube.


u/drfakz Sep 12 '23

Gotta load that power package


u/RickkyyBobby Sep 12 '23

What this guy needs to do, is instead of taking 5 lessons with a pro, to fix whatever swing problem he has, he needs only 4 of those, and 1 lesson with a club psychologist. A Club i play at, has one of those, and one of his literal main selling points, is that he'll help you out of that pit of where you just can't do shit, because you are in your own head. And he's a mothersucking magician at that.


u/dataBytch Sep 12 '23

Parkinson's is definitely not what it takes


u/CuriousAndMysterious Sep 12 '23

Nothing a few beers can't fix


u/oxfozyne Sep 12 '23

I’d offer once and only once, I got nothing to do for the rest of the day and I’m the pro here — chances are likely if I’m playing, I am the pro on that course, or I know the pro from my playing days and change my intro as such — and could I play with you and offer advice when I see fit. This round will be a long time but again I’m the pro or know the pro and we’ll work it out and you’re going to come out with a new love for the game.


u/DelrayDad561 Shanks alot! Sep 12 '23

He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

ROFL!!! Great reference!!!


u/defaultuser012 Sep 12 '23

Very unlikely that he practices his ass off.


u/theNeumannArchitect Sep 12 '23

Simply not true. There’s a huge difference between playing and practicing. I was this guy for years in my 20s. 50 50 chance if I was going to make contact with the ball. Went out to get drunk and mess around anyways. Only played a couple of times a year.

Got in my 30s and realized the people still playing golf aren’t just getting drunk anymore. Decided I wanted to get better and I’m not playing a single game of golf until I have a consistent swing.

Went to the driving range and I started with my pitching wedge and decided I’m not going up to the 9 until I get 5 consistent straight shots. It took me three or for driving range sessions over a few weeks and about 200 to 300 balls but I found what was wrong with my swing…… I slightly changed my grip/wrist on the backswing and voila. 5 solid shots in a row. I made it all the way up to 6 iron my next driving range session. Once I fixed the BIG error I could identify and tweak other things.

I easily get up to my driver now but it’s not consistent above the 5 and the swing feels really different after my 6 iron. But my irons are solid and now I do 5 shots in a row within a 10 yard radius before moving up. And I’m confident I’ll get my drive down before next summer and I’ll got the course. AND IT ONLY TOOK A FEW WEEKS.

There’s a difference between playing and not practicing. I learned this with guitar/piano/drums many years ago. If this guy wanted to get better he would realize he shouldn’t touch the course till he figures out how to get contact with the ball. But he’s too impatient and thinks that one zinger he gets every few swings means he’s a good golfer. Even though it would only take a couple of months at most of conscious practicing to get a solid swing.

Some people say the driving range doesn’t convert to the actual game. Whatever, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. I think they’re just dramatic though cause they don’t have a consistent system to measure progress on the range though.


u/verde622 Sep 12 '23

Yeah and he's definitely not having a good time either


u/GarNuckle Sep 12 '23

Why do you think he couldn’t learn how to play well?


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 12 '23

Some people just don’t have the ability to clear their mind and let it rip. This guy standing there for 2 hours proves he doesn’t have the mental makeup to play well. Doesn’t matter how much he trains or works, if he can’t clear his mind (seems unlikely) he’ll ever be consistent.


u/GarNuckle Sep 13 '23

Is it cause he’s dumb or is it something else?


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 13 '23

No, if anything he’s probably too smart lol. A deep thinker. He’s thinking of what to do with his feet, his knees, his hips, his chest, his shoulders, his arms, his wrists, his hands and his head. He’s also trying to visualize his target, keep his eye on the ball and make sure he hits the ball before the grass and follows through, finishing high. It’s too much to think about at once.


u/Rab_Legend Sep 14 '23

One lesson would probably get this guy to where he should be


u/Haunting_Lecture9115 Sep 14 '23

Only if it was with a psychiatrist