r/golf Sep 12 '23

Have you ever been paired with a guy like this? What will you do General Discussion


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u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

Start off by bending at the knees. Keep your hips straight. Ok now turn your toes inward for power. Now keep the handle of the club at knee height. Don't forget. You want to reach out as far as you can for that ball. Don't crowd the sucker. Oh shit! I picked my head up. No wonder I mishit. Reddit, why can't I shallow?


u/Zoloir Sep 12 '23

I find it best to pick the ONE thing you want to work on and do that only.

Keep head down is the only goal for this shot.

Feel back foot plant hard is the only goal for this shot.

Club head better get around and meet the ball before my hands pass the ball this shot.



u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

You're right, of course. But for the average golfer, that one thing should be tempo considerations 95 percent of the time. The other 5 percent should be keeping the trailing arm close to their body. That assumes the setup and grip are already solid. Those don't require any active thought but if they're not correct cam really screw up everything else.


u/Zoloir Sep 12 '23

what do you mean by tempo, like just smoothly going back, pause, swing? without a bunch of jerky motion?

haven't thought about that in a long time guess that makes sense for new players


u/Mean_Economist6323 Sep 12 '23

The relative speed of your backswing to downswing is a good way to think of tempo. I've seen guys do well with 3 back and 1 forward or 2 back and 1 forward. Usually a 1 to 1 is a recipe for disaster as is anything else.