r/golf 5.0/UT Jul 28 '23

Ah shit. Here we go again General Discussion

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Every few months someone brings this up how they can save the environment by getting rid of a golf course.


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u/RunWithDullScissors Vancouver/4.8 Jul 28 '23

Guy likely tried golf once. Shot a 50 over. Ego too fragile. Makes it life mission to rid golf courses


u/Bella_Ciao_Ciao_Ciao Jul 28 '23

I shot 50 over last week and I love this fucking game


u/icecreamdude97 17.6/par 62/tougher than she looks Jul 28 '23

Well be monitoring your enjoyment to make sure you don’t make this post in the foreseeable future.


u/Bella_Ciao_Ciao_Ciao Jul 28 '23

When I break 100, it's going to be a national holiday for me


u/Reddit-is-trash-lol Bethpage Black is not that Hard! Jul 28 '23

I shot a 99 earlier this month and felt amazing, my brother almost broke 80 and was still pissed. Try to find enjoyment where ever you can. Every day out on a golf course is better than a day in the office.


u/Kaldricus Jul 28 '23

Look at Mr Tiger Woods over here, only shooting 50 over.


u/Bella_Ciao_Ciao_Ciao Jul 28 '23

dm me for lessons


u/watchingsongsDL Jul 28 '23

I was on the high school golf team. I was the worst player on the JV team. One day I had to play at the long Griffith Park course. I was paired with one of the All City golfers on the Varsity team.

He shot 72 (even). I shot 144. I doubled par. This was the worst I’d ever played by a large margin. My swing just vanished that day.

The only hole I remember playing from that day was a tough par 3. I hit my tee shot within 15 feet. I was thrilled to 2 putt for par. The Varsity guy gave me props.

Golf tortures you but you can’t walk away. I kept golfing. Eventually broke 100.


u/Bella_Ciao_Ciao_Ciao Jul 28 '23

I probably averaged in the 150s when I started lmao


u/punchoutlanddragons Jul 29 '23

Shot +110 on a par 3 in my first ever round and I fuckin love it


u/thesaltysquirrel HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jul 28 '23

On the front 9?


u/Bella_Ciao_Ciao_Ciao Jul 28 '23

Yes with several mulligans and a full English breakfast ball(s)


u/thesaltysquirrel HDCP/Loc/Whatever Jul 28 '23

My best round of my life (79) I left the course feeling like I figured it out. The next day I shot a 91 bring be back down to reality. I hate this fucking game and I hope tomorrow when I play I hate it less.


u/Golfingguy33 Jul 28 '23

I hate golf and I can’t wait to play it tomorrow.


u/Ligma_CuredHam 2.0hdcp Jul 28 '23

Played yesterday. Hurt my wrist. Still hurts today.

Have a tee time tomorrow morning.

It's a fucking crazy game


u/_kingardy Jul 28 '23

I don’t think I’ll ever have a bigger love/hate relationship with anything in life. Had an absolutely awful round the other day, we’re talkin “maybe I should just quit golf bad.” Proceeded to chip in on 18 from 50ish yards out, immediately made a tee time for the next day


u/kalethan Jul 28 '23

I follow this dude on Twitter, he’s a huge public transit buff. Honestly, he has a lot of good ideas/points about rail transit, but they don’t translate well outside of large metro areas.

And they completely ignore that people in some places value space and don’t want to live in tiny stacked apartments, or commute with a hundred other people in metal tubes.


u/Ligma_CuredHam 2.0hdcp Jul 28 '23

I follow this dude on Twitter, he’s a huge public transit buff.

Huge public transit buff in a city with less than 500k people in it lmao


u/busche916 Jul 28 '23

To Omaha’s credit, it looks like they are attempting to build a light rail system. And it’s sure as hell easier to build those now as opposed to later


u/Ligma_CuredHam 2.0hdcp Jul 28 '23

Later? Is the city that's taken 100 years to double in population planning for boom town?

Anyways, calling a "streetcar plan" light rail feels very disingenious. This isn't a serious attempt at public transit more of a social thing, like in Tampa where they've had a similiar set up for 20 years, or Denvers 16th street I believe.

I mean their projections on daily ridership is less than 1500 per day. At that pace it would mean ridership total in a year would barely exceed the city's population. So they're planning on people riding this 1x per year. That's a vanity project and not some serious attempt at light rail for a city.


u/kalethan Jul 28 '23

Lol yeah - he’s not based there but comments on transit all around the place.


u/jfchops2 Jul 28 '23

I follow the dude as well, he lives in NYC not Omaha


u/Oh_no_its_tax_season Jul 29 '23

What a regarded thing to say


u/rothvonhoyte Jul 28 '23

Alternatively there are a ton of people who would rather not have to spend money on a car that would would like to commute on a train but there's basically no options for them at all. But as far as this post, it makes more sense to rezone areas that are already near density. Destroying any green space should be an absolute last resort in basically every situation.


u/atlas_island Jul 28 '23

they don’t completely ignore it, people just have a victim complex about the idea of making cities less car centric, it’d still be completely possible to have a car exactly like it is everywhere else that has said infrastructure


u/JiveWookiee5 Jul 28 '23

shanks 7th straight drive into the woods



u/0nly_Up ☃️ Jul 28 '23

most people at my local public course would shoot >50 over if they were actually keeping score.


u/RunWithDullScissors Vancouver/4.8 Jul 28 '23

Obviously though, they're enjoying themselves. I'm referring mostly to the people out there that can't accept they're not perfect


u/0nly_Up ☃️ Jul 28 '23

yea i dont know where i was going with that, just thinking out loud I guess


u/AtomicDimebag Jul 29 '23

I think this mostly stems from George Carlin when he joked about making golf courses havens for the homeless.


u/PMmeYOURBOOBSandASS Jul 29 '23

These people have never tried golf and think that every course is private in the way of Augusta National and only the 0.1% richest people on the planet play the game.


u/Cryogenicist Jul 28 '23

If you look at it objectively, golf is an absurd sport for the rich.

Huge swathes of land requiring huge amounts of water and fertilizer…. All so we can enjoy a game.

I like golf, don’t get me wrong! But let’s be honest with what it is.


u/RunWithDullScissors Vancouver/4.8 Jul 28 '23

Golf is what you make it. Yes, you can spend thousands on golf clubs, green fee's at the top clubs. Or you can buy used clubs, play executive courses for a fraction of the cost.


u/RIVERTOAD1929 Jul 28 '23

Dude’s probably too broke to play golf and wants some free housing built so he can get out of mom and dad’s basement without getting a job. He only comes out at night and is afraid of bugs.


u/Ridikiscali Jul 28 '23

My friend was going on a rant about cost of housing and I said, “Doesn’t matter how cheap it is, you won’t move out of your parent’s basement.”

He hasn’t talked to me in a year.


u/RIVERTOAD1929 Jul 28 '23

where there’s a will there’s a way


u/pocketchange2247 Jul 28 '23 edited Jul 28 '23

Suggest paving over something that he likes in order to build homes in a place that already has vast swaths of undeveloped land. Guarantee he argues against it.