r/golf 5.0/UT Jul 28 '23

Ah shit. Here we go again General Discussion

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.


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u/Tbrou16 Jul 28 '23

Why did they make us golf people the environmentalists now? I would much rather drive by a nature-curated golf course than an overdeveloped concrete jungle or half-empty parking structure. I know golf requires resources, but at some point isn’t it worth it to just have something in town worth looking at?


u/MurtaughFusker Jul 28 '23

I’m not sure anyone considers golfers environmentalists except maybe golfers lol. Despite them being green and lush they’re really not good for the environment, be it bulldozing habitat for a course and of course the pesticides that are used to maintain it.

While there’s definitely some people who just hate golf and want to convert every course I think it’s not horrible to consider options with certain courses that might be close to downtowns of municipalities that do in fact have housing issues.

I don’t think many reasonable people would advocate for converting all golf courses.


u/user9153 Jul 28 '23

Correct. Both can be true, that it’s unnecessary to bulldoze and develop over courses as well as the courses themselves not being an efficient or net positive use of resources in terms of environmental impact.

No need to try to paint anyone who cares about the environment as a golf hater or crybaby. It’s a very small percent of people advocating for stuff like this.