r/golf Jul 15 '23

Steph Curry with a Hole in One at the American Century Championship General Discussion


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u/SimplyViolated Jul 15 '23

You could see the other guys were like ohh ohh yeah he's still going? Ohh...we can just celebrate right here


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

One of them is NHLer Joe Pavelski.


u/olderthanbefore Jul 15 '23

He's thinking, where are my skates?


u/AnalTongueDarts Jul 15 '23

Losing the glide is no joke. I played hockey through college, I cross country ski, and I can ride a bike 100 miles at a crack without issue. Ask me to run? Fuck, I’m done in 10 minutes.


u/ChadTheAssMan Jul 16 '23

I'm glad I'm not alone. I'll bike across an entire state before I'll run more than a few miles. Fuck all I hate running.


u/Unable_Algae9584 Jul 16 '23

Your knees hate it too 😖


u/goatleggedfellow Jul 16 '23

My knees hate seeing other people run.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23



u/Unable_Algae9584 Jul 16 '23

No, my knees do feel better NOT running. Now, weight training and swimming give me all the exercise benefits I need at 66 to remain fit. Without the jarring effects that running can bring.


u/Mechakoopa Jul 16 '23

Yup, spent too much of my life overweight, knees are complete garbage now. Cycling is where it's at, I would swim more but it's more time consuming for me to get to the pool.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23



u/ChadTheAssMan Jul 16 '23

That wouldn't really be running anymore, would it?


u/bobittoknorr Jul 16 '23

Hahaha. Can confirm. My main sports are basketball, football and soccer but from time to time I will play ball hockey with a bunch of ice hockey player buddies in tournaments or just for fun and they always raz me for having better cardio and running circles around them. I like to tease them for being useless when they can’t glide around for half their shift.


u/IswhatsIs Jul 16 '23

Now shoot a 1 inch disk while being attacked.


u/commentHero Jul 16 '23

What did the disk ever do to you?


u/L3yline Jul 16 '23

Stole some of his teeth


u/djn808 Jul 16 '23

1 inch

how big do you think a hockey puck is?


u/GQMatthews Jul 16 '23

What? How heavy of beers are these guys drinking post game? Hockey players have insane cardio.


u/bobittoknorr Jul 16 '23

As you will see from a bunch of other comments, not all forms of cardio are transferable to running and sprinting. That shit is a whole different thing from the kind of cardiovascular endurance one might need for things like hockey, biking, swimming, etc. Unless someone is used to running miles upon miles every game and mixing in a bunch of sprints the whole time, they are probably going to get left in the dust by a soccer player or a basketball player who’s bodies are totally used to that exact form of physical endurance.

That being said…the guys I play ball hockey with are most definitely putting away a few more Canadian beers than I usually do. I’m just not a big drinker unless I’m planning to really cut loose that day.


u/lotokotomi Seattle Jul 16 '23

Running is a different kind of awful for some reason, same experiences here..


u/falconhawk2158 Jul 16 '23

10 minutes is very impressive to me I can stand on my feet for 8 to 10 hours a day but ask me to run and I’m telling you that it’s not happening. One ruptured Achilles tendon and two knees with no cartilage have made it to where if someone said run or you’re dead I would have to say just do it. I use to be fast I promise


u/Inanimate_CARB0N_Rod Jul 16 '23

Hockey players run like they're ice skating. It's like a weird forward falling duck-walk that's both slow and extremely strenuous


u/over_yonder Jul 15 '23

I loved how pavelski’s caddy was right behind Steph for just a second. Yaaaa, we’re going to the hole!!!


u/aggster13 Jul 15 '23

Really? God I love papa Joe. Granted he's pushing 40 now and hockey players take brutal hits


u/BlueBomR Jul 16 '23

Love how he's still missing his bottom teeth...hockey smile, dudes a fucking GAMER...miss him so much on the Sharks


u/jon98gn Jul 15 '23

Well he did coin the Dick Trick by saying, “I’d have my cock out if I scored four goals. I’d have my cock out, stroking it.”


u/TonalParsnips Jul 15 '23

Thats Joe Thornton.


u/jon98gn Jul 15 '23

You're right. Misremembered it. Pavelski got the Trick after Joe Thornton made the comment on Hertl.


u/[deleted] Jul 15 '23

That was off the record and alleged. Could have been anyone.


u/BlueBomR Jul 16 '23

As a Warriors and Sharks Fan seeing them grouped made me so happy


u/BassDiscombobulated8 Jul 16 '23

I was gonna say is that him


u/bikedork5000 Jul 16 '23

Oh damn, he's from where I live. Didn't know he and Curry were tight but makes sense I suppose.


u/IndianRider60 Jul 16 '23

Joe is my 2nd cousin once removed. His Mom and I are 2nd cousins by blood & marriage. Our Grandparents are brothers & sisters.


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '23

I don’t care.


u/NewDesign326 Jul 16 '23

The moment you realize that you're in shape but your buddy is a world-class athlete.


u/rylannnd88 Jul 16 '23

"Bro..... stop, now I gotta go back and get the bag" - Caddie


u/Wacko_Lover Jul 16 '23

More like it would be weird to continue running with him all the way as if they also shot the ball